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<br /> IN Ttfi� T�.4.TTER OF THE �STAT� OF �
<br /> � ; D E C R E E
<br /> �.NN I`�. KELLO�(�,. AECEASED. �
<br /> idow on this 1'7th day of Novecnber, 1960, this matter came
<br /> an to "�� heard upon the Fin�l Repart of John F. i�cCarthy, Ad-
<br /> r���tni�trator o£ �he Estats of Ann M. Ke�.log�, deeea�ed, and upon
<br /> th� Pet�.�ion o�' said John F, ItilcCarthy, Administrator, for the
<br /> allvw�r�ce a�.d apprav�l of h�s Final Repor�, settlem�nt of said
<br /> e�ta��� �.y�d his dischar�e herein.
<br /> Ti�.�, C;��xrt being fu11y advised in �he premises finds that
<br /> du� an� le�al notice has besn given ta all p�rsons of the ti!�e and
<br /> place i"ixed by the Court for th� heariri� upQn said F3na1 Report.
<br /> There tae3.n�; no ob�ections to said repor.t, an�. the Caurt having
<br /> exam.ir�ed t-.:ie sa�n� to��ther w�.�h th� vcuchers vn fa.1e, finds said
<br /> report is true an.d th� sama ought to be approved and allowed as and
<br /> f'or the Final Report of said Administrator, said estate settied
<br /> and closed, �nd the Admini�trator discharged.
<br /> Trae Go�rt furth�r f°inds that Ann P�:. I�ellogg, departed this
<br /> 3.3fe an the 25th. day of February, i9�o, �nd that at the time of her
<br /> �eath �ras a resident and inhabitant o� Hall County, Nebrasl.a. T���t
<br /> the saicz �nn ��o Kellogg, �ied intestate, and that a Peti�on for
<br /> the p.rolaa�� s�f her estate was filed on or about the �Y� day�
<br /> of If�ay, 196Q, askinn that said esta�e be adr�itted to probate anc� �,,et-
<br /> ters of Administration be granted to John F. McCarthy, upon the
<br /> goods, r°eal estate, ehattel5, rights and credits of the said Hnn
<br /> N"=_. Kella��, deceased. That upon a hearing held upon said Petition,
<br /> a�ter notice was rluly �iven to al.l persons interested in sazc es-
<br /> t�te9 sai� �state was adm3.tted 'to probat� on the 22nd day of June,
<br /> 1960, �nd Letter� of Administrat3.on were duly issued by this Court
<br /> to John �. ��cCarthyp on the Estate of Ann P�. Kello�g, deceased.
<br /> fihe Court �'u.rther f3.nds that due an� legal notice ha5 been
<br /> �iv�;n to all persons of the time and place fix�d by th� Court
<br /> for the filin� of claims a�;ainst said estate of said deceased, and
<br /> that thP time so fixed has fu11.y expired, and all persons having
<br /> elaims �.�;aiz�st said estate not filed within the time li�nit�d by
<br /> the �ourt, are farever barr�d and exe3uded from setting up or° as-
<br /> serti.n� any �uch clair� a�ainst said e�tate.
<br /> Th,e Cvurt further finds that Ann P�s Ke7.].ogg, was the own�r
<br /> oi" the following described parcel of real estate, to-wit:
<br /> Part of the Southeast Quarter (SE�) of Sect�:on Four
<br /> (�.), Tawnship Ten (10), Range Pdine �9), in rIal`l County,
<br /> Nebraska, the same being a plat of ground 306i x 24b•4�
<br /> a�ount3.ng to 1.5 acres, in Hal1 County, I�ebraska.
<br /> Th� Court £urther find� that John �^''�ogg, husband o�' Ann
<br /> ��fo Ke11og�, has paid all the doctar, k��s�ical, and funeral bi].ls�
<br /> along w�.th the costs of this probate proceed�.ngs, includ�ng court
<br /> ca�ts, attorneyts f ees and ar3mi.ni�trator�`s fees, and that the said
<br /> John Kello��, �akes no claim against th� estate for the repayment
<br /> of these costs.
<br /> Th� Court furthe� finds from the file that Notice has
<br /> been �i�ren to ail persons interested in the estate, as required
<br /> by 1avu, �nd that the Affidavits are on file showing notices have
<br /> been served.
<br /> The Court f'urther finds that Ann M. Kellogg, leFt surviving
<br /> her as her heir� and only heirs at law, her husband, John Kellogg,
<br /> and a dau�hter, Jacquelyn Wehn.
<br /> The Court further finds ther� is no inherit�nce tax due
<br /> the State of Nebraska, or fedsra�. esta�a �ax du� th� United States
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