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<br /> 9: J�__N 1 , DC,'�:�;D
<br /> I, John A. Donald, of Grand Islar_u, ijall �oun�y, ,;ebras=�..^,
<br /> being of sound riind and disposirz memor,y, do :nake ar.d r,tiol; sn
<br /> �his, my last will ard testament, by it re�okin�_, G11 �orr*ie^ ���ri lls
<br /> b;� rne made.
<br /> FIRST.
<br /> I direct thnt my executrix and er,ecators , he_reiri�.t ter r.a�r;ed,
<br /> pa�r all my ,just debts, including the expenses of rny last sicl�ne�s
<br /> and death and the costs and expenses o�' adz�liztin�; th,�s wi1_1 to
<br /> probate and adrlinisterin� my estate , from surh personal X�rol�ert,y
<br /> as I have on hand at the ti?ne of my death, an.d as soon therear"'ter
<br /> as can ��e conveniently arran:�•edQ I furti:er �?irect t�Zat �rlv exec��trix
<br /> and executors ,lereinafter named shall pay a11 estate ar.d inhe .r.i.tance
<br /> taxes, both �ederal and State, out oi tr�t tiart of m,y estate not
<br /> devised and bequeathed to m,y k;ele�✓ad w;fe , i�Te�lie i:�onald.. I d irect
<br /> tnat rn�T executrix and executors aha�l not recover an;,� port�i.or_ of
<br /> any such taxes from any devise:,, iegatee, donee, t ransferee , ins�:r-
<br /> ance benefic�-ar;�, or f'rom any fiduciary af an;� tru.>t which 1 may
<br /> have created in my lifet�me�
<br /> SECOND.
<br /> I give, devise and b equeatn to m�y belo�ed wife, i•:cllie :_iona-�d;
<br /> The horne which we now cccupy, 'oeirg aescnibed as Lots 7 and �, i.n
<br /> Block 12Z, in Koenig r� ��Jyebe ' s Add��ion to tne C=it,y of ��rand 1:siand ,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska, to be hers absolutel�T, all oi�' the furniture,
<br /> fixtures, equipment, arld al � otner pe;soral property connected wsth
<br /> our home and in�luding any and all automobiles which 1 rrk�y own at
<br /> 't}ie time of m� death; and in additi.on thereto so much of my e s tate ,
<br /> real or per�onal.� as sha.11 alto�ether with sucn home ar, d spec�.fic
<br /> personal property herein devised a.nd bequeat?:ed, v:a.i�:�e�� as a1,�;»�i ;;ed
<br /> for Federal estate tax ourposes, as sha11 be e�l.;al in arnolir.t and
<br /> value to one-half (1�2) o�' the value of mJ ad�us�e� _F-,�"Jss estate as
<br /> finally determined �or rederat estate taxes uz�diminished b�,r any
<br /> tra:�sfer, inheritanee, legacy, estate, succe>sion, or other tax
<br /> levied upon or assessed aga.inst my estate �.nd att_ribi.ita't>7.e to oroK,-
<br /> ert� passing thereunder nr ot�erwise , the �:nle to be paid by my
<br /> executrix and executors in such propert;r or seeur5_ties as m,y c xec�_z-
<br /> trix and executors shall select in addition to the specific propert�,y
<br /> abo�ae described, the same to be valuEd as of any optioral date sele•^ted
<br /> by my executrix and executors for Federal estate tax purposes,
<br /> TNIRDo
<br /> I authorize a� d direc� my executri.x an d exec�ztors, hereinzf'ter
<br /> named, to sell any real estate of whicil I die seized, cave and ex-
<br /> cept our home propert,y as above devised to my sa�d wif�, my said
<br /> executrix and �xecutors to be the sole judges of the .�rices at
<br /> which said real estate shall b'e sold, and tne � thin k�eing thei.r i'tzll
<br /> and complete authorit�T to make �iecessary deeds of transfer
<br /> without order from any court whatsoever. It being my desire that
<br /> all real estate, other than the home, be transferred into c ash to
<br /> be distributed in the manner as hereinafter set forth.
<br /> John A. Donald
<br /> ;
<br />