<br /> I�i THE I�iA�TER C3F �HE ES�ATE � Estate No. �29$
<br /> )
<br /> UF ) F�N�.L DSttR'�E
<br /> �
<br /> 4�AL�.ACE t�. TUCKEA,� I?ECEASED )
<br /> ,Lleee�h e r
<br /> This matter eame on for hearing th3.s .3� day of Ai�,
<br /> lg��, upor� the Final Repurt and Account and the�etition for Final
<br /> Settl�ent of Aecount and th� Supplc�mental Repart of the Executor,
<br /> anci for a D�cr�+� c�f Heirship h�r�, and due and legal notiee of hear�ng
<br /> ��ving been giv8n a� providsd by 1aw, and the Court bein� fully €�dvised
<br /> �.n th� premises, finds: �
<br /> l. That the Final Aecount end Supglement thereto is a�rect
<br /> and should be a3,lawed.
<br /> 2o That the statemcnt,� and all�gations in said Final Repart
<br /> �.re true and correet.
<br /> 3� That s�.id Executor took po�s�ssion of the personal property
<br /> i�elon.ging to �aid �stats and has p�id all debt� and cZaims allpwed and
<br /> the costs and expenses of �dministratian,
<br /> 4. That thsrs �.s no inher�tanee tax due the State of l�abraska
<br /> frc�m anp of the heir��devisees vr lega�ee� af the des�ased, �xc� t
<br /> I�a,ry Stockman and the amount a�sessed against her in th� sum of �2i�.t}0
<br /> h�s t�een paid.
<br /> 5. That aft�r payment of all debts, cl�ims, administrative
<br /> expenses and special bequ�sts! all as ��t o�zt in the �'in�l Report an�
<br /> �u���.ement t�,er�to th�re i� left in the k��nds a� the Exscutor �he sum
<br /> o.� �bll,�k6 to be equal.ly apportioned between Vene 'Tucksr and A1�na
<br /> i�cBeth. :'hat furniture and furnishings contained in re�id�ntial
<br /> prQ�er�ies h�rein�ft�r descrihed �ere sp�ea.fically devised as a part
<br /> of t�� re�l �estat� and hav� be�;n aelivered to th� n�ed deviseesm
<br /> 6. Tha-t t��.11�.ce Gs 2ucker died t�+state, a r�sid�nt of Hall
<br /> �ounty, �lsbraska, on the 7th d�y of t�pril, 195$, az�d left as hi� sale
<br /> and only h�irs at law ths following n�m�d p�r�c�ns! Hugh `�uckcr and
<br /> V€n� Tuck�sr� sons, and AlmB l�ia�e�h a.nd l3ort�thy k�a,rrella ref�rr�d to i,-�
<br /> t�i� Last i�i3.1 and T�st�ne�t as Dtaro�hy Warre�.i, c�aught�r�, all of whQm
<br /> �r� 4f le��l gge.
<br /> '�. fihet th� s��.d T�a11.�zce �. Tucker, deca���d, di�c� se�.�,�d �f
<br /> th� fvlla�.r�g d�sa��bed r�al �s�a��e, to�t.�x
<br /> L�a� E�.ght {$), Ble+ek Eight �$�, Ra11�.ns Add3,tion to the Cit�
<br /> Qf Gr�nd I��.�.�d* H�.11 �suntya 1��br�s��; snd
<br /> La� �ns �2), �le��k ��r��t�`»�� ('�6}� Rus�e��l �afih�el�r�s �.ddition
<br /> t� �h� C�t� ��' ���and I����d, ��.11 Cot�ntp, ��bra�k�s
<br /> $4 '��e.t bp ��ie term� o�' th� �d�.11 c��' ��.�d de�ceas�dp k�h�
<br /> f�arn�.t�r�: �nd furz��.�hings l���ted i� t�:� pr�m�:�e� desa��.b�d �.s Lea� Eight
<br /> (�), B�.c�ck �ight �€�}, ��i�.ins A�ldi��.an �d �h�: Gity af (�r��d I�land,
<br /> have bee� ���.3v�a^ed ta l�ort3t�3� �t�rrell. �.nd t�h� fttr�i:�G�t�e �nd furni�h�.ng�
<br /> �.n �he �r��.��� ��e�t�d �c�t 4n�: {3.}� B1a�k ��r�r�ty�-��.� ��6), R��se1.
<br /> �he�1.��°�s Ad�itio� tc� ��� ESi�� t�f ��z�d �-sl�t,r�d� ha�'+� b��� de��.i��r�d tts
<br /> ��r Sto�k��n. �r�hsr �hat th� b�.lan+�� c�� th� p�r��n�� �r�g��^�y
<br /> r��.�.n�.r� �.z� ��ie �� �f �6�.�.4b �.f�.er p�y�+��t c�f' d.+���as, fun��� ,exp��se�
<br /> : ..�,.,.
<br /> �
<br />