but wh€� �� s�.zzce be� n�arri�d, $� 3ofnt ter��n�s �nd not e.�
<br /> t��rr.�� in co�m�n, wifh righ�t €�� �c:rei�t�r�hip, c�f �he foll��»
<br /> ing degc�ibed property, ta-�i�t
<br /> (�} Lat El�ven {1�,�, in� B1c��k �c�ur E43, of Yo�,ing's
<br />_ �iYland P�r�C Additiai� ta the City af �.#�ncol;ns
<br /> La:�c�tateY Ceu�ty, l��i�ra�ka;
<br /> f b� .T.�� �ix i6}, �n �:tc�ek Tltre� {3 3, +�f �.oehl��
<br /> P�ace arc r�cidi�ion te �he Gity af Gxand �sland,
<br /> H�3.1 ��t�r�t�d �����sk�;
<br /> t�g�.3th�r �it�-t th� savir:r� ac�a�n�s, ch�ckinc; �eccsu,:ft�g �.��
<br /> Uni��d ���t�� Ss�i��� ��r.d�, a� se� au.t �� cf�s�til �.n t�.e ��t�w
<br /> t�.cn her�in. Furth�r, �h�� �s a ;�e�u1t o� �i�� dv�th of ;�t�:�
<br /> sai� �ele�: C, I�zng� th� sa�� i�u�;x� Lang F��xsta„ �or.u�r1-y i'.�xc��rri
<br /> �s i-i, R�th �:ng, b�:eam� th� a3��c�Iu�e o4m�r, irt f�� si��l� �iLl��,
<br /> �f the abave d�scxs.b�d a-s�;2 ���a��. T�.� �aic3 F?ut:� I.anr ''��r���
<br /> al�o l�ca�t� �E�Ee a���ute c��r_ze� �f t�.� a��s*.ing� �e�ou�'t�'s, c?�ec�;�-
<br /> i��g ��ecE,�,.^��, »n� r.Tn3ie� ���,��� ���Yi�a�� ��z��� �ei ca�L in ��;�
<br /> p��it�ort h�r�irt. ih� �cur: �°.:r�i:�r .:�..^.�� t�t�t �:��: �r�ti�-� �c�n-
<br /> s<d�ration �c�r the �cqc�isi�ic�: a£ :�e x�al ��t�ta �.� La�ac���ea�
<br /> Cc��.r�ty, h�e�ra��a, r�as eont�ib�t�d k�y the decea�ed �nd i� he�ein
<br /> �p�r�i�ed �n �he �tu� c�� �I1,�l�.G�; anc? th� �ntixe co��i��ratia�
<br /> fes the acq;aisitia�n c��: the rAal. estate i� i-i�7.1 Cc�ttl7ty� 2debY'8���ts
<br /> w�s furnis�eed by 'ch� petiti���r and i� her�in a�praised �� vh�
<br /> su� Qf �9,�€3�.OQ; art� fi..�e 4ores:.dsr�tic�n a� ttte ���onal pr�p�xty
<br /> ;aa.� as ��� cn:t i.�t the 'pat�t�on, �-nd z� appraisect �t th4 �igur�
<br /> t��rein �ho�.
<br /> 3. Th� ��a�3 ar.d ge��r�n�i �re�p�x�y �ub���� to inh�ri-
<br /> �ar��e tsxeffi he�ei� is� the s��� a� ��9,,�3�:8.1fl. Fxa�t �his a�m�a��r��,
<br /> th�r� shc�uld b�: ��du�tsd th� �s� c�f �1,721.1a, cQ��arin� the e��
<br /> p�nse� fox �h� �et�t ill.ne�� �nd �unexa� ca� the r3���sed, i�cl��t-
<br /> ing I.iei.ng��E+�a.-�anc�rm� �n�;��.I, I��, dc���a�s, n�x�c�, au�u�
<br /> 1����, �red atk�er fun�r�1 e�ps�:��� a� �t�r�.���d by ah�ck�s pra�e�,.
<br /> ��d �.n e�v3:d���e �+� th� G�urt, �r.d 3.�t�zl�a:d��,g th� s�cp�n��,� r��
<br /> t�i#.� ¢���ra►ina'���� a� �a.ih�r�t��� ta�+�r�, �.n�lu�d�.r�� attcrrney� ��+e�s
<br /> �d cv�a�� ec��te, 1.�a�r�.n+g s b�l�ae of �2�,t3��',E��. ��� �t�uc�ht�+�
<br /> o� ���.d dscs��� 81'k� ��1� p+�'r���r.fl�i��' I'L��El�L3�,� �kt"��1: �ti� �E4Z'l3�+�i� ;
<br /> i� �nt�,tl�d '�c� � $lf3e EJ��}.Qtl ����pti+�n, �h�.e�h +��c��� be d�r�uat�d
<br /> .�,. � ;
<br /> r,
<br /> b n
<br />