_. . . , ''°9^ . , � . . ,x .,nA . .':k . , . s.. ..
<br /> I.y `1�''r� u0L'�a`�Y CuU�P C�F' ?�LZ, COUtvI.'Y, N�,Es�t�,,5%��
<br /> x` t-"� �
<br /> Ti% ltlaa i'r�:�1�LL':i Ui'� 1i1:. .:.i�l.i�.y.:;j
<br /> ltl` � Y�Zi�a`1L .c.��l�.L.:�
<br /> .1J:1i'��. di.:11.J .-a1...i.�a.�C� i�%.ri,rairl.:�a;.iJ � � ;
<br /> I •
<br /> r�Q�+ c�n this 8th day of June, 196(�, this m�ttt�r es�ae c�n befor�e
<br /> the �ourt faz hearin� unon the f-inai r�pc>rt or the �aecutrix and
<br /> upon her petition pr�yin� that said report bo allawed, fesr a
<br /> d�cree cr ��iz��ip, an orcier �f di,�tributic�n �d for flnal
<br /> s�tt le�erat, �nd t'r�� vourt �f t�r ���vinc, �xs�uine� the s fr:�i xeport
<br /> a��d petiticn "rcx� rir,�l set�i�ent tv.���ckiez with the xeec�r�i� �nci
<br /> ;i.��� a�-�ci aiter bein� f=�siy aavise:� in �he premises fin3s t.�:a�.
<br /> c�u�: anei l��al notice :�as b��za .�iven �o ��1�, persqn� irit�3�e�t�cY
<br /> ir, t�is sa3a e�iate of �the ti:�e �r►d piac� i�ixe� f�r he�.r#.nv },;�r,c;n
<br /> $IiC;Ci T1Tld�. Tt��>x � �Ilu }i@t�I'.lOit iG3I i�.II(3� �€#�t..�Ei:t@I1t' Sia°Cii 21G�:�.CE?
<br /> having beer, giv�n by pu�iic��icsn a.rid by �ailia�.� a copy oi suc�t ;'
<br /> ?ii>�.i1.�iiE:�< t1�L"f.i6:>ts �Ca i$..i.;. �?E.���')'s'k$ 1P,:F„'Z"���:�:; t#� �'h?7'i&,'P�iTS ��TG. ;x ';��:ti.�;.k
<br /> ��i� �3UC;.�1:::c�s1C:22 i3T`tCt dl"Z'3,<Zi8.V2'� t:�' �I;�.�.13.iti1 U�" Ii�iC�.vQ UIi 1-"l..i.� 1�:�„'gE��;tii
<br /> ct:". � r'.. C;FI� u.p�3�cii�_P:; 'LC:r Jl?j€�Ci: Lf'� �LitF� �'.��ici.i I'�.�tC>t i. i,t".a. ,;t:i:L'�..�..u.�e
<br /> 1�I' F11t�s t3�^.3"t�i€.iiIlE3ii�.:� ��:� '.,;vU.T"'� +M�:�'•�sl�.t'��:1 ':A e: 5+';;.' �:: fi.'v:7t�e:iz� Y '=«:;;�.�i
<br /> �CC: '�..' I�C�2�tt,' :3r+:� �t�?lU.Ci�.i'� •;1�7�:� ?.I":" t3�3 i. .tLs.' � •; r , t _ ;
<br /> � , . �ti�3,3(�.0._ �,.i _ �t�.
<br /> Ff
<br /> �;.:s� �`rter �:�i,1� ru:.Iy a�:vi.s�R ixi : ii� ;.��r.r,zras� �ixa�:� �a� ::u+ ��;�.:,ras:
<br /> it1�.� 1���C ��i�t� .sa�.�tt+I' �epc13'Lc3� :.'i17.k"s 1ii63 u�t tii7f3 t3t.it CiaY ;.i:�
<br /> �J��@�ilJ@Z�� �.��tir 23I1C3. C.t�d't tl� 6ett�8 €Y.i: -�I'.@ i:�>7.1Fi ili �i:1� :l+�+di:�l �
<br /> r��ici�r�i �ltit3 j.17,�ttLr;7�'�E�X1� 02 :ilci�`tii 1�i2�Y111� i:3L.�. :..tJs:1C1'4}r� .+.tiv�al`�,`sb:i3�
<br /> �t'tiOL �[1d� �1@ .d.6Y'� �urvivin� [a�.ill c�.� i:'t18 �O�.f3 t''�.1�L�. i::ll�.,}t ii�'a3,.� o`Li .i.;�'�
<br /> a�_a2'fC�37 <a.L'�:.BY� ��ti8�W1li�Zs d �:�.a:ia�,�'t��3T +�:.# .1�:�'�atl c"��E3m
<br /> �`���.i � c�uiy v�ri,�z� �eci��.�,�� �r�s Fil�d i�a t.�is �:c��rt
<br /> pra,ji��.:� far th� �17:a�anee �inc� �xo:��t-E� �r r�n iil�i:r�i�ent' �aur�ax���ing
<br /> tc; be t�e .u��i `;�ill ��a :��a�t��ner.� �r I��.�r ���a�. :�.1 ��r, �ir�c;�si�e�e�,
<br /> a�a� � c�rd�x ar tr�a� uou.r�: aa� �ialy :a��c�� �;i�a. ���t�x•�d ��tti�.i� �and
<br /> assi�ing t3�e ?th d�y C3� J$,�y1:L7$X�jr p l���, a�i: 1(l:�0 �..tii., a,� ��,� ��;��
<br /> iox he�rins� �,gon such p��iti�snR aztd aft�r dt3e no�:iee a� �he �,a�dee�e;y
<br /> ti��r�c�f �nd Qn the 7�h c�� p� 3�,nu�cr�, 19�9s such c�rse�ra+eant �r�
<br /> �uly prov�n,, �i1o�r�d a�d �d�aitt� �� prob��e t�s �nd �csar the ;
<br /> �
<br />