mora •�r less, ta a point 5� fe��� east of w�st lin� of said Section
<br /> Sixte�� (16); the�nce in a northerly dir�ction a distance of 1924
<br /> fe2t� mo�� or less, to placa_ :�f begzn,zin�, said tract c�ntaining
<br /> thirty (3��) acras o£ land, mare :�r less, to �ny son, 0rvi11e D,
<br /> Bla�s'zorn=abs�lutely and fore•���x.
<br /> FIF'Ti-I: Upoiz r_;z,� deat'n of my wife, An-�a M. Blau'~�orn, I g�_v� an:3
<br /> d�vise the Nor��„rest Quar�er (NW'�) of Section Six�e�_z (16), Towns?�'
<br /> Foil�ri:e:�-z (14) North, Range Seva_� (7)� West of t�e 6th P.M. � in
<br /> Merric'.c Coizvy� Ne�ras'.ca, e�ce�� t�at par� of said q�sar�ex h.�;_e��o•-
<br /> fore cozveyed for rosd r�u-r�oS2s and �_�c<�e�� tiiat par� of said Quari: r
<br /> me=itio�z�3 in Paragrap:� No. Fosr of t:ii.s Will, to .-ny s:��i� Erviz W.
<br /> Blauhor�l, absolu�e�.y and fora�Jz=.
<br /> SIXTi-�: I g��e a:�d bequc�atiz to my w:.fe, Anna M. Blauhorn, so lo� � �
<br /> asshe s'�a11 live, the irrigat.ion sprinicle�_ pip� an�3 Q�,aer �nit, n��T
<br /> situa*e3 ���z the� Sourheast Q��.rce-_ (SF�) o� S��t.ion Eleve_i (11),
<br /> Towns?�ip Fosrte�n (14) North, Ran�;e Eight (8), Wes= of the 6th
<br /> i
<br /> P.M. , in Mn-ricK Co�uz%y, Ne'��aska, t�� be ss�3 in far�n�n� said 1and.
<br /> SEV��Ti-I: Upon the death o.f my wife, Anna M. Blau'zor�1, I g7_ve,
<br /> devise a*�3 bequeath the Sou��heast Quarter (SE�) of Section Elev�_�
<br /> (11)� To�,a�-iship Fo,rrte2� (14), 'Ra.nge Eig�� (8), Wzst o.f th�� 6th P.M. �
<br /> in Merricic C��x�.z�_y, Ne��asrca, togeLher with the irrigat:�on s�rinkle�
<br /> pipe and po�,rer uzit mentio�z��d ,in Paragrap;� No, Six above� t�� :ny
<br /> so�zs, Elmer Earl Blauhor�z a:�d �rville D. Blauhorn, s'.�are and share
<br /> alike, absolu}_e�y and for2�v�a�.
<br /> EIG:�-1TH: All the r�st and re-naind�: of my pe;sonal prop�-rty,
<br /> wh�i'esoe�,rer s.ituate3, I give an3 beq�s�ath to my ��fe, Anna Ms
<br /> Bla�ai�or�i, to b�� �e- pro�Lrry absoluteiy an3 fore•v��.
<br /> NINTHs ThP omission h��ein of my dau�h�e,:s� Mild.fed Frie:3�^ic�zs z,
<br /> E�3:za Sh�z?l, Doxo��hy S��iarvin a:nd Ina Jean ^viles= is x�o�t occassio_�.,�
<br /> by neoleLt or mistake, b�sr is th� .result of my inteaLio�.i,
<br /> TE�iJTi�: I he:e'�� nomin�te an�3 anpain�. ,my son�, Ex�vin W. B1a�Yaz���
<br /> and 0•rville �, B1a�i'zc�r�� to be E:x��uto,:s of this my last Will an,3
<br /> Testa*.ne:�i:�
<br /> Pa�e 2.
<br /> �
<br />