_ . . __ _ .,..,:.. ,. .. � ri.:,.•-.. -r.__ ,,,:... -� 2 r y
<br /> . .. . . . . - , . . ..�j..
<br /> Mr. ^t.a,» .�j '1.y� , �r�-� �.� '�� �ry�. _ -. � _, �
<br /> . '�tiL�il1xT���s {� P���� � �Z�W
<br /> �TA4'E dF �EH�RA�S�4} :
<br /> _ �8�
<br /> ca�r � R.� )
<br /> Rt a �ess3:o� �f r�e coc�r��r �ctart h�.d in the �o�+rnty conrt Roaa� izl Gr�na Ielar�,
<br /> in aaid �ount�� vn th� �2#�°c day at' �►av�ber A.D,3 1959.
<br /> Frese�zat �harlsa �assert� Cacu►ty J�dg�
<br /> In the �atter of th� EBfi.at:� ot
<br /> Ft°�d�arieka �Jr►��zn�z^atahn3 €��ro knrnrt�
<br /> aa R��ka I?�tgnr�ez�s�n,, Decssaed
<br /> Iy t;h�rl� &,s�er�� Jn�ge saf the Gts�nt� C�irt� in actd Par said �ountyj do
<br /> h�r�by cer�i� thaE an ths 1l�th day vf O�tobgrj 24�9� the inatl�tent PurPorting
<br /> to t�e ths last wiI3 �d testas�snt oS' �'reti+�rf.cka �uennor�ant�� al�o knom ae �icka
<br /> 3h�e�n�r�narm� deceasedt ira�r fil�d for probate in this �oart. Th$t on #,he 12�h
<br /> da� vf �ow�nberi 39�9� �a�,d inat��ent to �rhich this aertif#.cat,a ie attached wes
<br /> duly pro�v�d� probat� ar.d aZl�ad as the last tirill and ts��ta�ant of t�^.e seal cnd
<br /> persanal sstate o�' said Frederfcka Dnenn�a�z�ns a2so kn�,-n as Kicka �Guenner:nann�
<br /> d�ce�.sed, an3 +.he ��.m� �as or�ierecf to be recorQed 3.n the rs�orde of the �ouat�
<br /> af ar�said.
<br /> I?�� t:'T7�F�:�.v" I':�i�;�*�:"i�9 �, have hprsnnto set �y �Sand a�nd aff ixed the s�a�. ��' �,he
<br /> Gor.nty �o�±rt� �hia 1?th d� of i�aac�aL�er� 19,59.
<br /> Charles �oa�ser�
<br /> (��L} Co»ntp Jttd�e."
<br /> �md sa�d Henrp �o��ter and Hsrbert F, fi4�er xere a�pointed �::ecutors upon their
<br /> f�.�rnishirg bond i�t t3�e sro�s gf �7;�IIt�.� $s oz�dered by th5.s= �aMrt� wt�ich bond xas
<br /> furnzsh� and a��roved; t�s �ouirt ft�rCher fiads tha� s�id �'rederi�ka �a���
<br /> alsa knca�m �a Riek� U�enn�rmann� �t the ti�e of her d�ath� xsa �►a urnaarrieri maiden
<br /> l.act��, t:�at brs�h of �ear gsz�rri�s prec�ded hsr in dssth and t�iat ,�he left hsr surviv_
<br /> in� as Y�r h�.rs-at,-lax and onl� heirs-<�+,-1_�w the fa12:�w�ng ruransci persans� to«�it f
<br /> Rosa �ao�e, a nisc-e and Fiiehaz�d �+rdbrnger� a nss�hew� #.hey bsing a12
<br />! of t�s ehi}dren o:� a prmdeo�a$�ci sisstsr� Lc�nis� �dbr�tgar;
<br /> �rtdelpt� N, Kt��ter�, a nep?:ew; h�ing the cynly �hild ot a presteceased
<br /> n
<br /> �i.s�ear ?���ie K��ster;
<br />�
<br />�
<br />� Johanne Kcsest�r� �Se� sis�+ar;
<br /> a�tc3 ttse fal].e�tvi.ng nieoes aud nmp�ra, ta•+�ri�s �11a F3.��her A1b�r�
<br /> Met'�enl�rink' �r�hti�r �e��tnb�iink i�i�.liau�n �IetLesnbxi.�� Rudo�sh
<br /> n a�n
<br /> Mot#�sbri� �o is na�ed Ftqd�r �tteubrirsk in eaid �.a�� idi.�l a12d
<br /> ��s�taarten�,, �r�e �i3.�g� 's�h� is a�m�ct in said I�ast Wi2.]. snd T�sta»
<br /> �er�t ac� Ire�e �4e�ona2d�, 02ga �h1.m�enand who s� n�gd in sa�d t.ast
<br /> �till and '�ea��nt �� U7.g�. �t�t�enbrf.rsk� �� �eatte�nbr3z�c snd Wal�er
<br /> �€e�t.�ntsrink� they b�ir�g a11 0� th� ahi:ldx�.t o� a predeeea�sd
<br /> �i�ter� .�r�i+� �fe�tr3n#ri.��� a�t�pt�ing �ra�d. �ie�te�nbriatt xt�o
<br /> pr+�+ad�,d said �eata�rix i�i da�f�i�;
<br /> that �1� fl� s�id h�i��tr�.�r ure flvar tt�e a�+� o� txa�ty'+c�e pear� �nd ar� cam���t.
<br /> P�iiTl�
<br /> �li� �o�r�t i'r�� tY.ne� tb�t u� the;lbt.h d� of �e�rr�be�*� �9��� an ord�rr a$
<br /> �his �.r� x,ta �t�� �ll��ag �*edifi�;rr� thr�,s �m�h� t��t �d aft�r t.l� 9th dapr �s�`
<br /> �eea�b�srd '���9s �'�i�i,�t� '� �i:3�e �he3.r a�� �g�3.�e� ss�d aa�atq auid �a�d ���u�ar�
<br /> ,
<br /> :k�� � .:;: � ��:.x ,�, . ._.�::�,,., - >-� �. ;��,; ._ .,;: t. �.w�,.r�. , ��,.��,.. ��
<br /> t�H �
<br />