<br /> the time of his death he was a resident of Hall Coun�y, Atebraska,
<br /> and that said decea�ed left a `last will and testament, which w�s
<br /> filed ir� this Ceurt for probat�e on the � day of June, 195$•
<br /> �FC4I�iD: That Anna I. Risler was nominated in s�id last will
<br /> r
<br /> as Ex�c;�trix thereof, and that the fol.lowin� are th� legatees,
<br /> ;
<br /> d�;visees and interested persons named therein: Ruby V. Krader,
<br /> �
<br /> a �ister; .Anna I. �i51er, a sigter; i�illiam E. ,�ncienson, a brother;
<br /> t
<br /> �:rne�t E. Anderson, a brother�; Bryan J. Anderson, a 3brother; Iiattie
<br /> �
<br /> �,nder�an, a sister-in-law, an,e� A�ae Johnson, a sis�e�.
<br /> THI�D: That on th� /3'� day of June, 1958, ��na I. Kisler
<br /> - �
<br /> filed in �his Court a petition for the probate of s�id last wil3
<br /> i
<br /> �nd testa�ent and the appoin�ment of Anna I. Kisler� as Exeeutrix
<br /> thereof; and on the �3�,� day of June, 195$, an or�er of this
<br /> ;
<br /> ,
<br /> Court was made thersin, assi��n� the lOth day of Jiuly, 195$, at
<br /> lfl o'elock A.I+4. , at the County Court Room in said Gountp, as the
<br /> ;
<br /> time and plaee for hgaring said petition, �nd orderin� that notice
<br /> be given to a11 persons interested in said mat�ter by publishing a
<br /> noti ce of �aid ard�r in th� Grand Zsland Indep�ndent, a le�al
<br /> �
<br /> newspaper, printed and published in said Caunt;� three successiv�
<br /> weeks �rior to said day of' hearing, and it appears by proof on
<br /> : fiZe; that notice of�aid order was giv�n as ordered by this Court, . .
<br /> and al�o hy affidaviL on file that � copy of said printed notice
<br /> was sent by Ur3ted St3tes mail to each and every �arty agpearing
<br /> to hav� a direct 1�Fa1 int�rest in said estate proce�d3.ngs as pro-
<br /> vided in Section 25-520.01 of Ghe R�vised Statutes of Nebraska,
<br /> I943 , as am�nded in 1957.
<br /> �'(7UFtTHs The Gourt further finds that on said 10th day of
<br /> July, 1g5�, said last will anri testamsnt was dulp proved, approved
<br /> and al.lm�red as the la�s� wil�. �nd testam�nt of Frar�k �J. Anderson,
<br /> d�ceas�d, a deeree of probate �ade th�rean and �,nna I. Kis].�sr,
<br /> na�ed' t,her�i�2, w�� t�p4n her �iving bond in the �u� of �6000.00,
<br /> as �rrd�red b� t�i� Court, a�pointe� F�c�cutrix ther�of; th� Cour�
<br /> �'ur�her x"i.�ds tha.t �h� decea��d at G�e �Gime o.� h�.� death vaa� �
<br /> �in�le p�r�an and t�iat he ]::ef� st�rv�viz�g him th� fs�llowin� he�.rs-
<br /> a�-�aw� F�nby v. Kr�dar, a ,s�.��er; A��a� T. Kis�l�r, a �ister�
<br /> Will�.� �. AAds����, a� brc►ther; �rnest '�. Anderson, � bro�har;
<br /> Arya� J. And�r�c��, a brother, and l+�e Johnson, a �sis�er. -
<br /> ;
<br /> , . , �. F _ a ,.�..
<br /> ,..� ��, t
<br /> � ��:
<br /> .�
<br />