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<br /> ;'` Ii`d TN� ��tli� �4�'T 4F =�i��.L'�4t�f, ��RASI�
<br /> ;� IN TI�E i�AT'T�R �?� '�'H� ESTA'T� ` .
<br /> �' p�" FZ�T�I� �t'.N,��
<br /> _,,
<br /> ��w on this 9th day �af D��e�b��, 19+6'�, �his Eause �a�
<br /> nn ta b� t��a:�1 �n tt�� fi�ta3. �eport t��' '�hs Ad��.nist�ea��s�s,
<br /> Ra3:ph Dibb��r�: ar�d �11� �i�'�r�.ck, a�d th� C��t�� naw being ful�.p
<br /> a�vl,sed 9.n the ps�s�is�s �'inds th�t r�at:i��r l�a� bsen �iv+�n of
<br /> the ti�e ��d p�.�t� fix�r+� f�� haar9.ng c��a s�i+d �i�►�l �e�pozt,
<br /> ��d t�at th�re a�� na nb,����ir�n� �n #'i�.e. �`h� ��urt f�.r�ds
<br /> th�t th� �d�ir�ist�ra�E+Q�s h��re th��it� �c�r��tr��ed �'�� al� th�
<br /> gc��ds an�l ��s�ts s�f dece�sed which I�ave �c��n� .�:r�to th+�ir
<br /> know�.�dge ar p���e�sion �nd that the►y h�ve in a11 thi.t��� c��-
<br /> plir�d w�ith erder� t�f this roc��t.
<br /> �T rs T�RE�c� Cx�pERET�, AAL1Jil����3, �� ������� by the
<br /> C�urt th�� �a�.d �"�.n�l r���rt �� �.n �1� thi�g� t�u� �nc� cc��se+��,
<br /> and the sa�� fs h��c�by ratified, s����v►�d, �i�€i cc�nfiar�a�md.
<br /> The Ccurt fir�ds tFz�t since the� f�.d.i�� �f s�id ��pt��t
<br /> th� �drninist�a��or� h��� �a,aid tk�� i�z�u�ra�nc� p�a��-u�s #�n �he ,
<br /> �€na�ant o� �l�.�i7 t�n th� t�c�use a�v�n�d b� �+e�e���cl :a� th+� t�.me
<br /> af E��r ���th r and t�av� pa�.d ��r�ta�a�. p�,����t t���� in �h�
<br /> sum of �15��6, u�hf�ch shou3.d be d�duct�d fra�► t�ae bal.�nc�s an
<br /> h�nel, �.e�v�.ne� � balance er� h�nd vf ��,863,�2* T�r� C�u�t
<br /> �ind� th�t cau�t eost� a�r� th� sum �f �6�.1�, and �tta�e�
<br /> €�+a�, in �ccc���n�� with the bar s�h�duTe �r+� the su� �f
<br /> �444�.�3C�, �r�dk �he �d�3�n3.�t��t�r� �re h���b��€ t�ti�3�r�� �+a. ��y
<br /> ti�a s��� upt�� pa�yn�rr�� a�" th►� s�� �h� Cc�urt. �i�� tt���a
<br /> w��:� b� �.+��'� ��a� d3.�tr�.b��.i�r� tt�s s�� ca� ��.�4��,:.�7. T�i�
<br /> Cou�t �'�,nda� th� �s��at� �.� r�at �ub��c� tt� �ith�t� T����$�
<br /> Es�ate t�x +a� 5���� In�+e��t�n+�+� ���� �b�� '�#�� ��p+�r��i�� o°�`
<br /> a�sair►��tratia�a, �xa�p� �� t�e�reinb�t�Q�+� ��: ���h� �►�tid ��� `
<br /> �
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<br /> ,
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<br /> �c�x��h+�� finds t�,.a�� ����c� w�s q���� �� ��� �t��e �`�.�c+�c# �'��
<br /> ��,1��.ng cl�i� ��►d �he �i.�re t�+�ar ,�+��� �is�c� �a;��ed +�� s�pi�!d.
<br /> x
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