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<br /> ZP� TNE C�L�)TY C:QURT C�F k#�LL t,t�t�Tlf, tdEB�iA�KA
<br /> ;,:
<br /> 4F A � CREE
<br /> .Y. _ ,.. .,. _
<br /> Et3AtA A. �4NS�I�I� DEC�AS�D
<br /> ido� an thi.s 9th d��r �f .Tun�, 1'9�0, thi.� ca�s� cam�
<br /> on to b� h��rd �n the p�t3.tgan �f G�ady� M. Schv�i�g�r
<br /> fmr detestim�n�t�.c�n 4f h�ir�h�.p, �nd tl�� ecaux� �ft�r. �xa�nir�in� ;
<br /> th+� r���rd� �nd fil,�� ��n��, �thst n�s'�i�:� ��� b��n gi��n it�
<br /> th� �anr�er and �'orrn �i�vid�d b�► 1.��► �rf th� ti�n� �nd p].ac�
<br /> for he�.ring; tha$ �zach af th� �axsc�ns intexe���d i.n tt�i�
<br /> estat�, including th,� Cpezr�ty �ttc�xn�y �f Ha11 Co�znty, N�b- �,
<br /> r�sl�a , f,r�r Hall Cc�unt}� �nci th� St�te �af N�br�sk�, t�av�
<br /> cnt�red their ��p�axar�c�s ar�d w�3,v�d nc�tic� �af th� �:ubl�.c- `
<br /> ation, and that nc �:�,��ct#.qns h�v� �e�n �iled.
<br /> ��hexe�pan evid�nc� m��� tak�n, anci r�c� th� CQu�t �eing
<br /> fully advi��c! in th� �r�a�is�s fi�d� ¢hat Edn� A. �4ar�kin
<br /> died intest�at� on actab�r 18. 19�7, � citiz�n and �e�sid�ant
<br /> of tne �tate mf t����v�; ����t st�� w�� a �vidow, her husband
<br /> havir� long �inc� pr�-d�eea:s�d h�r; that � T`��lr��,nistxst��;�.
<br /> h�zs ��een app4int�d itrr h�r �st�te eith�x in �h� Stat� af
<br /> TJ�*i�raska or �'t�so�v��ti�e� ar�d tl��t s�are than tw+� y�ars �+�v+�
<br /> �la�.��sed �inc� h�r d�ath.
<br /> Thc Court ft�rther finds that sh� ].�ft survi��inc� he�r
<br /> as h�r sol� �nc� c�nl.y h�irs at Ia�v ��a�rice �'. <:;anki�z,
<br /> June A. #��ns�n, whos� m�;id�n naa�e wa� J�ne r�. A�iankin, and
<br /> G2�dy� �P. Sch�v�fg�r. t#h��� �t�ic{�n na�e �as Glady� t�.
<br /> Mankin
<br /> ��6)+��f�� t�at th�re �r�a n� �th�x chaldrr�n c�r eh��d ��rviviing
<br /> r�r�� th� i���ae c�f �ny d,ece�s�ei ch�.��i r�r cbildr�n her �ca�e-
<br /> �
<br /> viv�.ng, sa �h� s�al.e a�d �n�y �i��.�� at la� �n�3 tha s�n1y
<br /> p�r��ns ir�terest�r� in her es��t� a�re the fc�regQ�n� Beatric�
<br /> P. Mankin, Jur�e: A. Han�+s�M ��►d �ladys M. Schweig+�r, la�r s.'
<br /> `
<br /> �tau�ht+���, �nd i�t��t th�ir d+�r�rse t�f �fr�ffihi,�a w�s first.
<br /> t,
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