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<br /> ' � � ��14�4355
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<br /> sai:isfac�ion, provided��ia�such i��.spec�io�s�iail be�.�nderta�cen pro�riptly, Le�der may pa�for��le repairs
<br /> • and res�o���:�io�i��a srn��e disburse�nen�or in a series of p��ogress payme�ts�s the worlf is co��p�ete�,
<br /> .. Unless an agreemen�is made�n wr��itlg o�Applicab�e Law req�.i��es interest to�e p�id on such
<br /> .
<br /> Misce��aneous Proceeds, Let�de��sha11 noti be req�.irec�t�pay Botrovver any in�erest or earnings on suG��
<br /> Miscellar�eflus Pro�eeds. IF i:h�res�oratiion or repair is�o�economica�ly feasrble o��Len�.et•'s secut�i�y would
<br /> - be�essened, �h�Miscellaneot�s Proceec�s sha��be appliec�to the sums secure�.by th�s Secu�•ity Ir�str��mer�t,
<br /> vvhe��er o�no����en due, wz�l�th�excess, if a�y, paid to Lo�rower. Such 1Vliscellaneo�:�s Proceeds sI�a1I be
<br /> applied in�f�e o�c�e�•p��ovided for i�Sec�ion 2.
<br /> � Ir�t��e eve�l�of a f:o��.l�al�ing, �est��uG�ior�, ar loss in v�.ltiie af.the Property, �he Mzscel�aneous Proceeds sha��
<br /> be app�ied to�he sums secu�•ed by��Zis �ect�ri�y Instr��r�en�, vv�l-�e�her or not�hen due, v�ith�he excessx tf a�y,
<br /> parc� t�Ba�•rower. .
<br /> rn th�ev����of a partial�al�ing, d�s�ructian, oi�loss in va�ue of the Property tn which���.e�air rriat���et�al�xe�f
<br /> ��ie Proper�_y xmtnediate�y befoi e�he��.r�ial�a��itlg, des�r�c�ian, ot•loss in va�ue is ec�L�a�ta or greate�•�11���the
<br /> ar�lou�1�of i:he s�ms secu�•ed�y�his Secu�•i�y I��stt�i.�men�immedia�ely before�11e�arti�.1 t�.��ing, des���uctio��, ar
<br /> loss i�1 va�ue, u��less I3ort-o�ver and Lender o�herv�ise ag�ee�n wr�t��ag, �he st�ms secure�.by�1�is Securi��r
<br /> �nstr��men�sha111ae reducec�by the am�utlt of�he Miscellari�ot�s�'�oceeds��.�ul�x�lied�y the following .
<br /> f��action: (a�i:he�o�at amou��it of�he sun�s securec�imm�d�a�ely�before tl����.�tia�tal�ing, c�estr�c�ion, o��loss
<br /> i�l value di�i�ec�Uy�b}�lle f�.it mat�l��t�a1ue of the P�•ope�•�y in�medza�eXy�efore the p�r�ia1 ta���ng,
<br /> d�str�.�c�ion, or lnss in�v�1ue. At�.y bal�.i�c�sla�.��be p�id ta Boz•�awe��.
<br /> Ir�the even�of a partia��alfing, destruc�ion, o��Ioss fn value of�he P��o�e��ty ix�wl1ic11 the fair�n�.rke�value ol
<br /> �he�'ropertiy imme�.ia�e1�before t11e partial t�.1���1g, destr4ici:ior�, or Ioss i�val�.�e is less than the amoun�of the
<br /> si����s secut•ed i��rnediatel�before���.e partial talci�ag, �.estt•uction, or�ass�n�a�ue, �.�n�ess Borrovve���.nd
<br /> Lende�otller�w�se agree in�v��itirig, the Miscel�aneous Pt•oceeds s��al�be applied�o the su1ns s�cL�red by this
<br /> S�curi�y�ns�t����fnen�vvhether o�•nfl��he surns are then due.
<br /> If�he Pro�e�N�y is aba��dol�ed by�ort�ovWe�, a�•��F, af�er notice by Le�ndet�to I3orrower that 1;he�pposing Pa�*ty
<br /> �as c�efined in t�1e�z�xt sen�ence}oFfe��s�:o�n�:1�e a.n avva�rd�o set�le a cla�m Fo�•da�nages, Bo�•rower fails i:o
<br /> responc�t�Lender wi�1v�3� days �.�te���e date the z�otice rs givetl, Le�.c�er is au�hot•ized�o collect and ap�1Y
<br /> the Mxscerla��e�L�s Proceeds eitl�er to�•esto�a�ion or repait•of�he Proper�y or�o t��e sL��ns secured b����is
<br /> Securi�y�n��:rument, vvllethe�or no����en due. "�ppos��g Party" means tl�e�hirc���.rty��ia�ovves I3ot•��owet:
<br /> Misceilaneous Proceeds or th�party agai�st whom Borro�ver has a righ�of ac�ion�t�re�at�d�o Miscella��eous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Bo�rovvet•sha11 be in default if any�.ction or proceec�ing, w��e�het`C1Vi1 Qt�crimi��al, is begun t��at, i�.Le�.der's
<br /> judgme�t, caLtld resut�:�rt Fo�•fei�ure of t��e P�•o�erty o�• o�ller material im�airmen�of Lender's interest i�t�ae
<br /> Prope�ty o�rights un�et�t��is Se�l�t•ity I��st�unlen�. Bot�rowei•c�n�u��e sucli a defau�t and, if accele�•a�ion has
<br /> accL�r��ed, rei�ls�a�e as�ro�ided i�.Sec�i�n �.], �y eaL�s��.g��ie ac�ion or p�aceeding to be dism�ssed wi�1�a
<br /> �u1�ng�h�.t, in Lez��te��'s jtxd��l�r1t, prec�udes�orf����xre of�h�Fi ope��ty o�•o�het��1�.terial imp�.irment of
<br /> Le��.der's�n�e�•es��n�11e P��o�ezi�y or rig�ts t��c�er�his Sec����ty I�s�t•umen�. The p�•oceeds of any�v�arcl ot'
<br /> claim for c�arnages that a�e a�tri�u���b1e to f:he ixn�ai�men�of Let�c�e�'s Y�i:e�yesi:in�he Proper�y are�lerel�y
<br /> assig�ed atld s11a11 l���aid to Lendel.
<br /> A�111��scellaneous Proce��.s��1a�at•e not��plxed�o res��ra�ioil or�•e�ai��oF t1�e Prapetty s�1a11 be applied.i��.the
<br /> , . ,
<br /> ��•der prov�ded fat'Yi1 Sect�o�a 2.
<br /> , 5��352�67�477
<br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-�annis M ael�reddie Mac UNIFDRM INSTRUM�N7 F�rm 3fl28�la1
<br /> VM P Q VM P6�N���19 05}
<br /> Walters Kl�wer Financia!5ervfces Page Q of�7
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