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<br />� .�
<br /> �;
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<br /> �A3 THE Cf�UNTY COtIRT 4F F�� �UtdT"Y, NEB��A
<br /> I� the l�attea� �rf the Eetate )
<br /> ) DF CA, FE
<br /> of �RANCIs I�. �RTFP, 1'�aeased. )
<br /> '�h3s m�tter came t�a� �or hearing on fi�� 8th d�ry of Jun�, ].960� �r�
<br /> the Pctitfan of 8ilv� A, Tripp �or dete�f.�iati�n a� It�h�r�.t�nc¢ Ta�c and the
<br />': eviden�e� the p�tit�.oner b��ng pr�e�n'� i.n CQurt ��rtd repr�e�t�t�d by cpu�eeZ
<br /> �nd the Cnur� h�vin� he�rd �iz� e�a3.d�nc� and be�.n� tUZI� adv3:a�ed in �he pre���a
<br /> finde tha� Ger�.1d B, B�se�rsl�i�rp G�sw�ty Ati�c��ney o� Hall CQuirstyt N�brask�, w�iv��
<br /> notice upor h�.m �Gcs �h�w e��tr�� ir� th� matter o.� Tnh�r�t��te T�uc �.n the s�t�t�e a£
<br /> Franci� L. 'Pri.pA, �ecea�ed, �nd na cau�� h�vin� t��n mhc>w�n thQ Cauxt f1.r�d� �.�
<br /> �ollows:
<br /> Th�t Franaia L. Tripp dep�.rt�d th9.s liY� �.n {}r�nd T��.end, H�,11 County,
<br /> Nebraska, dn June 2�, 1951�, b��np; �� aa3d �i� a re$ide�t caf Ha12 Cotu�tY,
<br /> Nebraska; t�a� �h� �etit�ar�er i� the trS:fe� v� s�.id €ieoead��d; that at the time o�'
<br /> hiffi dea�h �aid d�eea�s�d was nc�t po$ae�s�d of �ny prope�p �t�b�ecst ta admi�i�.�tr�t�.c�n
<br /> in the St€��e d�' �'ebr�eka, but �a� the owner tog�thez� �'ith petit3.Qn�r � ,�oi�at
<br /> ten�.nts, of the �ollo�.a� d��crii�ed prrrpert�►, ta-v�.�t Part of Let �sv�ra ('7) in
<br /> Bloek �ix (6) o� Ro12�ns Add#:t�r�r� to th� C3.ty of Q�*�sci ��]�ar�df �snd Pa� o�' Lo�
<br /> �ight (�) �n B�.c�ek �1ine$e�n (19) of H, G. C7.ark�� Add3,�#.0� to the �it� �� (3rarcc's
<br /> Ial�nd, describ�d affi �'c�17.owas begSani�ng at �h� Sou��we�t c�z�r c�f �at�c3 Lat
<br /> Seven (7} x�ara.nin� th��ce Northerlg along the Wester2p lin.e o� Lat ��v�n (7) �nd �,ight
<br /> (8) �ox° a di��a�o� of �0 �'eet, thence E�sterly at ri�h�t ar�lee �t� �`eet, t�ez�ce ;�
<br /> Southerly� �t r3�3�t �les �0 feet �a the Soath�ar3,y Line o� sa:id Lot Sev�:r� (7),
<br /> and tY�enc� W��ter�.� E S f�et to the place o� b�ginrsing, bein� a rect��.lar piecs� �
<br /> f
<br /> of gr�und hav3.ng a Southerly frontage of �� feet on 81x�Ch Stx�e� and e d�pth o�'
<br /> i
<br /> 84 �'�et o And the W�:st�rly !�5 teet oP t�e Northerly �2 Yeet �t F�ac��i�r��l I.,ot
<br /> E3ght (8), in Fracti�l Blc�ck Ni�et�en (29), in H. t�. C].ark�� ltc�d3:tit�a �a the 4
<br /> a
<br /> ,;a
<br /> City of Gr+�d Island, Hall Cfl�,tnty, Nebraavl�a, a� ,�urv�ayed, plat�efl ar�.d �4��°d�d�
<br /> ,r
<br /> which pro�+erty, �t the tizr� of the death 0f g�3.d dec�ad��tl, xat� a�' the i'a�.r and
<br /> rea�ona�l� m��rket va7:�s cf �7r5��?.:DO; �h�t eai.d d��.�a��c� d�t�S.�g i�i� li�'�'�i� �
<br /> ��.
<br /> �:
<br /> did not �cxaveF at�,Y PrQL�ert�r in trt��� �r.e��ber�r3:a� #.rt ct�l�C�latian e►.� �Y�ath ar `„
<br /> ;�
<br /> int�nded fim �ak� effect in pa�e�eai.ca of �r�j�ya�at a�'�er dea�h, a�d �3�th�� �� s�
<br /> a;
<br /> . �: ,,;, ,,.;.: , .,,
<br /> I "
<br /> � , . . ;: .,. .. . . ,:,,: . .=. '
<br /> y b .:;����� r;�w.
<br />