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heretofore, is hereby expressly made a part of and incorporated into this Agreement by this <br />reference. <br />SECTION 10. In consideration of the payment as mentioned in Section 5 of this Agreement, the <br />Utility agrees to relinquish or subordinate sufficient property rights or interests that it may have <br />in property upon which it has the Easement or similar right that will be occupied by the proposed <br />highway improvement as necessary for the construction, operation and maintenance of the <br />highway facility. However, the LPA agrees and covenants that all costs of any future alterations <br />and /or relocations of the Utility's facilities located within, upon, or above the real estate that <br />currently constitutes the Easement shall be reimbursed by the LPA when such alterations <br />and /or relocations are done at the LPA's request for the benefit of itself or another party. All <br />such costs of any future alterations and /or relocations shall be Federal -aid non- participating. <br />SECTION 11. All traffic controls must comply with the latest edition of the Manual on Uniform <br />Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). If the LPA fumishes the Utility a traffic control plan, the Utility <br />must comply with the plan. The LPA has the right to shut down a Utility work area not in <br />compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. <br />SECTION 12. The Utility shall comply with the regulations relative to nondiscrimination in <br />federally- assisted programs of the Department of Transportation, Title 49 CFR, Parts 21 and 27, <br />as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and hereby made a part of this agreement. <br />SECTION 13. The Utility agrees that it and any Contractor or subcontractor engaged under this <br />agreement will fully comply with the provisions of the Nebraska Employment Security Law as <br />provided by Neb.Rev.Stat. §48 -601 through 48-671 (Reissue 2004). <br />SECTION 14. The Utility agrees that the billing will be prepared and submitted in a manner to <br />allow comparison with the approved estimate. <br />Project No. URB- 5436(5) <br />Control No. 42707 <br />Capital Avenue, Webb — Broadwell <br />Agreement No. BR1305 <br />201404308 <br />EXHIBIT A TO LICENSE AGREEMENT <br />