<br /> ���� �� ��us`�
<br /> L�an �o�e 7�'��7'7'��3 ���n���ued� �a�� �
<br /> LEN�ER'S �]CP�NDITL��ES. i� Trusto� �ai�s �A} �o keep -�he Proper�y -�ree of ail taxes, 19ens, securi�y interests,
<br /> encumbrances, and ather claams, �g� �o pro�ide any requir�d insurance on�he Pr��ert�, ar {C} �� make repairs to�he
<br /> Praperty �;hen Lende� rr�ay do so. I� any act�on or �roceeding is commenced that wouid rnateriaf�y �f��c� Lende�-'s
<br /> ir��e�ests in �he Praper�y, �hen Lender an Trustor's �ehal�r mayf �ut is not required �to, take any ac�Eon �ha� Lender
<br /> bel�e�es tc� �e appropriate t❑ pra�e�� Lender's in�erests. All expenses �neurred or paid hy Lender far such purposes wil!
<br /> ti�en bear�nteres�a��he rate�harged under the Note�rom the date incurred or paid by Lender�o�he date o�repaymen�
<br /> by�rus�oj�. Alf such expenses wt11 became � par�❑f the Inciebtedness and, at Lender's op�ion, wil! �A} �e payable on
<br /> demand; �B� be added �o th� I�aiance o� �he fVa�e and �� apportioned among and �e payab�e with any ins�aflmen�
<br /> payments to became due during either ��� �he term o� any applicable insu�ance policy; o� �2} �he remaining�erm o�
<br /> �the Note; ar ��� be trea�ed as a balfoon payrnen�which will he due and payab�e at�he No�e's ma��rity. The �eed ��
<br /> �rus� a�so vvi�! se�u�e payment of these amaun�s. �he ri�h�s provided for ir�this paragraph sha�l be in addition to any
<br /> ��her righ�s ❑r any remedies to which Lender may be entit{ed an account of any defau�t. Any such ac�ion by Lender
<br /> shaI! nat�fe cnns�ru�d as curing the default so as�a bar Lender�rom any remedy�hat it otherwise wouid ha�e had.
<br /> �AR�A��T�°r �]EFE�SE QF T��LE. The follawing pro�is�ons refating�o❑wnership of�he Praperty are a par�of�his De��
<br /> o��rus�:
<br /> T'i���. Trustar warrants �hat: �a} Trustar halds good and marke�able title �� recnrd �o �he Praperty in �ee simple�
<br /> �ree ,�nd ciear �� alf li�ns and encumbrances other�han �hase set �or�h in the Fieai P�operty descriptian cr�- in any
<br /> �i�le i nsu�an�e policy, �itle report, or �inal �itie op�n�on issued in �a�or of, and ac�epted by, Lender �n connec�io�
<br /> wi�h�his D�ed a�Trust, and �b}�rustor has�he�ul� r�ght, power, �nd au�hority to exe�ute and deli�er�his Deed ❑�
<br /> �rust:to Lender.
<br /> De�ei�se ��T���e. Su�je��to �he excep�ion �n �he paragraph aba��, Trus�or warrants �nd will �ore�er de�end �the
<br /> �itle t_❑ t�he Propert�r against the Iaw�u� claims of al� persons. fn the event any ac�ion or p�o�eeding is ca�menced
<br /> �hat��ues�sons Trusto�'s tit�e or�he in�er�st of Trus�ee ar �.ender under this ❑eed of Trus�,Trustor shail defend �he
<br /> actian a�Trusta�'s expense. Trus�ar rnay �e �he nominal par�y in such proceeding, bu� Lender shal� he en�itied�o
<br /> par�ic,ipate in �he praceeding and to be represented in �he proceeding by counsef o� Lende�'s own choiee, and
<br /> Trus��or will de��verr or cause�❑ �e deii��red, �a Lender such instrumen�s as Lender may �equest�rom time�o time
<br /> �a permi�such pa�ticipation.
<br /> ��mE�lian�e �f�th �.av�rs, Trustar warran�s fha� �he P€-operty and Trus�or's use a� �he Praper�y compiies wi�h a��
<br /> exis�ing appiicabfe 1aws, ordinances, and regula�ions o�go��rnmen�al au�harities.
<br /> 5ur�,iva� �f �rc�r�is�s= AII prornises, agreer�ents, and s�aternents Trustor has made �n �his Deed of Trust shali
<br /> su�Wi�e the execu�ion and deii�ery of�h�s �eed vf Trust, sha[I be continuing in nature and shall remain in�full �orce
<br /> and�if�ec$untif such�ime as Trustor's �ndebtedness is paid in fui{.
<br /> ����EiVI1V�1�'l�B�. The�aliov�r�ng pro��sio�s reCa�ing�o condemnation�roceedings are a pa��❑��his �eed of�r�st:
<br /> ���sc�red�ngs. lf �ny praceeding i� condemnation is �iled, Trus�ar sha�l prompt�y r�otify Lender in wri�ing, and
<br /> Trusl:or shal� promptly �ake su�h steps �s may be ne�essa�y ta de�end �he actinn and ob�ain the award. Trus�or
<br /> may be�he nomina� party in such pr�ceeding, but Lender shall be en�itied t�participa�e in�he proceeding and ta be
<br /> re����sen�ed in the praceed�ng �y cvunsel o� its own cho�ce, and Trustor will de�i�er c�r cause �❑ be deii�ered �a
<br /> Le�der such ins�ruments and docur�entatian as may �e reques�ed hy Lender �ror�a �ime �o time �a pe��i� such
<br /> participa�ion.
<br /> �ppliica��on ��N�t�'r�ceeds. i�all ❑r any part af the Prop�rty is candemned by eminen�damain pro�eedings or b�
<br /> any��roceed�ng a�purchase in�ieu o�condemna�ion, Lender may a���s e�ec�ion require�hat ail or any por�ion of the
<br /> ne� z�ra�eeds a� the �ward be app�ied ta the �ndehtedn�ss or the repair ar restvratian o� the Proper�y. The net
<br /> procE�eds o#�he awa�d shall mean the awa�d a�ter payment o� all reasvnable �osts, expenses, and a�torraeys' fees
<br /> incur�ed by Trus�ee ar�ender in Connecticrn�rvith the condemnation.
<br /> �MP����'I+�fV �F T�I�E�. FEES �►N�7 �HARLC�ES �l' ���JERNMEIVT/�L�i�ITH�R�TfE�. The faliow�ng pro��sions �eia�ir�g
<br /> �o go�ernmenta!�axes,�ees and cha�ges a�-e� part❑��his ❑eed of Trus�:
<br /> Cu����� Tax�s, �ees and �ha�'ges. Upon reques� by Lender, Trus-�or shafl exe�ute such dacuments 9n addition �❑
<br /> �his I�eed a�Trus�and take what��er othe�a�tivn is reques�ed by L�nder to perfect and continue Lender's ��er�an
<br /> the ��eal Proper-�y. ��us�ar shall �eis�r-shurse Lende� �o� a!1 taxes, as des�ribed below, �agether with al� expenses
<br /> in�urred in recording, pe��ecting or cantinuing this Deed o� Trust, includ�ng w�thout �irni�ation ali taxes, �ees,
<br /> do�umentary s�amps, and other charges#or record�ng or regis�ering�his Deed of Trust.
<br /> Taxes. �'he �a�lowing sha1� constitute taxes �o which �his section applies. �'1} a speci�ic �ax upar� �his �ype ��
<br /> �ee�� o�Trus� or upon all or any pa�-t of th� lndebtedness secured by �his Qeed �f T�us�; tZ� � speci�i� �ax on
<br /> ��us��or whic�Trustor is �uthor�zed or�required�a deduct from paymenfis on the Inde��edness secured hy�his type
<br /> of ❑�ed o�Trus�; �3� a tax on this�ype o# Deed a�Trus�Ghargeable against the Lender or the hoider o��he No�e;
<br /> and 44� � specifi�tax on a1!or any por�ion of�.he �ndebtedness or vn paymen�s❑f pr�ncipai and in�erest made by
<br /> Trus��or.
<br /> Subsequen� �a�es. if any ��x to which �h�s sec��on applies is enac��d subsequent tfl the date a� �his Deed �f
<br /> Trus��, �his event shail have the sar�e ef#ect as �n E�ent o� Defaul�, and Lender may exercise any or alf o�r its
<br /> avail�ble rernedies �rar an E�ent af aefault as pra�ided below un�ess Trustor ei�her �"I} pays �he tax before Ft
<br /> beco�raes delinc{uen�, ar ��} con�ests the tax as pro�ided abo�e in fhe Taxes and L�ens section and deposits with
<br />