<br /> (E) "MERS r� 15 Martgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. MERS �s a separate corp�rat�an that is acting
<br /> solely as a nominee for Lender and Lender's successars and assigns. MERS is the bQnefi�iary under this Security
<br /> Instrument. MERS is organized and exis�ing unde,r the Ia�is of Delavvare, and has an address and telephone number
<br /> of P.�. Box 2�26, F�int, MI 48501-2026, te�. �888} 679-MERS.
<br /> �F} "NotQ"means the promiss�ry nflte signed hy Borrflvver and dated JULY �, 2�14 .
<br /> The Note states that Barrower ovWes Lender �NE HUNDRED F�UR TH�USAND E I GHT HUNDRED AND
<br /> D D�1�� Dollars (U.S. $ 1�4, 8�D.�Q }p�us interest.
<br /> Borrovver has pramised ta pay this debt in regular Periad�c Payments and ta pay the debt in fu�l not later �han
<br /> AUGU S T 1, 2 fl 4 4 .
<br /> ��} "Prop�rty"means th�pr�perty that is described below under the heading"Transfer of Rights in�he Property."
<br /> �H} "Loan"means the debt evidenced by the N�te,plus interest, any prepayment charges and late charges due under
<br /> the Nate, and all sums due under this Securi�y Instrument, plus interes�.
<br /> �I} "Riders"means al�Rid�rs t�this Security Instrument that are execu#ed by Barrower. The fol�owing Riders are
<br /> to he�xecuted by Barrower [check box as applicable]:
<br /> � Adjustable Rate Rider [] Planned Unit De�el�pment Rider
<br /> [] Balloan Rider � Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> � 1-4 Family Rider � Second Home Rider
<br /> [] Condaminaum Ride� � ��her�s} [specify]
<br /> tJ} "Applicable Law"means all controlling applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulations, ardinances and
<br /> adrninistrati�e rules and orders�that ha�e the effect of 1aw� as well as all applicab�e final, nan-appealable judicial
<br /> opiruons.
<br /> �K} "Community Asso�iation Dues, Fe�s, and Assessments"means a11 dues, fees, assessments and o�her charges
<br /> tha� are imposed on Borrower or the Property by a condomin�um association, homeo�uners assaciatian or similar
<br /> organization.
<br /> �L} "Electronic Funds Transfer"means any transfer�f funds, other than a transaction ariginated by check, draft,
<br /> or similar paper instrument, which is initiated through an electronic terminal, telephonic instrument, campu�er, ar
<br /> magneti� tape so as to order, instruct, or authorize a f nancial institution to debit ar credit an account. Such t�rm
<br /> includes, but is n�t limi�ed tv, point-of-sale transfers, automated teller machine transactions, transfers initiated by
<br /> telephane, w�re transfers, and autamated clearinghause transfers.
<br /> (M} "Escrow ItemS"means those items that are described in Sect�on 3.
<br /> (N} "Misc�llane�us Proceeds"means any campensation, set�lement, award vf darnages, or proceeds paid by any
<br /> third party�other than insurance proceeds paid under the coverages described in Sect�vn 5} for: �i} damage�o, ar
<br /> destruction of, the Froperty; �ii}�andemna�ion or other taking af a11 or any part of the Property; �iii} can�eyanc�in
<br /> lieu of candernna�ion; ar�i�} misrepresentativns af, or omissians as to, the�a1ue andlor cond�tion of the Property.
<br /> ��} "Mortgage Insuran�e"means insurance protecting Lender against the nonpayment of, or defaul�on, the Laan.
<br /> �P) "Peri�die PaymQnt"rneans the regularly scheduled amount du� for �i} principal and interest under the Note,
<br /> p�us �ii} any amounts under Secti�n 3 �f this Security Instrument.
<br /> �Q} "RESPA"means the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (12 U.S.�. �26�1 et seq.} and i�s implementing
<br /> regulatian, Regulation ��12 �.F.R. Part 1�24}, as they might be amended fram tirne to time, or any additional or
<br /> su�cessor legislation or regulatian that ga�erns the same subj ect matter. As used in this Security �nstrumen�,
<br /> "RESPA" refers to all requirements and restrictYons that are impvsed in regard ta a"federa�ly related mortgage loan"
<br /> e�en if the Laan doe�not qua�ify as a"federally related mortgage Ioan" under RESPA,
<br /> NE6RASKA--Single Fami�y--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF4RM INSTRUMENT - MERS p�����
<br /> Fomn 30�8 1101 Page 2 of 15 www.dacmagic.com
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