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��14�443� <br /> ��. Bar�awer N�t Released; Forbearance By Lender N�t a I�L�ai�er. Extension of�he time f�r payment or <br /> modif�ca��on of amor�izat��n of the sums s�cured by��i�s Securit� Instru�m.en�granted�y I..�nder t� Borrower <br /> or any 5uccessor�n Interes��f Borrovver sha�� not op�ra�e�a release the Iia�i���y of Borrov�er or any <br /> Suc�essors �n�n�eres�of Borrower. Lender sha��not b�required ta commence proceedings agains�an� <br /> Successor�n �n�erest of Borrower or�o refuse�a extend�im�for paymen�or oth�rw�se modify amart�zat�on <br /> of the sums secured by this Security �ns�rument by reason of any dem�and made by the or�ginai Barrflwer or <br /> an� Su��essors in �nter�st of Borrower. An� forbearance b� Lend�r in exercis�ng any r�gh�or remed� <br /> inc�ud�ng, without lim�tation, Lender's acceptance of paymen�s from third persons, enti���s or Suc�essors in <br /> Interes�of B�rrower flr�n amounts Iess�han the amount�hen due, sha��no�be a wai�er�f or preclude the <br /> exercise�f any righ�or rem�dy. <br /> �3. Ja�nt and SeWeral Liability; Co�signe�s; Successvrs and Ass�gns Bound. Borrow�r co�venants and <br /> agrees that Borr�wer's obliga��ons and Iia��lity shall be j�int and se�eral. How�ver, any B�rrav�er who <br /> co-signs this Secur�ty �nstrument but d�es not execute the Note�a "c�-sign�r"}: �a} is co-s�gning this <br /> Security�nstrument anl}��o mortgage, grant and con��y the�nTsigner's inter�st �n the Proper��under the <br /> ternas of thi� Securi�y Ins�rumen�; �b� is not persona�iy obligated ta�ay �he sums se�ured by this Securit}� <br /> Ins�rumen�; and�c} agrees that Lender and any o�her Borro�ver can agree to ex�end, mndify, forb�ar or�ake <br /> any acc�mmoda�ions wi�h regard tQ�he terms of�his Security �nstrument ar th�No�e wi�h�ut�he c�-signer's <br /> cflnsen�. <br /> Sub�ec�to �he pro�isions of SeCtion �.8, any Su��essor in Interes�af B�rrnw�r who assumes Borrower's <br /> obi�gati�ns under�his Securi�y Instrumen��n wri�ing, and is approved by L�nder, shall ob�a�n a11 of <br /> Borrower's rights and benefi�s under this Security Ins�rumen�. Borrower sha��nat be reieased fram <br /> Borrav�rer's a�li�a�ions and Iiab��i��und�r th�s Se�uri�y Ins�rumen�un�ess Lender agrees �o such re��ase in <br /> v�ariting. The covenan�s and agreemen�s of�his Security Instrumen�sha1�bind �except as pr�vided in Sect�on <br /> 2D} and ben�f�t�he successors and ass�gns of Lender. <br /> �4. Loan Charges. Lender�may charge Borrovver fees far serv�ces perf�rmed in cann�ction with Borrower's <br /> default, for the purpose of pro�ecting L.�nder's interest in�he Praperty and rights under�his Secur��y <br /> �nstrument, including, but not Iimited��, attorneys' fees, proper�y inspect�on and valuat�on fees. In regard�o <br /> an�flth�r fees, th�absence�f express authori�y �n this�ecur��y �nstrument to charge a specific fe�ta <br /> Borrawer sha�i not be construed as a pr�h�bition�n the charging of�uch fee, I.�nder may na�charge fees <br /> that are expressly prohi�ited by�hi� �ecuri�� Ins�rumen�nr by App�ica��e Lav�r. <br /> �f th�Loan�s su�jec��o a law which se�s max�mum 1oan charges, and�ha��aw �s �nall� interpreted so tha� <br /> the in�erest or o�her I�an charges coi�e��ed or�o be callected in connecti�n wifih�he Laan�x�eed�he <br /> perm���ed�im��s, then: (a}any such loan�harg�shail be redu�ed b� the amoun�necessary to reduee the <br /> charge to the permit�ed l�mit; and �b} any sum�s alreac�y c���ec�ed from Borrower�hich�xc�eded permi�ted <br /> 1imi�s�ri��be r�funded�o Barrawer. Lender ma�choose�o make th�s refund by reducing�he pr�nc�pal owed <br /> under�he No�e or by making a dir�c�pa�ment to Barrawer. If a refund reduces princ�pa�, the r�duction wi�� <br /> be treated as a part�al prepayment without any prepay�nent charge�wheth�r or not a prepayment�harge�s <br /> pr�vided for under�he Nate}. Borrovver's a�cept�nc�of any such refund made by dir�ct pa�men��o <br /> Borrov�er w�ll cons�itute a wai��r of any r�gh�of action Borrov�rer m�ght have aris�ng out�f such overchar�e. <br /> �a. Natices. All notices gi�en by B�rrower or Lender in connect�on with th�s Security�ns�rument must be in <br /> wr�ting. Any n�t�ce to Borrov�rer in connec�ion w�th this Securit�r �ns�rument sha��be deemed�o have been <br /> g��en�a Borr�wer when mailed by �rst c�ass mail or when a�tually del��r�r�d to Borrower's notice address if <br /> s�nt�y other means. No�x�e��an�one Borrow�r shal��ons���ute nati�e�o ai� Borrowers unless Applicab�e <br /> Law��.pressiy requires a�h�rwise. The not�ce address shall b��he Pr�perty Address unless Borrower has <br /> NEBRASKA-Sing(e�amiiy-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNI��RM 1NSTRUM�NT �arm 34�8 11Q� <br /> VMP� VMPStNEy[13�2f <br /> Walters Kluwer FinanGiaf Ser�ices Page�1 0#�7 <br />
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