,.: _ ,.:;,.. : ;�==,n,.�,..„�.:�.,�,�:�,.�=��,:,....�.�R��.�s�.§ �,� � � �.�, . s .. _ ., .
<br /> 3�3 '.�"Fi� GiCJ�T'k� C�sU:zT �?F F�A��IT,�'OY� �,�if�tTY' �dE$�u3�KA.
<br /> In the Ma�ter o� the �sta�e )
<br /> E�t�t.e � 3653
<br /> o,� }
<br /> T}.�.,+,Ci��� �ii �".i.��r�L �J�>��'��ar''`t;".`l�'
<br /> TrI�Z �al�Al�c��Fi �"�R(�LT�G?�, I�er,eased. ) '
<br /> u.:r
<br /> No�r on thi5 _-��day af ' �.�#�'� thi3 rna�ter cvme on �o bc� he�rd,
<br /> having been cantinus�' ta thi� �ate b� 'the C:.�urt �'rc�m �ctober lu, 1�599 �� 1�J
<br /> a.m., on �the �etit3.on c�f the �xer.utor �c�r final settle�en�t of his ��'�::��.znt ancl
<br /> tt�e vleadings and evicienc� anci �Lhe Cou� having; careful'i� cun:aidered the ;;a;r,e
<br /> f incis as fol7.ow�s
<br /> 1. Th�t Tnez El3zal�eth Fer�?u�on' a r�si�.�nt of' �aic� cozant�, d�i�.� test.<^.te
<br /> therein on �?ay ?' �9�9; '��.iat tri�rEa�t�r pon�Ici P". u4r�usan, b�i~?� th� �;r�cn
<br /> n��ned in ki�:r la3t ;;,�i?1 �n�'� `i'��t�m�nt, �ras �.��oi��tea ;F'x�cil sc r - �±;' rt,. ��� � ��';e�.
<br /> and. �ia:� b�en ever si�.ce th� c?,zly ap��inted, o,i��7_i�'i.ed �r,� a�t;n� ,-�.-,e,�t�>r ai
<br /> �er s�tei �4tat,�.
<br /> 2. '�h<^.t du.e a,n� le�a:? ;�ct�.cc s�a� �iven �o ai? c7_aim�nts ,n:a �?1 �^l �a:;
<br /> f?1ed kzave been f��.ZJ.�v na.id; T,'��t �11 c�a.�im� ^�t i i.le�l, 7 f' E:�' �i3�:x e oF:, a�F�
<br /> �'cz�ever �aarred.
<br /> 3. Th�t the legal heirs of s��.3 deeedent ar� i'�,n:�l�; '%��).ec,l_m ;°'c�.r�-°�s�,r>,
<br /> sc�r�� anci �ie�ty Jc�n ,:�chur^a.eher, dsu�,htEr= that, thP �eceden; r�cic� f�;.r•t3�F:�^
<br /> c°e�ra.��s of ce^#ai� ?r;�ds tc� k�R:;�r ¢r.<^;n��c.��i.1cj2^E;n� thP� i���n� John `�. s�'err�l��n9
<br /> Todc� �i. Fer��zgon� Ann T. F'er�t,e,ons J�n€ �, F�r�us:�np r li��"c�:th ""' ��,�c%�c;.r,
<br /> P;�rv Sehumachers `�noz�s :�chumacher ��ci �t^.ne `�chum�cha�^.
<br /> �. Thr+.t t}:�: deeeased d�e� sei��ci o�' sc:M� ri��t, c,��:.1�� vr ;ri'er�=~f; ;n t�,.�
<br /> fr,l�o��7i,�� ��:�cribed rE-:1 est�te:
<br /> �;egt 3�talf of �.c.���th��st �"'urrter {��z�["I�_';) af �ec�ci�n `�'�-elvc (7�2),
<br /> '�'o�an�hap �1evEn (11) Ncrth, k.:�ce �e=7 t1Q} =,;Q�t u� t��� �t � . '.,
<br /> �•Iall County, Tdebra��a.
<br /> No�theast 'uarter (�'4) o� Section ��nty-lo�ar• {��j a e:c�1n,�aip ..
<br /> Ten (1Q) �dorth, �n�?� ��ven �7) ���,�t ai t?�t� fit}� ',.>.., iiaz�.i..;.�cr�
<br />� Gaunty� tdebra5ka.
<br /> `�iarth��st �:�u��:r�,e:r of tne �Iortiit�es�� �:l�a?�tLr {,� ,�; �} �,�' ;;�e�;,.on �
<br /> `i`r�7snty-.f1,v� {2�)e iawnship Thirteen {13) '�crth, �?ar�s:�; �:�.� t��
<br /> ?�esfi o.f th� bth ?.;�., H��:iltan �aunt�r, �d�brag?€�.
<br /> �rth �ia3.f of 4authweGt �.:ia�trter (N�k�,�) of Seet�on �hree (3)s .
<br /> 1o�rnship Ten (2�) �Iorth� r�n�e �i�re {�} >>gest �� tne 6t1� .f°'.a
<br /> Hamil:ton County, Nebr�.�ka.
<br /> T�ortheast �uarter af the Scutheast Gu�rter (*dE:�SI:�� an-? Dlorth
<br /> �Ial.f o� th� �Jarthwest �'u�;xf.e�° o�' Lhe :;outhea�t `"'u:�rter (4�d�P�'������;) �
<br /> of S�et�on S�venteen �17), �ownship Pdine (4) ?�orth, �.an�;e �ive
<br /> {[) i•:e�t cf the 6th P.'�.� r�ami�.ton CauntY, :�ebrasi�a� cLnsistin� u�
<br /> apprcyxi.rna��ly 6? �cre�.
<br /> North I+i.fty (.5f?) feet of Sou�hwest {'uart��° (���} of BIQck Pdine (9)
<br /> and South 'Pwenty-six (26) fe�t of ��fort�aau*e�� �`u�rter (�:�'._-) o�" �31oe1�
<br /> �,�ga���� ��afl�'s .�ddibion to the Ci�� of �urora, �r.�ilton Countys
<br />