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r � r <br /> STXTH � <br /> The cour�C furLhsr tinds tbat G�org� Fotinos ha� persanally paid <br /> all vou�t omet� and at�Corney fems, an.d that no eapenees of administrg- <br /> tioa nar debts againe� thits e�tete are unpaid; that George Fotinos waives <br /> gr�,y c�eim Yor payme�t or reinbursea�ent to him out of the assete of this <br /> e�tete far such expendituree by him on b�half of thls e$ta.te and he <br /> xafves ar�y ad�ini�tretor'e ts+�; �haL a11 published notice� have been <br /> �egt to th� �ev�ral pgrti�s having a legal intere�� in the proceedingB <br /> rePsrred to ia sueh noticas, a� far a� petitioner-administrator and his <br /> attorn�� were ab�e to aactertain after dil9.geat tnvesti�ation and inquiry <br /> and �Ehet aFiidaviLe to the sending of such notices are on <br /> file in th�.a cause, all as by lax required; �.nd tha.t certificates per- <br /> taining to p�.yment of p�rsor�al ta= owing by ffiaid deceased snd by thls <br /> s�tat� hav� aleo be�en Pl.lad herein by the Caunty Assessar and County <br /> Tr+�asurer o� Hall County, Nebrasks, and that there is no personal taa <br /> c2ue ar a�ing in this estate. <br /> IT IS TIiEREFQRE ORDERED, ADJIIDGE� And decreed by the court that the <br /> finsl report of Gearge Fotinos, Adminietrater herein, be and the same <br /> ia her�b� a3loxed and approved as sueh; that said deceased dted intest- <br /> r�te and a resi8ent of Hell County, Nebraska; �hat Katherine Fotinos was <br /> alsc knv�n a� and Wag one and the ssme person as Katherine F'etinos; <br /> �Lha�t all ezgensea mY admiai�tering this e�tate have been paid and that <br /> thers �sre no elaim$ filed againet this estate; that there is no Nebr- <br /> �eka inheritanae taz, Federa3 or �ebraeka estste tax due or awing in <br /> � <br /> �h1.e caues; that eaid deoeased left her aurviving as her eole and only <br /> heirs•at•1��, the follo�riag p�r�one� rrho eaeh inherit from eaid deceas- <br /> ___ _ ------. <br /> •d in this eetate, as tallo�es Gmcrge Fotinoe, hueband. one-faurth; <br /> Nsunita Sbs��r, daughtsr, t�ree-txenLy-eighths; �tilliam H. SehaeFfer, <br /> sor�, thr�• txsaty�aighthe� dulia Thomas, daughter, three txenty-eighths; <br /> A.�drex Foti,no�, son, thres txenty-eighths; P�te Fotinos� son, three <br /> �Erentyeighths� �lis�abeth Su3,11oan, daughtisr,�e tNenty-eigBths; and <br /> Aosi� O�rr�th� da�ghter, thre• tititaty�sighths; xi�th the eharea inherit- <br /> e� �y eaoh of $s�:d o�ild�an eubjeet to the homeetesd rightg therein of <br /> Gsogg� FO�S.I�al� h�i�att� e�t ssid Qfe�ss�d= tbat �his e�tate be closed a�d <br />� � � � � � <br /> #h�> ad�iai�r�trstrtr die�t�bargRd and h�► s� th� suroty-xon his bond relsased. <br /> k�� � � � � � � ��_ � s . <br /> fr, . . . .. �. . .. . I <br />� � � . . . � •� �� <br /> . <br /> .� <br /> „ � <br />�' ..' -:t..,._..::..__..._—.,_.'� � .'--_.._.�.... `..>. _ .... :; _.. ���.. .:. ��_. . . . .. __.. . . .- <br />