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<br /> Ie�vi�g � b�lsace aa��'t�3. 9�, wh�cla ia dis�ributabl� ae ��#3€�w�;o��-third t� Ag�ia� '�. �''c�d��. 'a
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<br /> �re df�tsibuta►ble,�ane-t�i:rd '�v A�as �. �ar�€34A,c���s-t�irs3 �ca J.�1�,lkm�tn S�r+itz�z,c�ta�-�tarth #cr
<br /> I�tlt�r Bil� �v�ritz�r,a��l a�e-�ix��i t€+ L•uci�r�ce �wit�rar.
<br /> 5, '��e ��s� f�t.rtt��r firsds ���L �dr� A'. �witxer, �i�ce�as�+�,�� Lh� v�nn�r af ac�
<br /> ur.e�ivi+�ffd oxie-�lf i�t�r�sE it� '��t 'l. �31�c'� sU, i:. �e�3ir.�a:�r'� .�a�tiitio�� �a the cf�:�r ta�' G��.ad
<br /> Is1a�rlF �.�I� G�t�nt�, �Te�r�s��a, �,�rzic;h un�:.�ia::,; cau�-:�i� �n�.�xa�t :� of t#�� val�� m� �27��.�Q,
<br /> ans� �ri�ich cxadivided esae-Eaai£ is�r��t,�t d�s��c���c� a�rxc� �t�o�i� b� ���i���d; �s�.�-�hird caf esi.t� un-
<br /> �3iV~ic��d �r�es-tsalf iat�zes# to �h���g Y�". ;��s�dia, ���;-i:�ifrc� �:�: ��:�i� �a�di�idec� �n�-��:�' ixtt�a���t
<br /> t� .d.i�iilrnan �wi�izer, on�-e�axt�i Qf s�.�.d u�c��E�3�� c�Y:�.�-la:�ks. ir�ie�e�t :� ���4e� �ii�l �vwit�e�,
<br /> and crrze-�ixt� �f said u�di.vided �n�-�s�.i; ;�t�r.E�t tw i.ucigr�ac� Svvitzwr; tl�at a�y +at��a �rc►p,��ty
<br /> n�st �zc�w knca� or w�P�i�h n-:a�z h�reaf�er �� �i��o��e���. de�cer�s�� by l�.vr �nd �hould bE ��s�i��a�d,
<br /> ane-�hircl tu Agt�e� �. �'4fli�iC3, o:�s-#�ird �o .7. �3fhirz�a.r� ��rit�c�r; or��-�ixti� tca ���lt;rr �ill r
<br /> 1,
<br /> Swita�r, and or►e-ai�€th t4 T�.,ucigr�.e� ��a�i��r.
<br /> 6, `�'�at €�� a�r.�u�� :��s�ri��:�.-ats�� t� ���!�z�;� fr;, '�oadin ux�d�� ttai� �eer��s, ��-
<br /> geth�� r�ai.�h gr�r��x�y h�ld in suxv�€�s�rshi� v�itt� s�f� ci�eet3et�ir,az�ouv,t'�,;tm Ie�� t�i��. �i?��. 33,
<br /> ali �f vv�.i�t� i$ ex�t�pt from 4n4ae�it�.�c� t�.:�; ;h�.v �h� axg�c►�sr�2 cii���ib��bl�i ta J", �i,llxnaa�
<br /> S�itaer ue�e��r t�is s�ecre�e to��t�i�r v;r€t`r� pxe��erfy �i��ci in �u�viv€�����p v�t��ts t�t� cl���d�ntp
<br /> ��aaout��� tc� 1d�� #t�,n �1Z49. 33, ur�i.eh a�nau�t 4� ���rr:p� frca�r, in�e�i�a.�c:e taats ��i�.� t��
<br /> �mcs�n� 8istribes�bi� and �.a�f��d to �al��r �:il S�ri.�see�� i� ��7�J. 6�a �.ne� �h� ��a�ae i� e:�c�mgt
<br /> f�cc�� infi��ri#ax�ea tm,x, �nd �h� ar.���nt �'ia�rib�ta��� anc� �:����ned ta� Ls�cigrace �v�itz��^ i�s
<br /> ;��7Q. 6€, �.aad th� ia.r�e is €s��Yr:�s# €r�rr� f��ieri�.r�� t��; tia�t thc arrcr�urzt af ��5.t3� l��sid ir�
<br /> �urviw���3.�s va�ttt .l���e� E.. ��ri��e�°§ �. a��te�°�d�-i��sr, �:a�cl �h� �.mou�� rs� �e 5.Gt�, F��1r� ia�
<br /> s�.rwiv��°�iai� �th Je��� Lk. 1��+di�a. �, �iro�t��r-ira-I�w, �.re� ca��rnpt �rarr;; �.nh�r,it�.nr.p �ax,
<br /> aed #k�t the �s�p�ev�►, J�hx� D. Wgcedfns rec�i�re�� t's�a��rt3ararentbt�nd� a� tls� ��.�� �1t�+� c�f
<br /> �21�5.�T�, ar�� �f t�c net �*.�lu� n� � � �;¢a ".• 9 aiad wt�aei� ��3.c� �ur� %� �x+��s�t �ar�t� i�:-
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