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��14�444� <br /> B�RR�'VI�ER��V��IANTS that Borrower is Iawful�y se�sed of the esta�e hereby conveyed and has the r�ght to <br /> gran� and convey�he Proper�y and �hat the Proper�y is un�ncumbered, except for encumbrances of record. <br /> Borrawer warran�s and wi�l defend generaily the�i���to�h�P�operty against ali claims and den�ands, subjec�to <br /> any encumbranc�s of recard. <br /> TH�S SE�URITY INSTRIJN�ENT combznes unifarm cavenan�s for na�ional use a�d n�n-un�form ca�enan�s w��h <br /> Izrnited variations�y j urisd�ction ta const�tute a unifarm securi�� �ns�rument c��ering real prflper�y. <br /> lln�form Go�enants. Borrower and Lende�covenan�and a�ree as fal�aws: <br /> �. Payment af Principaf, lnterest, Escrav►r �te�ns, P�epay�ment Cha�ges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> shall pay when due the pr�ncipal of, and�n�eres�on, th�deb�evidenced�by the N��e and any pr�paymen� <br /> charges and iate charges due under the No�e. Borrower shall als�pay funds for Escrow �tem�pursuan��a <br /> Sec�ion 3. Paym�n�s due unde�the N�te and this Secur�ty �nstruxnent shai� be made in U.S. currency. <br /> �owe�er, �f any check or�ther instrument rece��ed b�r Lender as pa�men�under�he N'ote or th�s Security <br /> �nstrument is re�urned to Lender unpa�d, Lender may require�ha�any or a11 su�sequ�nt payments due under <br /> the Not�and�his Secur�ty�nstrument�e made in on��r mar�of the fol��v�r�ng fnrms, as s�iected b� Lend�r: <br /> (a}�ash; �b}m�ney�rder; �c}certified�heck, bank check, treasurer's ch�ck�r cashier's che�k, pr�vided any <br /> such check is drawn upon an ins�itu��an whose depos��s are�nsured by a federa�agency, instrumen�al�ty, or <br /> ent��y; or�d} E�ec�ronic Funds Transf�r. <br /> Payments are de�med re�ei�ed�y Lender when re��i�ed at�he��cation designa�ed in the Note or at such <br /> other l�ca�ion as ma��be designated by Lender in accordance wi�h�he notice pro�isions �n Sect�an �5. <br /> Lender may return any pa�men�or par�ial pa�rment�f the payment or partia�payments are insuf�cient to <br /> br�ng the Loan curren�. Lender may acc�pt any pa�rm�n��r par�ial paymen�insuff���en��o bring the Loan <br /> current, wi�hou�waiver of any rights hereunder or prejudice to i�s r�ghts t� refuse sueh payment or partial <br /> payments �n the future, bu�Lend�r�s not obligated to apply such payments at the t�me such paymen�s are <br /> accepted. �f each Periadzc Payment is app�ie�as af i�s scheduled due dat�, then Lend�r need n��pay interest <br /> on unapplied funds. Lender ma�ho��such unappiied funds unt�l Borrovver makes payments�o�r�ng�he <br /> Loan curr�nt, �f Borrower does n�t do so with�n a reasonabie period of t�me, Lender sha�� ei�her app�� such <br /> funds�r re�urn them�o Borrovver. �f not app�ied�arli�r, such funds u��II be app��ed to the autstanding <br /> principa�ba�ance under the Not� immediately prior ta foreclosure, No offs�t or clairn which B�rr�wer migh� <br /> have now or�n the future agains� Lender sha�� r��ieve Barrower frflm making paym�nts due und�r�he Note <br /> and this S�curity Ins�rument�r performing the cfl�enants a.�d agreemen�s secured by th�� Securit� <br /> Ins�rument. <br /> �. Appfi�atian of Payments ❑r P��ceeds. �xcept as otherw�se described in th�� Section 2, a�l payments <br /> a�cepted and applied by Lender sha�i be app��ed �n�h�fo�lowing or�ier�f priority; �a} interes��.ue und�r th� <br /> Note; �b}pr�nc�pal due under��e No�e; �c} amoun�s due under Sect�an 3. Such paynzen�s sha�l be appiied to <br /> each Period�c Paymen��n th�arde�r in which zt b�came t�ue. Any rema�ning amounts sha��b�appli�d firs��� <br /> late charges, second to any other am�un�s due under thxs Security �nstrument, and�hen to reduce the <br /> principal balanc�of the Note. <br /> If Lend�r rec��ves a pay�m.ent fron�Borrawer for a�ie�inquent Peri�dic Payn�.en�v�hich in�ludes a sufficient <br /> amount�o pay an�la�e charge due, �he pa�m�ent ma�be app�ied�a th�d�iinquent paymen�and the�a�e <br /> charge. If more�han one Periodic Paynlent is outstanding, Lender may app�y an�payment rece�ved fram <br /> Borrawer��the repaymen�of the Periodic Payments if, and to �he exten��hat, each paym�en�ca.n be paid in <br /> full. To the ex��n�that any ex��ss exis�s after the paymen��s app��ed�o the full paym�nt nf one or m�re <br /> Per�odi� Pa�ments, such excess may be appiied�Q any�a�e charges due. Voluntary prepayments sha���e <br /> applied f�rs�to any prepaym�n��harges and then as�escribed in the Note. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle Family-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRIJMENT ��rm 3028�1�1 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi{N��{13�2f <br /> Wolters Kf�wer Financiat 5er�ices f'age 4 0#�7 <br />