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<br /> B� �`� ���$I�B�R�� �,�1$t �art �h�ls � d$y caf 5ept�mber, �.�F�C�,
<br />' t�i� m�tt�z a�rie Q� b�far� the Cau.rt for hearine an th� p�:titj�n �'r;
<br /> f.
<br /> i �iled �.erein far a d�►tera�i:nation �� fnheritan�e t�x ewinc� c�n
<br />�
<br /> g�ae�unt of the death af t�swald P�te�een, becet�s�d, the pe-�ita on �;
<br /> h�v�.z�� been �i�.�d t����in c�n �h� 22nd day r�f Auguast, a9�0, tac�-ther
<br /> wa�.h a t�bl���ry �pp���ut��, �l�iv�r an.d Cansent sign�d �r:d ���c:�;��r�
<br /> b� Gerald B. Bv.��h3.�x�, County �t 4orn�y of Ha;ll C�untyr, �aek�r�i.:�:�.,
<br />. �.d �n the said d�te thi� Laurt ha�ing duly mar�e and enter�c�. �n
<br /> c�zd�r �indin� that t�nr�a P�t�r��n w��ss the c�nZy �ex�o:� �.�ainsr_ :az,am
<br /> inheritance fia�c co�zld be a�s�s�ed iz� thi� r�roc�ec�in�� ��d <�xd�Y���:
<br /> ��tat na�tiee of h�arinc� as rec�uir�ct by ��etic�n 77-2`v j.o;,�, ;���v�.:�d
<br /> �tatut�s r�f �7ebraak� for 1943, �s �c�nded., be dispenssd with,
<br /> and th�at �ch p�tition be �et fox hearing on t�.e 5th c��y of
<br /> i
<br /> �egtem.ber, I96a, �t 1fl:Q� �,��., �,uch h�arin�r hnvix�� ks�en ct,n�i:zued
<br /> fsom da� tcs day srinee su�h dat� �n �r�cstior� esf �h� c�ttQxn�y a+�� ��;�
<br /> p��titicner t -the p�st#.ti�►nsx bein� pr�sen� i� C;c�urt and ;�pr���n Led
<br /> hy hax afi�oz�►ey, Jta�e� I. Shaz$ber�, €�nd t�e Couzt having h�axci
<br /> th� e4id�nc� and being fia],1� advi��d in the pxe.��nis�s fir.cis as
<br /> �ollowgs
<br /> That Gsw�1c1 Peter�en depai•ted th�s 1.i�e er: t�-ze ��t_`� ;�a,�r o{:
<br /> � ��.y� I36[!, snd �� t�e- t�� af Y�is d�ath wae a r��siden� and �nr�.abitant
<br /> caf Ha11 Cour�ty, �iebxask�; tha.t a� �.he ti�e� s�f hi.�c �ieath th� s�id ,;
<br /> C�w�id P�����er� �ata�s nofi po��i�asser� af any pxop�xtg �ubj�ct to
<br /> +ada�ini�►-E�+�#ie+�. i�t �he Sta�� of R�ebsa�ka or els�rhexe but �r�� �the '
<br />�; a��r as j�si�t t��� with the pstitio��r, his surviving �ridc��, ';,
<br /> i 1�a P�te���, �af� ��i� foll��vring de.�cxib�d xeal e�tat�:
<br /> I.�� l�i�� (9 j� Blac� Si� (6), in �oe�Ier Placs in
<br />; _ ��e ��.��+ c�.� �raA� ��l��d, �i�ra�ka,
<br />; �
<br />,;
<br />`4 �, ,�
<br />