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<br /> ir���Ze P�oper�y an�.righ�s�:�nc�ei��his Sect��'1���I15��`1��17eri�; and(d}�alces such ac�ior�as Lender rnay
<br /> - reaso�ably rec��.�it�e�o �:ssure t�ia�Lender's tntet�est�n�he P�ro�er�y�.nd t ights under�this Secu��ity I�stirutnent,
<br /> � and Bort owe�•'�o�blig�.tior��o pay�l�e s�.�ms secu�•ed 1ay�:h�s Secur��y rnstru�nextt; sha1�contint�e ux�cha�ged.
<br /> �
<br /> Lende��nay�'equire that Boi•�ovvet��ay sL�ch reins�a�e�n�n�stxms an�.expenses in one or mo��e of the fo�lawing
<br /> forms, �s selec�ec��y Lende��; (�.} cast�; ��}money ord�r; �c}ce�•t�f��d check, ba���c�aec��, �rea�t���er's che���a�•
<br /> - cashie��'s checl�, pt�o�ided any s�.�cl����e�I�is d�awn upo�an i�sti�u�tion whase de�osx�s�:�•e ins�.�red by a
<br /> federal age�ac�, �nstr��netlta�i��a��enti�y; or�d}Electf oilic Fu��ds Tra��sfer. Upon reins�a�emen�by Bo�ra�re�,
<br /> ���is Security�nstrumen�a�1d ob�iga�io�s secui�ed hereby s1-�a�1��em�.in fu1�y effective as��no accelera�ion ha�.
<br /> occurred, IIowe�er, �his right�o reinstate sh�.�I no�appTy in��e cas�of�cceleration�.�ndcr Sec��an 18.
<br /> �4. ��I� �f N��e; �hang� �f L�an ��r►rE��r; N��i�e �f �rier►an�e. The Nate or a pa��ia1 in�erest�n the
<br /> l�o�e(1;ogether v�ith th�s Se�uri�y Inst���x�ne�.�.t}ca��Ue sold_o��e or�nore�i�nes wzi.hout p��i�or��otiGe�a
<br /> Bo����o�vet�, A�a�e migl.�t�•esL��t i�.a change ir��he er��i�y���lo�vn as�he "Loccn Se�vzc��"�tha�co�lects Periodic
<br /> P ayme�.ts due un�er�he No�e anc�.�h�s Secur�ty Ii�s�ru�le��a��d perfot•ms atihe�°n��t•�g�.ge laan sei v�cing
<br /> oblig�.�ians unde�•�l�e Note; �1�15 S�Clli 1�1�1�Sti1 L1�71�11�, and App�icaUle Lav�, T�1e1 e i��S[3 1111g�1��7e Ot7e�1 I110�'�
<br /> char�ges of th�Loa�1 Servic�t•un�ela�ed�o a sale of 1:he Nfl�e. Tf�here�s a cha�lge of�:���Loan Set°�ice��,
<br /> Borrower wi11 be g�ven w�i��en notice of.�he chan.ge whicl�.�v��l s�:atie the name arid�c�d��ess of the ne�v Lo�n
<br /> Service�, t11e ac�dress to�vh�ch payzner��s shot�ld be�r�ade and any a�her�nforma��on RESPA reqt����es in
<br /> co��lec�ior�wit11�.no��ce of�t;ansfei o�servi�ulg. If�1�e No�e is s��d�.nd�l�ereaf�et•�11e Loan is ser�icec��liy�
<br /> Loa�Service�other tlzan�1ae pu�•c��ase�aF����e Note, �l�e mar�gage�oan se1�ic�r�g obligatio�ls to�orrower w�ll
<br /> rern�.Yn wi�h�he Loan Sei�icer or be�ra��sferred�o a su�c�s�or Loan Set•vicer and�.t�e��o��ssume�by t�1e
<br /> Not�pu��chaser unless otherw�se p�•ovzde�.by the No�e�urc�iaser,
<br /> Nei���e:r Ba�rowe��no�•Lender n�ay commence, j oin, or be�oined�o a�y��.��.icial ac�ior��as ei�her an
<br /> i�lc�ivxd�xal I���gant ot{�he n�ei�lbel af a class}�h��arises f�om��e�tiler pat+tiy's actio��s pui•suanti to�his
<br /> Secut i�y�t�str��rnen�or�hat al7eges that the o�her party h�s b��eac��ed at7y pt�ovision of, or any du�y ovved�y
<br /> reason of, �1�is Secu�'1�y I115�t�umeil�, unti�such Lot•ro��t•o�•Lender��as no�ified�h�o�h�t�pa�ty�vvith�uc1�
<br /> �oti�e givet�il�compliance vvith the rec��.�iremen�s of Sec�ion �5}of suc��alleg�d b�•eac��.anc�affo��ded the
<br /> _ ot�er par�y het•e�o �.reasonal�le period af�er��Ze gi���g o�su.c�1 notic�to ta1�e coi�t:ecti�e ac�ion, If App�icable
<br /> Law prov�c�es�,t�tne pe��iac��hic���n��st ela�ase hefo��e certain�.c�ion ca��e tal�en� f;hat�;ime pe�iad v�il�b�
<br /> �.eemed to�e reasor�able for purposes of���s par�.g�•aph. T��e no�ice o.f a�cel�ra�ion anc�opportuni�y to cure
<br /> give�to Bo�4�o�ve��pu�s�a��:�n Sectio��2� at�d�he noti�e of a�cel�ra��on giv�n�o�3o��rowe�pu�•suar�t�o
<br /> Section 18 sha�l be deemed ta sa�;isfy t��e notice at�d o�portu�ity to ta��e cart•ec�ive ac�fo�1 pi ovisiot�s of this
<br /> Sec�ior�2�.
<br /> 2�1. Hazardnu� Subs�an�es. As�.xsed in t1��s Sectio�21; ��.} ".Hazc��c�a��s Su�s�c�nces" �t�e�h�se su�stances
<br /> defined�s��x�c ar�iazardous substa��ces,,pal�u�ants, o�•�vastes�y����ranmental La.��t�d the following
<br /> sub�tat�ces: g�soline, lfei•osene, othe���ammal��e o��to�.ic pe���o�eum p�•oducts, ��x�c pes�icides and herl�icides,
<br /> volat�le sol��n�s, �.nate�iials�n���a��ir�g as�es�os or fo��ma�c�ehyde; a�1c��ac�ioactive ma�er�als; �b}
<br /> - ".�'��vi�onme�tccl Lc�w"�nea�s federal laws and laws of�11e jur�sc�ic�iot�v�here t11e Prope�ti�is 1oca�ed tha�
<br /> relate f:o�Zea1t1�, safety o�1��vi��onmental pz•o�.ect�o�, (c} ".�n�z��nme�taZ Clec���c�a►►izacludes ariy res�aons�
<br /> ac�ion, re��nedial�.c�ion, or rer��ov�.l ae��o��, �s defin�d i�.Eiz�v�i•on��etl�a�Law; an��c�� an "�'�vi�^o�tmentcc�
<br /> C�n�'i�i�n"n�e�.ns a cond�txo�a.�ha�c�.ri cause, �o�tri�Lx�e�o, o�ot��erwise�i•igget�.���nvi�onrne��tat�1ea��p.
<br /> Bai��'ovver s11a1��Zo�cause ar�e�'mi�the��iese��ce, us�, c��sposal, sto��age, or t•elease of atly Hazat�dous �
<br /> Substances, ot•threa�:en to�•�1eas�at�y Hazardo�.is 5�.��stances, o�l or in�he P��op�r�y. Borrowe��sha�l�o�do,
<br /> nor a11o�v�.�.yone else�a do, any��iing affec�in�;�:�le Propert��a}���a�is ii1 vio�ation of atly En�viY,ontn���a1
<br /> L�.vv�, (b�w�aich Grea�es at��t��i��or�me��al Condi�iai�, ot•�c�vv�l�ch, dL�e�o t�1e pres�nce, use, oi:��el�ase of a
<br /> I-�az�.r�ous Subst�.nce, creates a cotl�.ttiotl��Zat ad���'sely�.fl'ects the value of the Pi•opet•ty, The preceding tv�o
<br /> 9��35�4�7A�77
<br /> N��RASKR�Single�amily��annie Mael�reddie Mac LJNIF�7RM �NS�'RIJM�NT Form 3Q�8�l�1
<br /> VMp Q ' VM P6(NE}{1��5}
<br /> Wol#ers Kluwer F'inancia!5erviaes F'age'f 3 of�7
<br />