� i
<br /> IT IS TNER£�(jRE ORDER�D, ADJUDGE�, r�ND D�CI�E�D that
<br /> all cl�ic�s not nov� an file a�e forever barred.
<br /> The Court finds thst ��#eda Dii�berr� �lied ur�aTri�d, n�r
<br /> husbattd having pr�c�eceased her, in�esta�e, an the 3Gth day
<br /> of Nove�ber, 1959; th�t at the tis�e vf her death she v�as a
<br /> citiz�n and resident of Hall Ccunty, Nebraska, and that thi�
<br /> Court has juri�dicti�n; tha� shp left surviving �ex as her
<br /> sole and only h�:irs at law, the following na�ed persons:
<br /> Ralph Di:�bern, a son, `�foc>d Rive�, Nebraska,
<br /> E l la Hetrick, a dsughter, Gr�nd I=land , A�eh�^a:�ka, and
<br /> I�ohn Dibb�xr�. a san, �i8�1 ��at��8:�3rd Nlace, Hav�thorr�Q, Galif. ;
<br /> �'dil�.iam Aibbern , a qrand�en, �nd P�mela �#.'�b�rn ane�
<br /> S�lly �'i�bern, gran�daughters, 1223 Grang�r Ave. ,
<br /> Lake�voad, �hic, the ch?1dT�r af 3�rn�xt Pi.k��ern,
<br /> whc� predecea�ed his mother.
<br /> The Caurt finds that Clarencs �3:�bern, anothe�, san, died un-
<br /> �a�rr��d without �hi2dren previous to hi.s �othQr, and that
<br /> Friet�s �ibbern was left as the sol� t�eir of Clarence Bibb��n.
<br /> sol� t�€ir� af Fri��i� �ihb�rn, Ge�easeei, a�e aa folloars: -
<br /> Ralgh I�ibb�rn, � san; fil�a Hetrick, a c��ught+er; Johka '
<br /> Uibbern, a son; �'i].lia€� �ibz�ern, a grand�an; Sa11y £•ibbern,
<br /> a gr�r�cida�ghtea�. and Paeael� L�ibbern, a grandd�ught�r.
<br /> IT IS THEREFOR� oi�ER�D, F+DJtJ�G�D aNU ��CR,�E;� by i�e
<br /> Court th�� the Execv�or do �,ay tc the f�l.lowirtg narnea �Ersons
<br /> th� ��aour�ts s�t #orth as their s!-�ar� �ftex th�i.r n�m�s, �:�d
<br /> �pc�n paying the ��� and fi7.�.ng of r�c�i�ts th�r�€ar they
<br /> be discharg�+3 as l�dmir�i�t�s�ors and th�ir b�nd r�leaseci:
<br /> �a��t� a�b���� $ ��ei.a2
<br /> Ella H�trick bt��.42
<br /> .Tc�t�n I7ibberra _ bC►G�4�
<br /> �ti�.�iar� Dib�ern 24C�.14
<br /> P�r��l� bibb��n �f��.�4
<br /> ��l�y Uibbe�r� 2UC�.3:4
<br /> �`��f'.�l
<br /> The Cau�t fuarther �'ind� th�t th� dece�����1 w�� �t th�
<br /> tims of her d�ath .the c�er of the fall�wir��-� rib�d ���1
<br /> �st�te: :
<br /> � ,.,F:�. } ,�,,:�.� �• ��_. -�.� _ �.
<br />