� � ;��
<br /> . '; ;
<br /> ii
<br />; E83 �ot �i� (6} �.r� S�eetion �ev�n {'7?; p�rt of Island I�7o. 2i.n Sectfon
<br /> Seventeen {17j; Pa�'t of I�land I±So. 2in SectiQ� Ei�hte�n {1�i, and th� �ac�th Zti
<br /> acres Qf +�c#i.9n .�i�ht�en �1��, alI in '1'Qwnsh3� FQurte�n (i4} North, l�ange Four
<br /> (4) '��'e�t o�' �� 6tix �.1�. in fVl�e��ick �:our�ty, �e�r�.�t�a., rnQre particuiarly c��-
<br /> scribed e� aI;! that part r�� �sland �To. 2 in tta� l�latte Riv�r, situ�t�d in �ctior�s
<br /> 7, '17 and 1� in 'Iovv��hi� 14 �Tarth, �,�nge 4, �ert c�f th� �th �. �. i� ��rrick
<br /> �ounty, :�T�bra$ka.
<br /> �?3 t� �r�ct of land in th� iouth �Ia1f 4��} s�f �ectic�n �:v�renty-twa
<br /> (�23, �-�G�PiYiS't7IQ i`riirt�er� (13� i�ic�rti�. �.�.n�� �i� (�i}, �'�st esf �the �ith F'.IN�. , more
<br /> particularly c�e�c�ibed as fcs;tiows; "��ginnin.� at th� �out� Ors�-qu�.rt�r cor�.er
<br /> �f S2cti�n 22> 1'owazship 13 S��c�rth, han�� o, �'e�t rsf the 6�h �.�. ; t��n�� Uxw�e�t
<br /> 329. t�l feet on th� ��ctian iine to the meander corner� ora t�ie �outi��a�t �a.� r�f
<br /> the oid sou�h ckiannel of �t�i� �'la#te �i.iv�r! t��nce Xdorth 3� �0" ���"est 1�32. 0� feet
<br /> to a.n iror� s�:t �av �3enson, �lierx°ie�. i ounty �urv��or, in th� new �taaz�h��.st ba.nk
<br /> of the ��+��n Channei af the Piatte i�iwer; cantinuin� on irte sarr� �caur�e I'�csrth
<br /> 35°u� ` ��;est 1C975. tl ieet tq; a �s�int; thence �+Tortt� �5`�€DO" �ast 4fl�. U f�et to at�
<br /> iron shaf�t; t:r�ence �a�th 85�''t?4" �ast 1547. 14 feeL to the eenter line �f the section
<br /> line; t�.enc� `���'e�t 159. 3 f�et on sai� �eetio�. lin� tt� �o�.nt oi f�e�'ia�nir��: ia� :=:a.milt�rd
<br /> Cc�unt;�, I�i�b�aska.
<br /> i�� :�'hai p�r� of tne v1��st ���.if {����D af Section -.�'�v��ty-tv�o (�`�3,
<br /> :��o���ns�ip a'hz:tc�en f 13j ��rir�, :�.an�� Six ���, ��v'�s� t�f th� t�t�. �. i+�. , iyix�� �4orth
<br /> af ?�a. 66 ��i�;f��vayr 'dT�G{ COT36Io^�STI�y O� B.CEIY'E?'tlt?71S �Q t�'1f' �'d�� SiE'iIf ��''+�� of Section
<br /> "i'�ve��ty-se�e� (27), �i ownship 'ihi�te�n (I3) �.rca.rti�, S,an�� �ix �6) �;=est o�' the
<br /> 8th P. IiM. in :iarx�ilton County, i`deDraska. d�'he Iaa�c� conveyed by t�ai� deed iie�
<br /> �aet��reen *he �ccretian l�.nd of :.�.arry G. Lock on the 'V4'est �rsd �.ccr�tion iaz�ds of
<br /> ��ol vic?�argue on the �ast).
<br /> 49� 'i`�:�.� part +af �ectio� i�Tin� (93, '�'own�hip '1'hu�e�a� (�3� �dorth,
<br /> z-�,n�e �`ive 4��} r','�s�c c�� th� ut�a �'. :�i. de�crii�ed as �:ract iV, eor�xainin� 61. i 7
<br /> acres more or ie�s in �lat recorded in �Ssook Z, ��.ge �� c�f ttze Pl�t �t.ecords of
<br /> �%terri;;k Co�ant�, I:�brasi�a.
<br /> {li7D `�'�'aet �gcs. �n� in tixe �ast SIa� ��'±:�a� �� �ecticsr� �aur d4}: :�'ovan�hip
<br /> �if:e�� {15� I�Tarth, ��.�nge '�'hr�e �3j ��%e�� �f th� 6th �'. ��:. i�a ;��rricx C�unty,
<br /> �Tebra���, �.n� �h� river area ]�yin� .�orth��r�s�erly taf �he �cautheasterly iine of
<br /> safe� tract I�Q. z;ne, e�:�z�ded to tYse South�v�st�rly accretion line of Is�and No. 8,
<br /> thenc� �y�rtF�z�ester-3.y z� ;�xe c�n�er af ttze �'latte �.iver, �� sk���vn 3.n �'lat �c�o?c #?,
<br /> oz� Fa�e o2 iri th� offic� o� taae t�ounty �:;leri� �►f Nl.�rri�l� C�ranty, �ebras�a, ali in
<br /> �%�errfck �oanty, i\�braska,
<br /> an�. pers4nal pro�erty of a ��r�.iue in excess of ��00, t30�. �a0.
<br /> Tha� all claims, expen��s of admini�tr�.t�.on, coets> i�Tebr�as�a inherztance
<br /> iaxes and Federai �st�te tax have be�n paid and a1i ass�ts rer�aainin� have been
<br /> ti ansferred a�i� a�si�eci to N�lle �Vt�� Sco#t a� eha� by her r�ceipt on ffl�
<br /> i erein, ancl thafi a fir��l rep�rt ha� been waivec� by I�T�ile ilriae �cott, sole beneficiary
<br /> ander said �Iill.
<br /> IT IS 'i'I�EREF�RE �RA��E�?, AL?J%J'I1G�:I? A1VD I?EC��I� that all prop-
<br /> erty of the decedent, �'alia,ce R�a�rker Scott, descen�s and is pa�ak�le tg Nelle ;�iae
<br /> Scott, sol� ben�ffciary undEr the decedent's will; that all expenses and cos�s
<br />_ 7
<br />�S i ".i+ ,'Y:' 3:,�"{^: SiS.wi.�- - _ .3' '}_
<br />