.t..:S ,..�`.h �.:... .,- .�..� �.�.r' Z �..��... .. _ ' !1•.
<br /> � �
<br /> 41) .� p�areel af Le�td �ommenei8� st s: i�tt 175 fa�tE 2�+�rth ot t2�e
<br /> �ou�hea�t corner oi the �out�+�ast �rter t���cd �ae��is� 17, T4v�ar� ��,
<br /> North, Ragge if?, t�eat ai ths �th P.�, , tl�cncz! �1'o�tb� ��1� f�e+�t� �ttu�e �e�a�
<br /> �30 feeti thence �cwtth �1� fee�; theatxe Eaet 4�� fe�rtt tl�rs+�ie �T�iz�l�;1#3& f��t,
<br /> thence �;a�t 415 f�t to the pi�.c� at b�gfnnin�g, in Holt Ccru�t�r, 1'�ebrs�l�a.
<br /> {2) Ali th�# part af Ieland il�umb�r 1. iyin8 �ruth�r�sL+�rl� �'r�+rn K�.�v�rsy
<br /> �umber 18, runni�� s�cros� aaid �Iaac! Alumber 1, a� f� �e�at:fe� 1�, T`�►a�hh#p
<br /> 14 �aarth, Range � ',�est of the 8th F.�. , sx�ept a strip a� lend 6� �'�et wid�
<br /> �Iong ttie P�orthwest�rly �ide Qf �aid tract c� 1.a�r�. Merrick Gouutt� Nebraska
<br /> (3} Lots 22. 23 azxd 24, �:ilc�� �3; t7rfgi.ria. Ta�� o� ��rc�n��b��r�, �F�bras:ss.
<br /> t4) The �ai�th Half r�f t�� Sc�u�we�t 6�arter {S�Si�°�) c�f 5e�t'o� 38,
<br /> '�ownship 13 Narth, �sage 2, ��e�t oS the Bth �'.A�i. , k"�Ik Ct�Ly, Ne�rat�ka_
<br /> (53 Lat� ?, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. �'31�ck 5, I�ead�#rom's 1�dditfa� trs
<br /> Stromeburg, Nebra.aka.
<br /> (6) An undivi�ded one-half intdrest ia t�e I�C�rtk��e�t Q�ua�r�er (2�d��'�j
<br /> of �ec�iou 31, 'Tos�nship 23 �orth, Rang� 2, 4'�e�t c>f ih+t 6#.�i P, �, in Pc�l#s
<br /> County. Nebr�.s±��
<br /> '�'�ai �aici decedent �rscs died s+aizs� a�d posse�sed c�f an �ndx�de�i t��ae-
<br /> half ('�} int�r�,st in the foiic�wia� dascri�sed r�al estate a� � p�.rtzz�� ea� �t�:�tr� �`s.
<br /> 4nder�ar�, under t`7� ��.r��er��ip nsn�e of the iJ-vtrla�td �,.-td ':.• ����el �zs�ps�y:
<br /> (1} An uadivided �ne-�If ia#erect in a p�rcel c�f ;�r�d in th� i�i�rtt�ss
<br /> Half of the ?43orthea�t Quarter (Na2�TE�) of S+ecti�tu �4. 'Fovvn�hig 2�. 1�1'�a��th, �€a��s
<br /> �: �;x'est af the �th F. I�I. in i�all Gcyu�ty, l�ebra�ks, rnar� �s�3rt�c�tl�rly �es�ribe�
<br /> ae '°�eginnin� at a poin� 26. 5 feet �a�t af t.t� �t corn�r c�' ��fd �u�rt�r �e�tican, �
<br /> thenee South v�2. 6 fe�t; thence East I53�.7 feet; th�tace► �orth 8��. � f��st; t�er��+�
<br /> '�%est 1532. 7 fest, "subj�ct to thtt reeervati�:vt �te Fe�[er�l L�i� I3� trf �?zxa�h�,
<br /> Nebrasl:a, ai on�-h�i4 (�) of the oil, ��s and �in.eral rig�t� t��r�i�: `'
<br /> (2) �n u�ciivided c�ne-half inter��t in �11 ot �o# � it� s�ct#�c�� 24 �.ud all
<br /> that part af lots 1, 3 and 4 in SectiQn 23 r�escribed �.nd bouz3ded as foL1a��.
<br /> Com�xenci�� at the nvrth�a�t carr��r af Lat 1 in s�id Sectian ��, b�f�a;� ai the
<br /> Northe��t corn�r vf saic3 sectip�, thenc� w8�t aiong� the north litt� t�f ���ti 3c�t�
<br /> to the north�ve�st es�rner crf Lat 3. t�ersca scrutl� to Lhe �r��th�e�t car�er c�f L�t �,
<br /> thence e��t ab�ut 283 #�st to �tiie east line of t�re Chi�aga, Hurlfr�gE�3 arid C-�ufc�c�
<br /> Raiiroact ri�i�t-of-w��. th�sce nar2t�.���k 4�'1 feet tca s� pt�fat ��7 fe�t nvz�h �' tt��
<br /> sauth line of Lot 3> thenct ns�rthQast to a pc�int vQh.ich is 681 feet �t�artth of �Ehe
<br /> svuthea�at corz�er of Lot 3, thene� so�th�a�t to � poirtt ir� �he �a�t Iine af said
<br /> section which i� 384 feet n�irth c�f tt�e st�uthsa�st ct�rn�ar t�f Let 2, �h��a�� r�or�t�i tr�
<br /> the pl�ec of beg3ntxin�, all bs�ng in TQ�va�hig �, North ad 1�►ge 25"G�e�# �f t�e
<br /> 6th P.M. in Ke�rn�y C«uaty, AT�bra��a,
<br /> (3) The �3c�rt2� HaIY af t�e i�'ox'th�re�t �itarter crf �te 1'�ar�&e8►�# �art�sr
<br /> {N�N�tr'4P��`) esf �ectit�n 3�, '�a�n��siv li l�or#�t, �tan� 9 �+Ve�t of tk�e Sth k'.�. in '�
<br /> �Zall Coun#y, I�fabraak�. ,�
<br /> 'a
<br /> (4} L��s Fifteen #153 arid Sixt�$r� {1�}, Blc>ck Fi�r� (�3> �7'r#.���,�.`I`� nf
<br /> Stra:nsburg, Fvl� Cau�t�r, 1+I�rbr�skg. ;i
<br /> !i
<br /> (�} �.Ot� FEQ�l2° �4), �'iV� t�), ,�i�c {��, ,'��eTl (�i}, �`rf��� 4�? �ss1i� �t#�3�p t'�� �.
<br /> in Blac�. {3ne {I) attd �.vts Fa�r {4�. �'ive t5>> ���c t6}. ��eve�t�1. �ig�t 4�? atad �
<br /> Ni�e (9), in Blve� Tro�rd {21, L�eaBatr�m'a Tk�ird .l�.dd#�t�n t� ti�e +��� ca��t�c����O�rg, ;F
<br /> Pc�lk Cour�ty, Nebra��a.
<br />�,t .
<br /> G v
<br /> g�°�•:, �{;
<br /> s� ;
<br /> u �, , ,,. :,
<br /> , .. . . _.
<br /> ��
<br /> • c�4�-_ . . -. .
<br /> __ :.. . : ,. ,
<br /> �
<br />