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4 <br />201404328 <br />the City Council to be acknowledged by such owner, certified as to accuracy of survey by a <br />registered land surveyor, and to contain a dedication of the easements to the use and benefit of public <br />utilities, and of the street to the use of the public forever. In consideration of the acceptance of the <br />plat of said COPPER CREEK ESTATES SEVENTH SUBDIVISION, the Subdivider hereby <br />consents and agrees with the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, that it will install or provide at its <br />expense the following improvements: <br />1. Paving. The Subdivider agrees to pave Prairie Clover Circle, Aster Drive, and <br />Lovegrass Drive in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the City's Director of <br />Public Works, and subject to the City's inspection. If the Subdivider fails to pave Prairie Clover <br />Circle, Aster Drive, and Lovegrass Drive, the City may create a paving district to perform such work. <br />The Subdivider agrees to waive the right to object to the creation of any paving district for Old <br />Potash Highway, Buffalo Grass Drive, Prairie Clover Circle, Aster Drive, and Lovegrass Drive <br />where they abut the subdivision. <br />2. Water. Public water is available to the subdivision and the Subdivider agrees <br />to extend, connect and provide water service to all lots in the subdivision in accordance with plans <br />and specifications approved by the Director of Public Works, and subject to the City's inspection. <br />3. Sanitary Sewer. Public sanitary sewer is available to the subdivision and the <br />Subdivider agrees to extend, connect and provide sanitary sewer service to all lots in the subdivision <br />in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Director of Public Works, and subject to <br />the City's inspection. <br />4. Storm Drainage. The Subdivider agrees to provide and maintain positive <br />drainage from all lots, according to the drainage plan, so that storm drainage is conveyed to a public <br />right -of -way or to other drainage systems so approved by the Director of Public Works. <br />