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M1,fl", <br /> . . . a�!�t�l�• <br /> '}i <br /> jc�nt tenant of ail prpperty helci in jcint tenanc�r k�y Dec�ased; <br /> th�t sa�d Nall Ccunty Livgstoek ±�n�rove�ent r.ssociatic:n� ?'nc. , <br /> a �3ebraska corparatien, i� th� cievi�ee af csrtain Iand d�vise�i <br /> for s�ecifically stated �urposes , �nd is th� resnainderman �f <br /> oth�r r�al es#.ate; tt��t said City cf G��nd isl�nd� :���ar�sk� , a <br /> t¢�a1 Cc�spor�ti��}n, �.s a conditicn�l devise� by condition <br />` su�seque�rt in ths event cf failu�re or refu�al of saia 'r�all <br /> County Liv�stcck Impa-ov�ment j•ssocia ticn, Znc. . to com�:ly s�it}� <br /> can�it?c;ns af the devises in its i�vor, <br /> 3. Th�t the time fixeci �y t�is C'curt far th� fil�ng cf <br /> clafms agas.nst �aid Estate h�s e2��.:sed; that certain claim� <br /> yvere filea wh4ch were allc�ved �y the Ceurt; that the order a11ow- <br /> ina clai�ns ana �arring clairas nct th�retofars filed rvas en- <br /> �er�d �y t�is (;eurt c�rf :'.'�y 26, 1Q4�: ; that tt�e c3.�im cf .-eb�stz�n <br /> Gim;�le :in ti;e r�m �::f �l�'.�C ir��: �een ��iu �y th� �,:x�cutrix snd <br /> recei�t shc�ring � aym�nt thereof:. �vs been fii�d with this Court; <br /> �r:at. tt�e claz� of �e,�ma . . �'cnner i;� ti�e s�Ez� of "�Z,43+�.85 �vas <br /> fil��' �nr� a11Qwe� f�r �.ur��osss of tax cam�.utaticns, anc �ay- <br /> r��nt thereof nas �cen waived Uy the said En�na E� Fonnsr. <br /> 4. That t�e �xa�erty in s�id est�te has besn e��rais�d <br /> by this Cc;urt far purposes of deterrainaticn cf inherit�nce� <br /> tax liability; tha�t the C-r+der of this Caurt dete�rsining in- <br /> heritance tax under the law� nf the State af A3eb.asks ,c��s <br /> �nt�red an �,ugust 11, 3�$0; that the t�x deternained and ordered � <br /> h�� bsen paid in fu3.1 by said Exeeutrix, and th� official re- <br /> cei�t of the Treasurer of Hall Caunty, Nebraska is on fil� <br /> with this Court. <br /> 5. That a Federai Estats Tax return was prepared by s�id <br /> Executrix and ws� �il�d with the Internal r�evenue 5srvie� t <br /> that � �ieter�n�.natir�n has be�n �nade �h�t said Estate is not <br /> sub��ct to pay�a�nt of feds��I est�te t�x, and the Estate Tax <br /> Closing Lettt� i�sued by �h� Ur�ited 5tates Tr�a�ary Depar�srent <br /> c�� C�ett�ber �8, 19�0 finding no liability for Ferderal �st�t� <br /> Tax �nd �1��#.�g �aid c�se ha� bee� �'iled with this Cc�u�c�t. <br /> 6. That De��aa�sed ar�s tha +�wnsr at the ti�e af his death <br /> 2. <br /> ` <br />