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�� `l� CC3U�'3"� C�U�� �� �:� i:C�U�`�1'� �I�;B��� <br /> Zi� �Ii� b�i�T�� t��` `� �Ti�T� � <br /> } <br /> n�' 3 ���i�:, ����� <br /> � �� �. ......�..,.. <br /> LULt3 E�. L�sN�J��HR� ��:��r'�" �:U, ) <br /> �c�w an thia� 1,",,,�th d$y of J�n�r 3858, thi� ���.�e:� ��e <br /> on befor� the ec�urt fQ� he��in.� ��c�A tha fi�.�.l r�o�� c� �1�� <br /> a�cimf.n3atratc�r �rfth ti�e �Yill �.nme��d �nd upan hi+a p�titi�s� pz���i�nc� <br /> th�t ,auch repoat a�d �a�rsur�� be �,l,lvwed, fc�z a de�re� €�f h+�i��h�.p� <br /> � ord�:r o� diatrib�ttian, �d �or fixial ssttle���tt a�td d.�r���.�rge <br /> af �he r�r�nf str�tor� �e �ill �e��c3, a�d t�►� �our� ��t�z <br /> h��ing eaa�i�ed s�ch fin�l repc�xt �d at�cou�t ���thez �f.��-� t��► <br /> recorri� �nd files, eu�d beinq #'u11y ��i�� in th� pr�ami�e� <br /> �inds ��:�t due a�nt3 leqz�l natiee has b��r� ����n to a11 p�rsona <br /> intarested in thi� aa�id es���e c�f th� t�uttc� �nd pl��e fi�ed fo� <br /> �tearing upo� erach final r�rt and accfl�nt �c� p�tit�.c�n �c�x <br /> final e�ttle��n� �ta oZd�ted b3► �he C€�urt, suczh not3c� being <br /> r�iv�n by publfeation anc� b3� mail.inq ta each in-�exes-t��€ ���ty � <br /> e�py of rueh notice, and no oa��e appe�ring to obj�ct �m s�.�h <br /> f ina�. repoxt, th� Cc��rt exa�i��d th� ��me �ageth�r �it� t�:� <br /> x�ceipts enri vaur�h�ze� a�nd th� ��exti�ony in �u�p�� t��geo�o <br /> and �fter beinq fully a�d�+i�aed #.n �.e pre�isses finds as f�3ic�ws; <br /> 'i'h�it �ulu B. Langj�r dep�r-�ed thi� life n� fih� 7th ci,�y <br /> of l?ec�b�x, 194�, auci she �as �t t�.� ti�� a� h�� d��th � <br /> r�s3ds�t of Qr�d Island, Hall �ou�ty, Ira�bx�a. <br /> 'That Le�l� �. Lang j a�hx �ras a� the ti��s es:� ��� de�th � <br /> xida�r, �,ad �h� left eurvivins� �er �ss �.�r �al� an� az�ly h�3r�► <br /> at 2aw h�r da�u,ghtere, �aziz�a :�g��hx� r�r��r �xin� ���.ah�x,, <br /> artd �ry 3c� Lang jahx, arrx i��ry To .Tosc;l�ti. <br /> �hat an �.hs 35th da�y of �3ec�b�r# �84�, �. d�ly �+��.fi�i <br /> p��ition wae� �iled in t�ii.s Co�rt prayir�q f�� t,h� e�11Qw�r��� �md <br /> probate of an instz�u�s�nt p��arting ta bs t:�:� i.�.sst �ill �id <br /> 'i'�r�t�snt o� Lnlu �. La►n�jahx, t��e��dt �d � order �a� c�i2y <br /> ent�x�i :et�iug and �t��sic�i�g ��+s 8th d�y aF J���r�r� 19#�, <br /> in the �a�ty Co�.rtzc�o� i�. I�.��. Cc�unty, ��b��ska� a�c ��e ti�+� <br /> a�nd pl�.ce for h�ri�t �n ��e�� p�+titic�� and Q�deri� ��atice . <br /> . <br />