. . .. i� . � . . .
<br /> ' . � P
<br /> �,� Tht�t bp �h� term�a r�t' t�e Wil�. c�f �sid de�e���rl�, �er�ai�
<br /> ��r�a�l prape�p �.n $.he na��e o�' pe�r°�a�al effe�ts ��ch a� .�urrai��x°�
<br /> �md ���lry r�r�a �ge�i�i�lly d+e�i�sad �ea Vdilliazn �m ]�.i�ab� and Walt�x°
<br /> �'o Dubb� amd ��t been ��m�3i� wit�.h �nd �hat �11 a�th�� �e��caa�i
<br /> px°��rt�r rem�in�.rig„ 7,e�'t aft��° p���nt �f d�b��� fu�er�l elcpera��ffi �c�
<br /> cp�'��r c�` �dm�.ni�t�ti.on xa� beq�e��h�d to Wil13,a� �Q ��bb� artd W,�l��r
<br /> S�� I�tibb�$ +�°e a��d �l�re ali�ce; tlaa� all re�i ��t�Ce �nd in���s� iaa
<br /> r�;l ��tat�e of w�i�h ��.cl L3.��L�� �°. �ub8� ta�� �ei�ed� �vhlch i.zaclud��
<br /> �1�� r�a� ��t�t� de�cribffid !.n F'aa°e� �°�ph �, ��o��s i� d��i�ed ��
<br /> �o1low�t� Tr� �f�.11i.sr� I�:. I3�b��� all e�� h�r eane-th#�t ax�divided in�ar��t
<br /> iz� �nd �Q the SQu�k� F�ia1f of tta� 14a�h�r+��� �ua��x° ��3��tW�� �nd the
<br /> �t�r�hwea�� �u�rtex° of ��s 3�uthw�st &�u�r��r ��iT��aW�B �f S�e�3.�ra
<br /> Thir��r-thr�� �33�� '�axnahi.p El�u�an t 11) Noa°th, Ra�� T��lv� (12) �
<br /> We�� of the bth Pdt��,� d��l�. �c��ntp� �Tebraska; �ta W�lt��° i�0 Dubbs
<br /> s��.1. af her on��third e�t�divided �.n�ere�t i,z� and to th� Nt�rth���
<br /> �ti�x�r d 1�E�) of Se�ti.on Thir�y $3�)� �c�wn�&3� El.�v�n (11) I�ar'��n
<br /> R�a�g� Trrelv� (1�,, Wes� s�f ��e 6�th P.T��� Hall C�s�.ntye �T�b�°asks►; and
<br /> �r� William E. Dubb� and W�al�Cer 1�a �ubba�t ��eh �aa undivided or�e,»half
<br /> in��res�G to Lv� ATine 491, Blo�k �'e�t�r $�P, �'ir�t Addit�.on to t��
<br /> Qi,l�.�tge �f Wood River, �tall �aixzityo N�bz°a�kag and �hould be
<br /> a$�i�ned to t,h�n a�aeQrd�ngly�
<br /> �R,�P'OAF, IT �S CON�+IDERED, OFiI3ERED AND Ai�JII�GEb �lz�� ��►e
<br /> �.aal a�coura� of �Ghe Admir,�i����x�ors wlth Will. Annexed h�rei� be �nd
<br /> �he ume Mer�bp i� ��ttl�rd, allowed �nd apgro��d$ �hat the ffi���e��n��
<br /> and �tllegatione �n t,he Pe�3.t3on fc�r Fixs 1 Se��lement are �r°ta€s ��.d
<br /> cox'rect$ th�t the �st�t+e ha� b�en dtt�ll.y admini�tered➢ and �3.1 claim�,
<br /> c3�bt� �r�d expen�es of ada�in3.a�Gr�tiesn hav� b���a dul� paid� that th�r�
<br /> h�,ffi b�en s determinatiozt of inhex°itama �ax 1�iatb�]litg dus the �tate
<br /> +�f �t�braska from fi.he heirss, l.�gate�$ and devi.�ee� o� �h� deceas�d
<br /> whi�h ha� been paid and th8t there is aio feder°al e�tate tax 1���ili�Y,
<br /> th�t t,he�°e ia no per�sozr�►2 prapexrty l��'°'t in the� hand� of �he Adm�r�i�tr���rs,
<br /> �ho �re also th� h�irsa devi��ea and bene��ciari�� of �the tea�atri�c
<br />� and w�ho h��re advanced t��nd�s �o�as�d the p��ent �f° said i�n�; th�� �he
<br /> a�id Lilli� F� Dubb� died t�as�.a�a� a� rsaidarrt og Ha1.1 Co�tra�y� Ne�r��k�D
<br /> �a� t�k�e l�t day of O��obe�r, 1q59, leaving �s he�° sol� and ��y �aeir�
<br /> a�� lax twa a�ra�� th�q b�ing �d�lt�x� W� Ilubb� �nri �till�.�m �a Dub��s
<br /> nam�ci above� t�at said de��a�t�ri died ��i�ed of th� re�l �s�at�
<br /> ds�eribed in Para�rapI� 7 abov� and in�te�reet 3n rea� ���ate �a �hsr�ial
<br /> d���r�.bed, tvhi<sh re�l e�ttate� s��d intere�t ir� r�a1. e�taat�fl i� herebg
<br /> �t��.gai�d4 pt�rsuant tx� th� term� af s�aid T.�s� Wi�11, a� ���t at�� i�
<br /> F�r,�g�p� g sbcr�r�; tliat there h��ing be�ra a full and, �ampl�t�
<br /> a��our�Ling �nd nothing f°t�rth�r r�in�.ng ira the h�nda of �he
<br /> Ac3t�i.ni��rator� wi�h Will Annexed, t�.h�� a farmal orc�e�° of dis�ha�°g�
<br /> ���ue �o �edd Adaeinia�rators her�in, �hg �ure���� re3�€a�ed f�om
<br /> t°uz°th�r ],iabili�y and �he e�tat� clo�tedo
<br /> ��1�,�r* „
<br /> `�;��.'i,')1),t T ti�
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