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<br /> for�he repairs and restot•a�ro�in�,s�ngle payment o�'I11�.5�11�5 Of�t Ogf•ess pay�nents as�h��var1�is
<br /> . c�mp�eted, If tl�e ins�.�ra�ace or co�ldetl�n�tio�pt�ocee�s are not sufficien��o�epair or�es�or�e�he Pt�nperty,
<br /> � Bort�a�ve�•is noi:t elieved of Borrovsrer's obligatian for�he cot�pletfor�of sL�ch repair or t estot at�on.
<br /> . Lender o��i�s agent m�.y mal{e reasonal�l�er�tries u�on a.nd inspecria�as of�he Proper�y. If it has�easoz�ab�e
<br /> c�.u�se, Lender•xnay inspect�he inter�ar of th�impt•o�ement� on tihe Prope�ty, Lender sha1�give Bo�•rowet•
<br /> � no�ice at t1�e tim�of or p��in��t�suc11�.�ir��eriar i�spectiot�spe�ifyi�g st�c����eason�.ble c�.use.
<br /> �� ��rrovv er's Laar� A ppli�a��on. Bot•t�o�ver shall be in deFatx�t if, c�uring the Loan ap�licatron process,
<br /> Borrawe�or any persons o�-entities acting at f:�xe c�.irec�ion of I3arro�er or wit�Bo�•rower's 1�t�ovvledge or
<br /> consen�gave ma�er��.11y false, misleading, o��n�.cct�t�a�;e infot�n�atioi�or sta�eme���s�o Lender�or fail�d�o
<br /> provxc�e Lender�vi.th�n�.�e�•ial ila�ror�lla�ion� in co��ec�ion with the Loa��. M�.�eri�:1 r�p�•esen�a�ions incli�de, but
<br /> are�ao���n�i�ed i:o, �•ept�esenta�iar�s ca�cerning I3orrovver's�cc�pancy of the P��oper�y as Borrovve�•'s principal
<br /> �eside�ce.
<br /> 9. Pro��c�i�n o� Lender"s Nn�ere�� in �he Pr�p�rty and F�ighfi� Under�his Securi�y ins�rumen�. �f(a}
<br /> Borrovver f�.i�s to perfo�m�he co�ena��ts�.��.agt�eemen�s cot�t�.ined zn�his Secu�•i�y Ins��•uinetl�, ��}there is�.
<br /> legal���ocee�ing th�.��night sigtlifica�.��y�.ffect L��a�.e�•'s it�tet�es�an��1e P�•operty andlo�•�•ig�i�s undet4��Zis
<br /> ,��CU11�y If75��`U�71��.1��SL.�[C�7�.S�.�I•a�eec�ing iri 1��.��l�r�.�ptcy, p�raba�e, for c��demt�ai:�o�ar for�eitu��e, far
<br /> enfo��cemen�of�:1ien which rnay a�tain p�i�o����y o�er this Securi�y�ns��i�i�7etat at��a enfo��ce laws or
<br /> regula�iotls}, o�r�c)I3orra,wer�.as a�a��do��ed the Pz�operty, �he��Lender��ay do a�c�pay fo��wh�tever is
<br /> reasona�Ie or appt•op�ia�e to pro�ec�Lend��'s in�erest in the Proper,�y a�1d t�ights�.�nder t�iis SecL��•i��
<br /> Ins�rumen�;, inc�uding pratecti.ng ar�dlor�ssess�ng�he value of���e P�•npe���y, �.nd secL�ring andlor repait•ing.
<br /> �l�e Proper�y. Le�lder's actions cai�ir�c.luc�e, but at•e�o�1imi��d to: �a}�ayiiag any sums secured by a lien
<br /> which has pt�iot��ty avet•this Sec�trity Tns�t u�ne���; ��b} appea�ing�n court; a�7d�c}pay�ng reason�b�e at�o�'neys'
<br /> fe�s to p�•otec��ts interest i�the Proper�y�.t�dlo�rights un�er t11is Secu��i�y Inst�•umer��, i��c�udi�lg i1:s secured
<br /> pasi�ion ir�a bankr�.X�tcy proceeding. Securi��g�11e Property includ�s, l�u��is no�limited ta, e�tering��Ze
<br /> Px•o�e�•t�to malfe t•epairs, c�lange 1oc��s, t•eplace at�boa�1d t�p daors�i�d witl��vvs, �t�ain�tnra�er fram pipes,
<br /> e�imi��a�e vuilding or atlae���ode viol�tio�s o��dat�ge�,o�.�s condi�iot�s, ax�d have L�tili�ies��.xrne�0110��ofF,
<br /> A�though Lez�der�r�ay��.t�e aci:i�n.t�nder this Sec�ion�, Le�ade�•does�1ot have�o do so anc�is not unde�•�ny
<br /> d�.��y or obliga�ion�o do so. I�is agreed�l�a�L�r�d�r incurs��0 liability foi�not talcing ax��r or a11 ac��ons
<br /> au�.ho�xzed under t1�is Sec�iox�9.
<br /> Any�.moun�s drsbursed�by Lende��under tt�is Sec�i�t1� sha�i become a��i��ona�deb�of Barrov�er secL�red by
<br /> ti11is SecL�rity�nstrL��nen�, TlZese ainounts�l�a��b�ar i��eres�a�the Note rate f��om the date�f drsUut�sement
<br /> a�.�.sha�l be payal��e, WZti�1 5UC�1 l�t��•est, t�pon no�ice from Len�e�r i:o Bor��o,we�,1 eques�ing p�yment,
<br /> If�his Security Iris�rL��nen�is on a leasel�o�d, I3orrowe�'shall comply�i�h a�l�l�e p�lovisio�as af�he Iease. �f
<br /> Ba�•rovve��acq�.�ir es f�e�i�1e�o t�1e Propex��y, �11e 1eas�1�o1d a�c��he fe�tit�e sha�l��ot�nerge ul�less Lender
<br /> . . .
<br /> agrees to�he rnerge�����v�rri�ing.
<br /> �I�. �l or�ga�e lnsuran�e. If Lender require�Moi�gage Ins�.�ra�ce as a�ondi�ion of fn�.lcirig t��e Loan, Bort�ow�r
<br /> s1�a11 pay�h�pt�en�iums�ec��.���ed�o�na�n�aitl�lie Mortgage�ns���a��ce���effect. If, Far an�r reason, ���e
<br /> Mot,�:gage��asl��•a�1ce coverage t•eq�iit•ed by Lender ceas�s�o be avail�.�1e ft otn t��e inor�g�.ge insu�•e�•�hat �
<br /> �reviously pt�avic�ed s��ch i�asu���.�1ce�.�1�.Bo�t{ower was rec�L���•e�to m�:l�.e sep�.rately desigr�ate��aaymei��s
<br /> toward�.��.e p�•e��nx�.�n�s fo��Mor�gag��i�su1•�.��c�, �3o�•�rower sha11 p�.y�he prenlii�ms t•equii�ed ta ob��.�t1 covel•age
<br /> su�as�atltially eQuiv�.�en�to�he Mo��tgage I�Zs�.��atice previat�sl�in effect, at a cos�suUs�a��tially ec�uivalell��o
<br /> �he cos��o Borro�nrei•��C�l�e Mor�gage Ins�.�r�.nce pt�e�ious�y ix�effeGt, fi•on��.11 al�erna�e�nor�gage ins��ret�
<br /> se�ec�ed by LeiZde�•. �f stx�stan�i��ry ec�ui�a�e�1�:Mot•tg�.ge I��st�r�.�ce coverage is r�o�av�.ilabie, Bort•o�re�s1�.a�I
<br /> 9��352�61�7T
<br /> IV�BRASKA-5ingle Family-Fannie hll ael�reddle Mac UNI��RM �NSTRUM�NT F�rrri 3D28�I��
<br /> VMP p VM PG�NE��11 Q5}
<br /> Wolters Kfuwer Flnancia�5ervices Page 8 of�7
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