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<br /> The �urt f`arther Pinr�e that c� #be 2F��h d�p► ot Febrc�arg, 196(I� �a r�re� o!
<br /> this Court v�ss �de a21a�r3.ng ar�di�ora t:tsree �onthe �rca� az� aPter the 2�+d �r
<br /> of M�rci�� 19b0, ire whieh to i'i.7.e their alaims ��a�n� aaid �;at,ete sn� a�id �t�r�
<br /> one vpar in x+�ich ta a�ttZe aaid :state� atxl fh�hs'r ozde�ing $hat notitte 'Eu a�edit-
<br /> or8 be pnblish�xi in the Gretrid Zslanct Iad:�perident� a legal nswapaper �Stzh�:�.eh�ei �nd
<br /> circnlating in H�11. CatTnJtps �ebraska� �or t?�rae snccessi�►e �reeks �r�.or t�cx the 23rd
<br /> day of �larchi 19bOj and that a hearing r�n elai�s f3.led a�ain;st sai.d ���afie �rotild
<br /> re held at the offiee of ttt� �cn�ntg dud�e oi` Ha1.I Ce�n#g} Hebre��k� c,�z th� ?�th d�g
<br /> ef �.��nF, 19b0� at 9:OU o�clock �l�'�.� and it �ppe�ra by� proal° can fite that not�;ce of
<br /> said order was csvblished as ord�rec� by t�is ��n�t and t2ia� � cory o� t,�e� f�.r�t pnb-
<br /> lication a� said notice was mailed ta a2.1 persr�n� having ang* �.nnt.ereat in t�i� Estat�t
<br /> �rithin the time fixed by lax.
<br /> FIFT'H
<br /> Ttae Ccnart further tinds that on the 'l�th d�,v of �ebrnary� 1950,� i�inr�i� ��g
<br /> as �PcFitr3.x filed fn this �cmrt her Inventory of the px4pertp o� said ��fi.�t�s
<br /> xi.th a capy t�ereof for � �Qt�nty Ass��s�or of '��ll �viint�►' �ebraska�, �nd tha��
<br /> accordin� to eaid In��ntorvi the deeeased diefl aeis�ed and pvs�essed of tt�es �'ca2l�v+r-
<br /> ing describsd propert�� to�-wit s
<br /> F.EAI+ �'S2A T�
<br /> The East Ha1.f of th�e �lartheast �artsr ef tha l�orthwe�t 6hzarte� (�ti��j
<br /> o� Section Thirty-F'ive t 35) in Tc�rnship F,.ev�n (Il) North* Raz�e �in� t9
<br /> �est of the 6th P.A4. in Hall County, �tpbraskat st3b3ect to the Eg��wtvMts
<br /> r�corded in Hook P at Page fi21 and Bocrk T et Page 6fi? of Hi�cellaneo�e
<br /> Recortta �.n the office of th� Re�;iste;r' �af �eeds Qf H�11 �ot�nt�r�, ��bra�ka�,
<br /> and excepting therefro�e that part con�eyed. by W�rr��ty Deed ta 3'�:� 4`tat,�t
<br /> of �tebraska recorded in Book 71 at Pa�� 2t�2 of the T�eed RecotYle of Ha�.
<br /> Cc�czntq, Nebreaka,
<br /> and chatt,el properLy oP the valne of �$.6fi, anct dointl�' o+�rted Propert� ot' t,hs tralt�e.
<br /> of �900.98.
<br /> 32XTH
<br /> The �ourt ftarLher finda that on the 2?�t� da,p of Ji�ne� 1960f an ord�r af th3.s
<br /> Conrt wae made barrin� the filin� o�' any and aIl claims again9t thie ��tat� and �xw
<br /> c2adin� th� hold�rs the±�of fro�a a9tting esp or e�saertin� ar� snch c1�3�ns againat this
<br /> es+a�e.
<br /> SEVII�ifiH
<br /> Th� Co�,r�t fnrther Pind� tt�at a]1 debti� o�' �aid de�d��� i�telading ��,1 ��te�nse�
<br /> vf administ�ation oP his estate a�xi exxpeneets t�f his htiri�a2, h�ve hee�c� Fai+i k�y said
<br /> �cec�a�rix as eet �c�rth in h�r �`inal Rep��t� t�hha�t et�e ���itt h�ct� t�.�ved saa�r ��
<br /> a�ainst t2�ie EaL�te �or ref�h�cse��t t�t�x�f a[s �xel�.], ea� � f'e�� irh�:eh �.�h't b�r €�t�
<br /> f v,�1
<br />: - ��
<br /> ,. .,
<br /> :4
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