. �>,r„e.. _._ . . ��„�.��,�� h �� � . .�>
<br /> �4.k. ., ,.,. .., . .;<.. . _. .. .._ .: _ . , ry ,,; ,.u_:: .:R.,� , �;� a rk�� .
<br /> z
<br /> �'
<br /> Tfie Cc�urt f��th�r l�inds the� !t 3s clai��d tha� th�
<br /> dece�s�ed had �n 3.ater�st in the fcll�it�q ciasc��bsd re�l
<br /> egtat+e�
<br /> 5outhwest �Qus�tar 4f �h� North�a�t Quartar (SW'����
<br /> and the t�vrth�r�st Quartar af th�t �duthea�t Quartez (NW/SE%)
<br /> o� Se€tion 2�a, Tawnah�.p 1Q. Nt�rth Rangs 11, W�st of the 6th
<br /> P. �. . in H�iI Cour�ty, N��r�ska;
<br /> South h�If af the Sc�u€h hailf (:�5�) af Section 9,
<br /> Ta+imshf� 1L�, North Ra�ge lI, �fe�st af th� 6th P. �. . Hsli
<br /> Cour�ty, I�tehraske; ;
<br /> �e�t half €�f the �outheest �uartar (�1�SE�) of Se�t�on
<br /> 21, T'ownshi� 2t�, Aiarth Rang� 11, �lest of t�e 6tP� P, F�, .
<br /> Hall Coan�y, l�ebraska;
<br /> Ea�t h�1f r�f th� �ta�cthwest Quarter �E'.�IW%�) vf Sectior►
<br /> i4, TU+�n$hi�� 1C�, ��lorth R�nge lI. 'l�est of tt�a 6th P. �. ,
<br /> Ha11 C�unty, N�bz�aska;
<br /> bufi th�t th� �.�xi�u� i.nterest she might have in said real
<br /> es�at�, if any, is an undivir3�d ane-sfxth inte�rest.
<br /> Th� Court furthex fin�s thet each ef th• three dau�hters
<br /> has a $1G,CJt?�.DG exe��tion f8r the State In��rit�race t�x
<br /> und�r the Iarra c�f the Sta�e Qf N�braska, �anri th�t tha total
<br /> interest of the d�eeased in ��id r�a3. �state cauld not
<br /> exceed the sum of $3G�,04Q,00.
<br /> Caurt that t��re is nc St�te 3nh�ritan�e tax du� c�r owir�a
<br /> €rcra� ar�y one of th� three dau�hters crn sccount c�f the in-
<br /> h�rit�nce �a��sinq to them as the dnughters af the said
<br /> Edr�a A. �tankin, Deeeas�d, and said est�te ia rtlea��d fra�n
<br /> any liabili.ty.
<br /> IT SS F[1f��'HER t7A£�ERE� A[7,�t3DGED A�iD �?ECREE� by the Cau�t
<br /> th8t the �at� and ¢nly heirs at law and degr+ee of kinship
<br /> af the �aid Edr�� A. Mankin are B��trice P. I++�nkin, June
<br /> A. Han�sn, a�ad Gl�dys �i. Schweiger, in th� fSrst degr�e
<br /> o#� kinshi�; th�t th�t s�id Ec�na �t, Msr��ein l�ft no husband
<br /> hear �urviving.
<br /> IT �S ��3R,'i��R QF��AE�'3 ADJLID��� A�Ii1 ti�+�REFD by th+� Ge��:rt
<br /> that th� ���d �dn� A. t�an�C�r� �l�e� �:��+ts't�fi� �nd tt��t th�
<br /> rJ.g�,t c►f d������ a�' �h� �►a� �a��at�r t��x��.r�ba�`t�r+� d�asc�i��d
<br /> ��� t�a th+� ��id H��t���� �� i�,��.r��: 3t�+e �. Hsr��srt. ��d
<br /> �l�+�y�; �. �t�r�i�q��� "+��� ��d< ����cer ���,��t. �
<br /> _ v �. . ... .. �e : _._ .. .
<br /> ��:%
<br /> _ _� _ _._ . ,.< _. _. :, _U.
<br /> _ _ �,� _��. .�..
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