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<br />' OF
<br /> I, August Lewis Fonner, a resident of the City of Grand Island,
<br /> County of Hall, State of Nebraska, bein� of' lawful age, of sound and ,�
<br /> disposing mind and memory, and not under any restraintt, do hereby
<br /> make, publish and declare this to be my I:ast Will and Testament.
<br /> FIRST
<br /> I order and direct that my F'xecutrix, hereinafter named, p ay all
<br /> of my �ust debts, fun�ral and testamentary expenses, as soon after
<br /> my death as conveniently may be done .
<br /> SECOND �
<br /> �;
<br /> I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Emma E. Fonner, and
<br /> to her heirs at law, absolutely and forcver, all of my personal prop-
<br /> erty of whatever nature and wherever situate, said personal prop�rty
<br /> to include all moneys, bank accounts, contracts, personal effects,
<br /> household furnishings, and in fact ever� item of property owned by me '�
<br /> except real estate which is hereinafter devised, With respect to the
<br /> many i�ems of property which I own which are relic� and anti.ques, or �
<br /> which have historical interest, these also are her�by given and be-
<br /> queathed to my wif'e in order tha� she can carry out the understand-
<br /> ing which we have with respect to such items. �
<br /> �
<br /> THIR D
<br /> I give and devise the land which originally comprised the O.K.
<br /> Store tracti said tract being the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest
<br /> Quarter (NE4SW4) of Section Twenty-two ( ?_2) , Township Eleven(11)
<br /> North, Range Nine (9)i, West of the 6th P.I�I. in Hall Gounty, Nebraska,
<br /> to Ha11 County Livestock Improvement Association, Inc,, a Neb- �
<br /> raska non-profit corporation, for the following purposes and under the �
<br /> following conditions: �
<br /> ;A`
<br /> El) �hatr said entire tract be used as a site for an auditorium,
<br /> museum or historical building, or some combination of such b uilding
<br /> or buildings which shall be consistent with and in harmony with the f�;
<br /> objects and purpoaes of said non-profit corporation, to the end that -
<br /> said tract shall be used only for charitable, educ�tional, recreation- ;'
<br /> �l or eultural purposes, and not for the personal ;_: benefit of any in-
<br /> dividual or individualsa Said tract shall be used f'or agricultural ��;
<br /> purposes for not r�ore,�han three years, and thereaf'ter it shall be
<br /> seeded and improved in the nature of a park until said tract is used
<br /> as above directed.
<br /> (2} Tn.at in the event this devise does not qualify as a char- ;;
<br /> itable testamentary disposition which is exempt from Federal and �
<br /> State estate, inheritance and suceession taxes, said non-profit cor- �
<br /> poration shaZl pay any such taxes found due f rom my estate which re-
<br /> sult from any devise of property or interest therein to said non- �'
<br /> profit corporation under any provisions of this, my Last Will and �.
<br /> Testament, <
<br /> �ugust Lewis Fonner
<br /> �
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