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<br /> of the 6th P.M. Ha11 County, Nebr�aska, etansi�ting of Three Hundred and
<br /> Eleven (311� acrea, zaorr� �r le�s, whi�h w�s sola by �ne Ex�cutor pur-
<br /> suant to directions and prvvisions of the La�.s� L��.11 and 3'estament of
<br /> the �said Robert Berg, ds�eas�d,
<br /> �. That by the t�er�ns of' �he Will of said de��aa�d, all fund�
<br /> remaining aftsr gayment of a11 debte� fun�ral expenae�, costs of ad-�
<br /> mini�tration an� taace� is bequeathed tn the first cousins af �h� de-
<br /> ceased� all as detex�nined by this Caur� by decr�e entered Jul�r 9, 19��,
<br /> and should b� as�igned and del3v�red td th�m.
<br /> including the Fina3 Report and Account of th� Exeeutor herein b� and
<br /> the sams hereby are �et�Cled, allowed and approved; tha� the statements
<br /> ax�d allegat�ons in �he Fet�.tion for Final Settlement �re �rue and carrect;
<br /> that �he estate has be�n duly administereda a:nd all claim�, d�b�s and
<br /> expense� of adminis�cratian have been duly paid; that there h�s be�n a
<br /> de�ermination of inheritance tax due the State oF Nebraska f"r°om the
<br /> heirs, legatees and devisees of th� deceased which has been p�id and
<br /> tk�at the Federai estate tax has been paid; that there is left in th�:
<br /> na�as of tl�e Execu�or the sum of �3,351.73 and that the E',xecu�or is
<br /> ordered and directed �o pay $1$6v20 t� each af the 1� heirs, d�visee�,
<br /> bene�iciaries, or their legal represent��i�res, as the fir�1 dis�;ribu�3�n
<br /> in addi'Pion �Ga �3,500.00 paid to each o£ them through prior distributions;
<br /> that Robert Berg died �estate, a residen� of Hall Co�znty, Netsraska,
<br /> nn the 23rd da� d#° Jul.y, 1957 leaving as his sol.e and only hei�°s at
<br /> law the per5ons named in the dseree entered hergin July �, 195�i tha�
<br /> said deceaaed died seiz�,d of the rea3, sstate described in paragraph 7
<br /> above which waa �ola bv the Executor pursu�nt to the terms and au�hor�.ty
<br /> �;a.ven in the Last �ill and fiestament of Robert Berg, deceased; said
<br /> �ace�utor is d3rected to make deliverp of said cash to the 1$ first
<br /> c�u��ns as determined by the Court and that upon filing of receipts
<br /> bgr said beneficiaries indicat3ng payment to them o#' their net dis-
<br /> tributive share that a fora�al c�rder af discharge issued to the �cscutor
<br /> herein. �-
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