<br /> EED C3� TF�lJ�T
<br /> ��a� N�e '��1�77'7�� ����t�r�u�C�� ��ge �
<br /> ��RS�NA� PR�P�F���, �� �1!lEiV T� SE�UF�E �A� ��l�'fV�E�t�' C��THE I1V�]E�T�DIVESS d�1�17 {�� PE�F�R�ANCE �F
<br /> ►�iVY �N� A��. ��L��AT��NS UN�]E� THE N��E. `CFiE RE�.���� �3�CU�IIENT'S, �4�D T�IS �EED �F TR�J�`T. �'H1S
<br /> DEE��F�RUST�5���IEN A1V�►4C�EPT'���fV�H���LL��1�N�T'ERfV�S:
<br /> P,�����T �N� PERF�R��PVC�. Excep� as otherwise proUidec� in this Deed o� Trus�, Trustar sha�� pay ta Lsnder ail
<br /> amaun�s secured �y this Deed �f Trust as �hey become due, and sha�� strict�y and in a timely manner per�orm ali of
<br /> Trus�or's�bligations under�he No�e, �his De�d o�Trust, and the Re�a�ed Dacumen�s.
<br /> P��SI�S�I��V Ia1VD �ViA.�1VT�NAB�CE DF �H� �'RC�P��TY. T�-usto� agre�s that Trustar's possession and use of fhe
<br /> �'roperty shall be g��erned�y�he�o�lovuing pro�isions.
<br /> ��ss�ssi�� and �se. Unti� the o�currence of an ��en� o� flefault, Trustar may L�� remain in possession and
<br /> cant�o� o�the Proper�y; 42) use,�pe�a�e�r mana�e�he Property; and �3} co�lec�the Ren�s�rom�he Property.
<br /> �3u�� �� �a�ntasn. Trus�vr shalE rraain�ain the P�operty in good candition and prc�mptly �erfar�a a#I re��irs,
<br /> replacements, and maintenance necessary to prese��e i�s value.
<br /> �€�rn�i�ar�ce l�li�h E�a�rirvnmen�al L�ws. Trustor �epresents and warran�s�a Lender that: ��y ❑uring �he pe�iod ❑�r
<br /> Trust�r's owne�ship af�he Proper�y, �here has be�n n❑ use, generation, manu�ac�ure, storage, �rea�m�n�, disposa(,
<br /> relea:�e or�hrea�ened re[ease �� any Hazardous S�bst�nce by any persvn on, under, about or -�ram �he Praper�y;
<br /> �2} Trus�ar has no kno�nrledge of, or �eason to::h�lieve::�hat�h�r� has been, excep�as pre�iously disc�ased fio and
<br /> acknQw�edged by Lender in writing, �a} � .any::;:�'reach oir;„v�o)atipn o� any Environmen�al Laws, ��} any use,
<br /> generation, manu�ractur�, starage, trea�m,��.�; dispc�s,al, �elease,ar�:�hreatened �-e��ase o� any Hazardous 5ubs�ance
<br /> on, under, abaut or frorr� the P�-aperty by any�p.rior,.,ovvners or fl.ccupants of the Praperty, ❑r {c} any actual or
<br /> �hr�a�ten�d li����tian nr claims of any kind t�y�ariy�`person rela�ing�to such matters; and {3� Excep� as pre�iaus�y
<br /> disc�osed to �nd acknawledged by Lender€n wri�ing, (ay neifiher'Trus�or nor any�enan�, can�ra��or, agent or ather
<br /> a�thorized use�af the Proper�y shal� use, generate, manufacture, s�are, treat, dispose c�f or releas� any Haza�cious
<br /> Subs-tance �n, under, �hou��r��am the Property; and �b� any such acti�ity sha�� be�onducted[ in compliarac�wi�h
<br /> alI �pp�icat�le �ede�a�, sta�e, and local lavvsf regulations an� ordinances, �n�luding wi�hou� iim6-�at�on �1�
<br /> �r�����nmen��� Laws. �rus�or autharizes Lender and its agents �o enter upan the Prnper�y �o make such
<br /> inspecfiions and tes�ts, �t Trus�or`s expense, as Lender may deem apprapriate �o determine compliance �� the
<br /> Prop�r�y vvi�th this sect�an �� th� Deed a�Trus�. Any inspec�ians ar tests made by Lender sha!! be �or Lender's
<br /> purpases oniy and shall r��� be canstrued to crea�e any responsibiii�y❑�Iiability an the par�❑�Lender to Trus�or or
<br /> �o any o�her person. �he representations and warrant�es �on�ained h�rein a�e based �n Trus�or's due diligence �n
<br /> �n�estiga�ing �he P�oper�y�or Hazard�us Substanc�s. Trustor herehy {�� releases and waiv�s any �uture ciaims
<br /> aga�nst Lende� �or inderr�nity �� can�ribut}on in �he e�en� Trustor �ecomes liable �or cleanup or o�her cos�s unde�
<br /> any such�aws; and �2} agrees to End�mnify, defend, anr�ho�d harmless Lender again�t any and a�[ �iaims, 9osses�
<br /> iia��li��ies, damages, penalt�es, and expenses wh�ch Len�er may direcfily��-ind�rectly sustain or su�fer resulting��-om
<br /> a breach �f fhis sectian af the Deed a�Trust ❑r as a consequence of any use, generation, manu�actu�-e, s�orage,
<br /> disposal, reiease or�hreatened reiease occurring prior�o Trustar's ownership❑r in�erest�n�he Praper�y, w�e�he�-❑r
<br /> no� the same was or shouid have been �nown �v Trustor. The prQ�isians n� th�s sec�ion a� the Deec� of Trus�,
<br /> �ncluding the�b�iga�ian ta indemnify and defend, sha�I sur�i�e the paymen�of the lndeb�edness and�he satis�actian
<br /> and recon�eyanc� of�h� lien o�this Deed af Trust and shall not be affe�ted by Lender's a�quisition o�any in�erest
<br /> in th� F'�flperty, whe�her by�oreclosure o�othe�w��e.
<br /> IVr��sa�c�, l��s�e. Trustar shall not cause, conduc� o�- permi� any nuisance nor �ommi�, permi�, or su��er ar�y
<br /> s�ripping o�or waste vn or fia �he Property or any pvrtian o� �he Property. Wi�hou� lim�fing the generali�y o�the
<br /> foregaing, �rustor�rvill nat rema��, o� grant t� any Qther party the right�a remove, any timber, minera[s �inc�uding
<br /> oil arnd gas}, cvai, c�ay, scae-ia,sail� �ra�e!o��-ack products wi�hou� Lender's prior wr��ten consent.
<br /> �err���a���ir�pr���me��s. �rus�or sha�� no�dema��sh or�emo�e any improve€�nents fr�rr:�he Rea!Proper�y without
<br /> Lend�r's prior�rvr�t�en ca€�sent. As� candi�ion�o�he removal of any lmpro�ements, Lender r►�ay require Trustor�a
<br /> rnak� arrangemen�s s�tisfactory �a Lender �o r�pface such lrnpra�emenfis wi�h lmpro�emen�s �� a� ie�st e�ua�
<br /> value.
<br /> Lend�r's ��g���� En�er. Lender and Lende�`s agents a�� represen�atives may en�er upon�he Rea� Prope�ty a� ail
<br /> reasanable �irr�es �o at�end �a �ender's �nteres�s an�! �o ins�ect �he Reai Praperty �or purposes a� Trustor's
<br /> �omplianc�vv��h�he�erms and conditions of�his Deed o�T�us�c.
<br /> �v�pl��a�c� �r��h ���ern�en�al Re�uirernen�s. Trus�or sha�� p�ampt�y compiy with a!� �aws, ardinances, and
<br /> regu�a�ions, no�rv or herea�r�er in ef€ec�, of all go�ernmenta� author�ties app[icable �o the use or accupancy of the
<br /> Proper�y. Trus�or may can�est in good faith any such fawr ordinance, or reguiat�on and wi�hhaid cvmplian�e durEng
<br /> any p�'oc��ding, ir�c�uding appropria�e appeals, so long as Trusto� has noti��ed Lende� in writing priflr �� do�ng so
<br /> �n� sa �ang as, in Lende�''s soie apinian, Lender's interests in�he Prape�ty are not jeapardized. Lender may require
<br /> Trust€���o pos�adequa�e security or a sure��bond, reasonably sa�is�acto�y ta Lender,�❑protec�Lende�'s i�t�rest.
<br /> �u�y�� P����c�. Trus�ar agrees neither �o abandan or �ea�e unat�ended �he P�-operty. Trustor sha�i d❑ all a�he�
<br /> acts, �n addE�ion to those acts set far�h abo�e in th�s sec�ian, which from�he character and use�f�he Proper�y a�-e
<br /> reasanab�y necessary t❑ prote��and pr�serve the Proper�y.
<br /> ��JE�N S�L�- C�NS�NT �Y L�IVI3��. Lende� may, at Lender's option, dec�are immedia�ely due and paya�le a�l sums
<br /> secured by�his Deed o�Trus�upon�he sale or�rans�er, without Lender's priar wri��en cansen�t, ❑f aC� ❑� any part��the
<br />