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��14�43�1 <br /> DEE� [3F TF��JST <br /> Loan No: ��'l 277��8 �C�nt�nued� Page 8 <br /> either af them may in their absolute discretion determine. No remedy canferred upon or rss�r�ed to Truste� ar <br /> Lender, is int�nded tQ be exclusi�e af any �th�r remedy in this ❑e�d af Trust or by faw provided ar permi�ted, bu� <br /> each sha11 �e cumu[ati�e and shall be in addi�ion to every other remedy �iven in fihis Deed af Trus� or now �r <br /> her�after exis�ing at law ar in equity or by statute. Every power�r remedy gi�en by the N�te ar any nf�he Refa�ed <br /> Dvcuments tv Trustee ar L�nder �r �o wh�ch eith�r af th�m may b� atherwise enti�led, may-be exercised, <br /> concurren�ly �r independentiy, from time to �ime and as often as may be de�med expedient �y Trust�e or Lender, <br /> and eith�r o� them may pursue inconsisfient remed�es, Nothing �n this Deed ot Trust shafl be construed as <br /> pr�hibi�ing Lender fram seelcing a deficiency judgm�nt against the Trustor to the extenfi such actian is permitted by <br /> law. Elec�rion by Lender to pursue any r�medy shall no� exclude pursuit a�F any other remedy, and an eleGtion to <br /> malce axpenditures vr to take ac�ivn to perform an �bl�ga�ian of Trustor und�r this Dead ❑f Trust, after Trustvr's <br /> failure �o perform,shall n�fi affec�r L�nder's ri�ht t❑decfare a de�ault and exercis�its rem�dies. <br /> Request for Notice� Trustor, on beha�f afi Trus�or and Lender� her�by requests�hat a �opy of any Natice of 13�fault <br /> and a copy af any Notice at 5ale under�his Deed of Trust b� maiE�d #o th�m at�h� addresses set forth in the firs� <br /> paragraph o�F this Deed ❑f Trust. <br /> Attorneys' Fe�s: Expenses. If Lender institut�s any suit or action to enforce any �� the terms vf this Deed �f <br /> Trust, Lender shall �e entitled to recav�r such surn as the court may adjudge reas�nable as attorneys' fees at trial <br /> and upon any appeal. 1Nhether �r nof any cour� ac�i�n is in�alWed, and to the �xtent not prvhibited by [aw, all <br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs �hat in Lender's Qpinion are necessary at any ��me far the prat�ctian of its <br /> interest or the enforc�ment of its rights shall become a part af�he fndeb�e�ness payable an demand and shall bear <br /> interest at�he Note ra�e fr�m the date o�the expendi�ure until repaid. Expenses cv�ered �y th�s paragraph include, <br /> with�ut limi�tati�n, however subjec��v any limits under applicable law, Lender's axtomeys' fiees and Lend�r's le�al <br /> expenses. whe�her or na� �here is a lawsuit, �n��uding a�torneys' fees and expenses far bankrup��y proceedings <br /> �inclu�ing efforts t❑ m�dify or vaca�e any au�tomatic stay or injunctiony, appeals, and any anticipa�ed past-judgmen� <br /> collec�ion ser�ices, the cost o�F s�arching r�cords, o�taining �itle reports {including foreclosure reports}, sur�eyors' <br /> repor�s, and appraisal fees, tit�e insurance, and fees �ar �he Trus�ee, to the �xtent permitted by applicable Eaw. <br /> Trustor also will pay any cour�costs, in addifiian�v all other sums prvWided by law. <br /> Righ�ks vf Trustee. `Trus�ee shall ha�e all o�the righfis and du�ies�f Lender as sefi forfh in this section. <br /> PDVIIERS AND C�BLl�ATI�NS OF TRUSTEE. The following provisions relating �o the pvwers and ob�igatians of Trustee <br /> are part of this ❑eed of Trust: <br /> Pvwers v#Trustee. In addition to all powers o�Trustee arising as a matter Qf law, Trus�ee shall have the p�wer to <br /> tak�the following actians with respec�t tv the Prop�rty up�n the written request of L�nder and Trus�or: �a� join in <br /> preparing and filing a map �r plat af the Real Proper�y, including the dedica�tian of streets or o�her rights to �he <br /> public; {b} jQin in granting any easement or creating any restri�tion on the R�a1 Property; and {c� �oin in any <br /> subordination�r a�her agreem�nt af�ecting this Deed flf Trust or the interest of Lender und�r this i�eed of Trus�. <br /> Trustee. Trustee shall meet a[I qualifi�ations required for Trus�ee under applicab�e law. in additifln �o the rights <br /> and remedies set farth abo�e, wi�h respe�� to all or any par� afi �he �r�p�rty, �he Trus�e� shall have the right to <br /> foreclose by nafiEce and sale, and Lender shal[ haWe the righfi to fareclvse by judicial for�c�osure� in either cas� in <br /> accordance with and to the full extent pro�ided �y appiicable law. <br /> Suc�+�ssor Trusteep Lend�r, a� Lender's optivn, may from �time to time appoint a succ�ssar Trustee to any Trustee <br /> appointed under �his Deed vf Trus� by an instrumen� �xecu�ed and acknowl�dged by Lender and re�orded in the <br /> of�ice ❑f the re�order �f HALL Caunty� 5tate af Nebraska. Th� instrument sha11 contain� in additian tv all-other <br /> matters requir�d by state law, rthe namss of the original Lender. Trustee, and Trustor, �he book and pag� tor_ <br /> camput�r system refe�-en�e} where this Deed of Trust is r�corded, and the nam� and address of �h� successor <br /> �rusfiee, and the instrum�n�shall be execu�ed and acknowledged by a11 the b�nefEciaries under this �eed of Trus�t ar-- <br /> their successvrs in interest. The su�cessor trustee, with�ut can�eyance �f the Property, shall succeed to all the <br /> t�tle, p�w�r, and du�ies conferred upnn the Trustee in this Deed ��Trus�and by applicabls law. This pr��edur�for <br /> substitutian of Trusfiee shall gavern tv�the ex�lusion�f al!o�her proWisions for substitution. <br /> N�T�CES, Any nvtice r��uired �❑ be gi�en under this Deed of Trust, including wi�hou� limi�ation any na��ce af defau�t <br /> and any noti�e �f sale sha[I be gi�en in writing, and sha[I be effe�fii�e when actua�ly deli�ered, when actually recei�ed <br /> by�elefacsimile �unless otherwise required by[aw�, when deposited with a nati�nafly recogni�ed overnight caur�er, ar, i� <br /> maifed, when depvsi�ed sn the United 5ta�es mail, as �irst class, c�rtified �r registered mail postag� prepaid, directed ta <br /> �the addresses shown near the beginning o�this D�ed ❑f Trus�k. All cflpies of nvtices o� forecl�sure from the holder of <br /> any iien which has priarity ��er this D�ed of Trust shall be sent to Lender"s address, as shown near the beginning af <br /> this Desd ❑� T�-ust. Any party may change its address fior natices under this Deed a� Trus� by gi�ing formal writfen <br /> no�i�e ta the other par�ies, spec�fying that �h� purpose of �he noti�e is �a �han�e the party's address. For notice <br /> purposes, Trustor agrees fo keep Lender informed at al� �imes o�Trustor's current address. tJnl�ss nth�rwis� pra�ided <br /> or r��uired by law, if th�r� is mvre than one Trusto�, any n��ice given by Lender to any Trustor is deemed t� be notice <br /> giWen�a al�Trust�rs. <br /> M15GELLANE�]US PR�V151�N5. The follnwing mis�e�lanevus provisi�ns are a part a�this D�ed a�Trus�: <br /> Amendmen#s. This Deed o�Trust, toge�her with any Re�a�ked Dvcuments, cans�itutes�he entire understanding and <br /> agr�ement of the parties as to �he ma��ers set forth in this Deed of Trust. No al�keration of ar amendment tv �his <br /> [3eed o�Trust sha�l be effe�ti�e unless gi�en in wri�ing and s�gned by the pa�ty or parties saught ta be charged or <br />