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<br /> `�h�.a matter ca��� can to be� h��t�d t�tiec o10 �d�Y o�
<br /> July, 19�0, c►n the peti�ir�n ai� Ruth Lang ���ate to h�ve th�
<br /> Court det�s�nine the in�r�.tanee t� du� on the re�l ar�d per-
<br /> �onal pr4perty of the deced�nt, H�len C. Lang, whfl wa�-th�
<br /> mothex of s�,icl peti�iQner, �he petitic���x b�ir�g reprs�ented
<br /> �n Court by Pai�te & P�ain�, her attarneps, and this matter carc��
<br /> on further tQ b� �e�rd upon the ws�iv�sr 4f notice to �hoY,r cause
<br /> and of time a�d place of h�saring, and valurttary appearance, nf
<br /> Gerald B. Bueehlerf Countg Attorney of Hall County, N�braska,
<br /> and upon a similt�r w$iver af noti c� �o �how cause �nd of tim�
<br /> and place of hearing, and voluntary appearane�, of Elm�r P1'I.
<br /> Scheele, County Attorney, by Bern�rd Wishnow, D�puty County
<br /> Attorney, of Laneaster �ounty, �tebra�ka, and this matt�r ca�►e
<br /> on fur���cr to bs h�ard upnn the �tipulat�.ons as to th� value
<br /> of th� real attd personal property of said decedent ir� the re-
<br /> speetive Countie� of Ht�7.l aztd Lsx�caster, Nebraska�, duly �ic���d
<br /> by �h� afore�a3d respective County Attorneys and by th� Attor-
<br /> neys for the petition�r, and this mat�ter came on �urther to
<br /> be heard upQn the evidenee submitted, and upan con�id�r�tion
<br /> therev�, the Court finds that ;
<br /> 1. The alleg�tions in the petition of the said peti-
<br /> tioner ar� true and eorrect; that th� ��ic3 H�len C. Lang di�d
<br /> on Dece�be� iI, 1955, in �rand Ia�.and, hlebreska; that $t the
<br /> tim� of her �e3�$�h, the sai.d c3ea�dwn� w��s a x�sident o� �rand
<br /> Isl��.dr H$11 �4unt�, xe�bz$a��; and„ that n4 prcceedings for the
<br /> probat� of her ����t� l�tve been brauqht, or �re now pe�ding.
<br /> in the $tate a� R�brask�t.
<br /> 2. �t the ti�� of` teer ds�tth, the said Hel�n �. Lat�g
<br /> waaa the j4f.nt awn��, with her dstu+�hter, Ruth I.�tt� Wer�ta, peti-
<br /> ticxter hsrein„ i�ho�� r��� ier �h�� �.n the tit7.� �t� �I. Ruth L�tng,
<br /> � � � ��
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