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<br /> �h������. ��� ���!��t��� ��h+����e��� ��r c�� m� th� :�c��z��.��.r�� ;,�.�
<br /> ��.�RQ�3.aQ �� �hr� �� �af� �3.��..q€�."` �1�� ���� ��.�d� �k��t �a��.d �''
<br /> ���.�r�tr��e ��t� c�� �1��..t34 �h�u�d b� p�c�r���d c�� th� b��oi.ffi of .�
<br /> � � ,.
<br /> $�t�.'�8 �c� ��i� ���'tt�r �x�z�e��,r�x n� L�'+:a��rt�r Ca�ty, �Tebxa���,
<br /> �r►d $7Cl*2� �� �he �€��.n.�y �xe�;�ur�r oi� F�al]. ���ntY. �1�bra�sTe�.
<br /> ' �h� srs�:d pe�it�.�rtg�r ha� p��.c� �id t,��� and esQ��s h�re�.�,, th�.�
<br /> : dr��e, �d t�e ��p�n���s �Q� t�t�a �.��t �.�.�.��as�a �nd �uz��ral c�� �he
<br /> cl�c�eas�ed ��v�; b��n p�id �:n f�.l�. pr�or to th3:�c t�.m�.
<br /> �. �he sa3d H. Ruth �tn�� Ru#h L�ang 1�e��t�, Ru:th
<br /> La�� and Ruth W�r��a �r-e ��,]. one �nd th� s��ne inelividua,l, �at-
<br /> withsct�.nc��g �ths discrepanc� in nam��.
<br /> i� I�,� ����fl��, �R�ERED, ��3,T��I� �SNI3 D�CR�E� BY
<br /> Ti� COURT t�at th� ��ia d��ea,sec�, H�ale� �. Lt�e�t and her daughter,
<br /> the petit3.oner h��ein, Ruth Lang V��r�tr�, a�$o �ormexly lcnc�wn ,;
<br /> as H. Ruth Lang, w�r� the avmer�, a�s jo�nt t�nant.�, �nd �ot �,�
<br /> tenants in com�on, w�th xight of suxvivor�hip, at th� t�m�► v�
<br /> the de�th o� the de�eased, c�f the fa3.lowin� da�erib�d r�al es-
<br /> tate, name3.p s
<br /> (a) Lot E1€�ven: (31}, in Blc�ck Fo�r E4), ef I'ou:ng'�
<br /> Hylt�nsi P�rk �ddition -�o �he City of Lirtcoln,
<br /> L�n�a�tcr �ounty, I�ebras�a;
<br /> (b) Lot �ix (6�, in B2ac2� Thr�� {�), of Ko��.l�r
<br /> �'la��, ar. r�ddi.�io� fo the City af �r�nd ��l�nel,
<br /> Hz�ll Co�nty,� I�ebra�ka;
<br /> tag�t�cr t�rith perso��l property as �et out 3n fih� peti�ion, �
<br /> az�d that �1]. fl� �said property� both real. �nd person�l, be and
<br /> the �same h�xeby ��s apprai��d and vz�lued �ar Nebr�ts�k� Inhesri.t�,nce
<br /> �a�c p�rpo���s, �� �h��rt �bc+v�, in th� ��.m Qf �131.Q0, and that
<br /> ���d sum �s rspportiar�ed as fol:l-e�v�, ta-�ri:t z
<br /> �6Q.'�8 it� pe���,ble t� th�:�c��nt� ����su�e� o�
<br /> L�r��s�ter Goun�Y, ��3����k�f
<br /> : �'7a.�2 �:� �ay�l� �t� t�� ��at��y ���s�t�urer €�f
<br /> T��.1 �c��t�� I��b�a��a.
<br /> �� I� �`.I'I�� t�2H�R�#�, A�'�t��� 1�.�� D����A BY ��
<br /> C[�TR� th�t ���.d ir����,����► ��,�� .�n ��� s�n ra� �1��°Od�e th�
<br /> Sta�a Af ��brt�s��a�, �� be� �3d � �u.�l b� �� p�rt�t�e�+�� �h��
<br /> �
<br /> , d��$, �d t�e gnte��3�,1 l.ie� th���ev� c�n, �su��: S�v� de�ar�b�d
<br /> �
<br /> p�ap�xt�* b�,� �� �� hi�r�b� ��t�.��i�t���x tka� t�t��ce i� na P+�der�l
<br /> . ,
<br /> � _��
<br /> .r _._;_..__._._. : _
<br /> C� `
<br />