<br /> An�app�ica�i�n of payments, �n�urance praceeds, �r Misce�ianeaus Proce�ds to pr�nc�pa� due under the No�e
<br /> shal� not extend or postpone�he due dat�, or change the amount, of the Per�odic Payments.
<br /> 3. Funds far�scro���Items, Borrower s�a��pay�o Lender on the day Period�c Payments are�ue under th�
<br /> Note, until the Note�s paid in ful�, a sum�the "Funds"} �o pro�ide for paymen�of amaunts due far: �a}�axes
<br /> and assessments and other��ems which�an attain prior��y oWer this Se�urity �nstrument as a lien or
<br /> �ncumbrance on�he Proper�y; tb} Ieasehold paymen�s or graund r�n�s on the Proper�y, �f any; �c}premium.s
<br /> for any and al1 insurance requir�d by Lender under Sec�ion 5; and�d} N�or�gage�nsurance premium�, if any,
<br /> �r an� sums payable by Borrov�rer to Lender in l�eu af the payment�f N�ort�age Insurance premiums in
<br /> ac�ordance wit�the prov�s�ons of Section ��. These i��ms are ealled "Escrow ��ems." At�rig�na�ion�r at
<br /> any�im�during the term of th�Laan, Lender nza� require that Community Association Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessments, xf an�, be escrov�ed�y Borrawer, and such dues, fees and assessmen�s sha��be an Escrow
<br /> ��em. Barrav�er sha��promptl�r furnish to Lender aI� no�x�es of amounts to be pa�d under th�s Se�tian.
<br /> Borro�rer shail pay Lender the Funds far Escrov� �tems unless Lender urai�es Borrovver's ob�igat�on�o pay
<br /> �he Funds far any or a11 �scro�v Items. Lender may waive Borrow�r's obliga�ion ti�pay to Lender Funds far
<br /> any or all Escr�w �tems at any�ime. Any such waz�er may on�y be in v�rr�ting. In�he��ent of such�vai�er,
<br /> Barrovver shall pa�direct�y, vvhen and where payabie, the amaun�s du�f�r any Escrow ��ems for wh�ch
<br /> payn7en�of Funds has b�en waived by Lender and, if Lender requ�res, sha�1 furn�sh to I.ender receip�s
<br /> e�idenc�ng such pa}�ment v�r�thin su�h time per�od as Lender may require. Borr�vsrer's obiigation�o rnak�
<br /> such pa�ments and to pr�vide receip�s sha�l for alI purposes be dee�n.ed to be a covenant and agreemen�
<br /> conta�ned in this Secur�ty Ins�rument, as the phrase "covenant and agreement" is used in Sec��on 9. If
<br /> Borrower�s obliga�ed�o pay Es�r�w Ite�r�.s dzrectly, pursuan��o a wai�ver, and Borrower fails ta pa�the
<br /> amoun�due for an Escrow �tem, Lender ma�e�.er��se its rights under Sectzon 9 and pa� such amount and
<br /> B�rrower shal� �hen be��ligated under Sec�ion 9 ta repay ta Lender any such amaun�. Lender may revoke
<br /> �he waiver as�o any or al� Escrow I�ems at any ��me b� a no��ce given in ac�ordance with Sec��on �5 and,
<br /> upon such re�ocation, Borr�wer sha��pay�o Lender a�� Funds, and�n such amaun�s, tha�ar��hen required
<br /> under this Sec�ion 3.
<br /> Lender may, at an� time, coll���and ho�d Funds in an amoun��a} suff�cient�o perm�t Lender to app�y�he
<br /> Funds a��he time sp�cif�ed under RESPA, and (h}na�ta exc�ed�he max�mum amoun�a Iender can require
<br /> under R�SPA. Lender shail estimate�he amount af Funds due on the basis of�urren�data and r�asonab��
<br /> es�ima�es of expend��ures of future Escrow Items or a�herwise in�ccordance wi�h Applicab�e Law,
<br /> The Funds sha�l be he�d in an�nsti�u��on whose deposits ar��nsured by a federal agency, ins�ru�m�n�a��ty, or
<br /> ent�ty�inc�uding Lender, if Lender is an institutian vWhose deposi�s are so �nsured}�r�n any Federa� Ha�ne
<br /> Loan Bank. L�nder sha�� appl�r�he Funds to pay�he�scrow ���ms no Ia�er�han�he�ime�pecif�ed under
<br /> RESPA. Lender sha1l not charge Borrovver f�r ho�d�ng and applying the Fu�ds, annuali�anal�zing the
<br /> escrow accoun�, or�er�fyin� the Escrow I�e�m.s, un�ess Lend�r pays B�rrower�nterest on�he Funds and
<br /> Appl�cab�e Law permits Lender to nZake suGh a charge. Unless an agr�ement�s made xn writing or
<br /> App�icable Law r�quires interest�o be paid on�he Fu�.ds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrnv�rer an�r
<br /> in�erest ar earn�ngs�n�he Funds. B�rr�wer and Lender can agre�in writ�ng, however, that interest shal� b�
<br /> pa�d on�he�unds. Lender sha�� gi�e to B�rrower, v��thout charge, an annual accounting flf the Funds as
<br /> required�y RESPA.
<br /> �f�here is a surp�us of Funds held in escrow, as def�ned und�r R.ESPA, Lender shal� account�o Borrow�r fnr
<br /> the excess funds in acc�rdanc�with RESPA. If ther��s a shor�age of Funds h�Id in escro�r, as defin�d under
<br /> RESPA, L.�nder shall notify Borrawer as requ�red by R�SPA, and Borr��er sha�l pa��n Lender the amoun�
<br /> necessar��o make up�he shor�age in accordance wi�h RE�PA, but in no mare tihan 1�mon�hly paym,ents. �f
<br /> there is a de��iency�f Funds he�d �n escr�v�r, as d�f�ned under RESPA, L�nder shall notify Borrav�er as
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle�amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNI�QRM INSTRUM�NT Form 302$11�1
<br /> VMP� VMPfi�NE��13Q2i
<br /> Wolters ICluwer�inanc�al Ser�ices Page a af 17
<br />