(1) An undivided One-haif intereat in the Northweet Quarter (NW4)
<br /> of Section 31, Township 13 North, Range 2, West ot the 6th P. M. in Polk Countv.
<br /> \'ebraska;
<br /> (2) A parcel in Lot 1, Block 5 Buckley's Addition to 3tromeburg,
<br /> Nebraska, deacribed by metee and bounde as followe: "Beginning at a point
<br /> 135 feet North oi the SW corner ot aaid Lot 1; thence East 80 feet; thence North
<br /> 40 feet; thence Wsst 80 feet; thence South 40 feet to the point of beginning
<br /> ��
<br /> (3) Th� Eaat 75 feet oi the Eaet Hali (E�) os Lot 1, Block 9, Buckley's
<br /> First Addition to Stromeburg, Nebraska.
<br /> That asid decedent also died seized and poeeeaaed of an undivided one-
<br /> half (�) interest in the fallowing deacribed real estate as a partner oi Wallace
<br /> i4iarker Scott, under the partner�hip name oi the OverLad 5and &. Gravel Company: �
<br /> (1) An undivided one-half intereet in a parcel of Lnd in the North �
<br /> Half oi the Northea�t Quarter (N}NE}) of 3ection �4, To�vnship 11 North, Range �
<br /> 9, We�t o� the 6th P. M. in Hall County, Nebraska. more particularly described
<br /> ae Beginning at a point 16. 5 feet East of the NW corner of eaid quarter section;
<br /> thence 3outh 85�. 6 feet; thence Eaet 1532. 7 feet; thence North 852. 6 feet; thenee
<br /> Weet 1533. 7 ieet, "subject to the reeervatian of the Federal Lsnd Bank oi Omaha.
<br /> Nebraska, oi one-hali (i) oi the oil, gas and mineral rights therein. `�
<br /> (2) An undivided one-halt intereet in all oi Lot 8 ia Sectian 14 and all that
<br /> part of Lote 1, 8 a.nd 4, in Section Z8 deecribed and boundtd ae follows: "Commenc
<br /> ing at the northeast corner of L ot 1 in said 3ection 29, b�in� at the northeaet
<br /> corner oi said section, thence west al�g the north lina o[ said Lata to the north-
<br /> we�t corner of Lot 3, thence south to the eauthwest corntr o� Lot 3, thence eaat
<br /> about 161 feet to the ea�t line oi the Chicw�o, Burliagton aad @uincy Railroad
<br /> right-oi-way, thence northeaat 487 feet to a point 437 ftet north o� the south line
<br /> of Lot 9, thtnce northeaat to a point which le 881 iset nortL od the �utheast
<br /> corner of Lot 3, thence southeast to a point in the east lin�e d eaid section which
<br /> is 380 feet north o1 the southeaet corner oi L ot 1, tbenee north to the place of
<br /> beginning, all being in Township 8, North oi Range 15 Weet o2 the 6th P. M.
<br /> in Kearney County, Nebraeka.
<br /> (3) The North Half oi the Northweet Quarter o� the Northeast Quarter
<br /> (N�NW}NE�) of Section 33, Townahip 11 North. Range � Weet ot the 8th P. M. in
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> (4) Lote Fifteen (15) and Si�cteen (1B), Block lrive (5), Original 'I'own
<br /> of Stromsburg, Polk County, Nebraska.
<br /> (5) Lota Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7) and Eight (8) and
<br /> Nine (9), in Block One (1), and Lote Four, (4), Five (5), Six (8), Seven (7),
<br /> Fight (8), and Nine (9). in Block Two (2), Headetrom's Third Addition to the
<br /> City of Stromeburg, Polk County Nebraska.
<br /> (6) Lot Six (6) in 5ection Seven (7); part of Island No. 2 in Section
<br /> Seventeen (17); part of Island No. 2 in Section Eighteen ( 18), and the South 20
<br /> acree of Section Eighteen (18), all in 'I'ownship Fourteen (14 North, Range Four•
<br /> (4) V6'est oi the 6th P. M. in Merrick County. Nebraekt, more particularly de-
<br /> scribed ae all that part of Island No. 2 in the Platte A.iver, eituated in Sectiona
<br /> 7, 17 and 18 in Township 14 North, Range 4, West oi the 6th P. M, in Merrick
<br /> County, Nebraska.
<br /> a
<br />