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<br /> - In the l�atte r ed t}�t �state ) ; _
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<br /> � ) 'DEGREE ,
<br /> }
<br /> Heary R. A.aderson. Deceu:d. )
<br /> Now on this �Ist ds�y af 3u�y, 198fl. thi� m�tter as�ane an for hearing
<br /> upon tlae petiti� od Wfunie A. 1�a,cisrsc�►. �a l�r vw�n. ri�ht aad u l��c�cutrix
<br /> oi th�e Will of thhe d,�c+rd�nt, for final sertlexnslat �nd discLar�, a�d`tlf�e tvidenc�, �
<br /> and ths court bain� d� aelri�s�d fn thes premi�e� ifnda that all perst�ns in�ere�rted
<br /> in aaid estate hs:�re be4p s�atffied d ttiis �aaring ar► provided bJ Lw, aad thai
<br /> the court has juri�dictioa arer i,1�a subject maiter and all ptrsau interested
<br /> t�r�in..
<br /> fihe Court further finda that Hanry R. Andersoa, also k,mt�wa,ai F�. R.
<br /> A4tiersan sa�d H. Ray Ander�san, died c�o. February 18, 19�9, a�t st•the time
<br /> of hia dea;th w�.s a reifdent o[ Polk Caut�tSy. Nehraikw; lurth�r thst at th�t time
<br /> of hie death, the said dscadent �+�►ss a marrS.ed m�n, aud that� L�t s�trrivin►� ,
<br /> him a� hi�c sole aad on.ly heirs at latr, his wfdow, Wi�e A. Aa�rsc�o., and
<br /> his sona, Rodn�y R. Ander�on, aad Va.�den R: Andersou: :
<br /> I
<br /> That oa the 27th day af lr[arch. 1958, the l.aat will and te�ts�.ment af ;
<br /> _ _ I
<br /> the decedent was dul,y approved, prot�ated and a��Q��d, �� Winate A, Andarr�an :
<br /> i
<br /> :;
<br /> named ther�in wae upon fili�g her boad;�vith �ia court na pravided b� la�r, duYy �
<br /> i
<br /> aPPointed Executrix thereo�.
<br /> That an July Zbth, 1SS9 thi� Court entered an order barring all claima
<br /> not thereto[ore filed herein and a.11wviiig' three claime hereia, all cd rvhich have
<br /> �i
<br /> ;
<br /> the evidence iilcd hei�ein; the court �u='tl�ar find� that I
<br /> neen paid ab aho�►n by �I
<br /> --• c�rding to the Inventorv of the Executrix and includix� the suPP�me�� �ereto,
<br /> �
<br /> in desci•ibed . III,
<br /> tr�F :�afci Henry R. And�reon died aeized and pa�seased oi the foll.o�v g
<br /> ' I
<br /> > , 'il
<br /> ,,Pa; Fsta*e. to-wit:
<br /> : � :
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