<br /> L�nder shall estimate�he arn4unt a�t�urias aue on tne �as�s a�r curren�aa�a anu red����a.u��C c��ar��d�c��� G15.�.JG1�l.�1LU!G�
<br /> of future Escrovv�tems or otherw�se in accordance w�th App�icable Lavv.
<br /> Th� Funds sha�� be�aeld in ari i�s�Y�u���n wh�se deposi�s are i�sured by a federal agency, ins�rumenta�i�y, �r
<br /> ent�ty �inc�udin� �ender, if�ender Ys an institu�ion wh�se depos�t� are�o� xnsured� or in an� Federal Home Loar
<br /> �ank. L�nder shail app�y th�Furids to pay�h�Es�ro�v I�ems no later than�he t�me spccified under R�SFA. L�ndet
<br /> shal�n��charg�Borr�wer fqr haldin� and app�ying the�und�, annually analyz�ng the�scrow�ccount, or ver�fying
<br /> �he Esc��w�tems, un�ess Len�.er pa�s Forr�wer in��rest o�n the Fu�ds and�.pplicable �aw��rmits l�ender�o�ak�
<br /> such a charge. t�n�ess an agreement i�made�.n.v�riting�r Applicable L�av�requires in�erest to�e pa�d on the Funds,
<br /> Lender sha�l na���r�qu�r�d tv pay Borrou7�r an���nteres�ar�arnin��on th�Funds. Borrow�r and Lender�an agreE
<br /> �ri writing, hawever, that interes�sha�l be pa�d fln ��e Funds. Lend�r shal� �iv�to Borrow;er, withou� charge, ar
<br /> annual acc�u��in� r�f�he Funds as required by RESPA.
<br /> If�h�re�s a surplus ��'Funds held in escraw, as def�ned und�r RE�P�, L,ender shall ac��un��o��rrower fo�
<br /> the exc�ss�un�s�n�.���rdan�e with R�SP.A. �f there r�a s�aortage af Furid�he�d in escrov�,as defined und�r RESPA,
<br /> �ender shall notify Borr�w�r as requ�red�y RESPA, and Barrower shall pay�o L.ender�he amount r�ec�ssary to n�ak�
<br /> up the sh�r°�age i�a ac�ardance w��h �ESPA,, bu� in no mare than ��manthi� pa�merits. �f�her� is a deficiency o1
<br /> �unds��Id in es�r�w, as defned und�r�SPA, Lender shal�n�tify �3orr�wer as xequir�d by�.ESPA, and Bor�row�1
<br /> shall pa�to Lender the amaunt n�cessary t�make up the deficie�acy i��c�ordan.ce w�th RESP�, bu��n na mare thar
<br /> 1� monthl� pay�nents.
<br /> Upo�a paym.en�in full of all sums secured by thxs Se�urity Instrument, Lend�r shal�prompt�y refund ta Barrovrre7
<br /> any Fu�nds he�d by Lender.
<br /> �. �harges; Li�ns. BQ�-rawe�-shall�ay al�ta�es; ass��smen�s, �harg�s, fines, and imposi�ions a��ribu�ab�e t�
<br /> the Praperty w�a�Gh can at�a�n �p�-aarity over this Se�urity Instrurn�nt, ��a�ehold paymen�s Qr gr�und r�nts on thE
<br /> Propert�r, if an�, a�nd Community�ss�cia�i�n Dues, Fees, and A.ssessm�n�s, �f any. To the;ex�en�tha��hese��em�
<br /> ar�Es�rv�I�erns, �arr�wer sha��pay�hem in�he manner��-��xded in S�cti�n 3.
<br /> B�r�rower sha�l pramptly discharge a�y l�en��i�h has�riority a�er this Securi�y�nstrument un�ess Borrov�er
<br /> �a�agrees�n v�r���n�;to the pa�m�nt�f th�obl�ga�ion se�ured by the lien�za.a mann�r a���ptable�o Lend�r, but onl�
<br /> so ]ang as Barrovve�- is perfQrmin� suc� agreem�n�; �b} cora���ts �he �ien in g�od fa�th �y, or defe�.ds agains
<br /> enfor�ement of the�ien in, �ega�proceedings v�hich in Lender's opinion Qp�ra�e to prev�nt the enfarcement of the 1Ter
<br /> wh�Ie �ho�e pro���d�ngs are pend�ng, bu��n1y ux��.il �uch pro�e�din��ar���ncluded; o�•�c� ��ures fr�m�h�holdea
<br /> of�he l�en an agreement sa�isfa��ory to Lender su�aordinating the �ien ta �hxs Security Instz-umen�. If Lende;
<br /> determines tha�arxy part af the Property is sub�ect�a a�r�n wh�ch can at�ain pr�nrit�y �v�r th�s S�cur��y]nstrurx�ent.
<br /> Lender ma}�give Borrower a not�ce identifying �he �ien. VL�r�hin �� days of�he date on w�i�h�hat n�tice is gi�en
<br /> Borr-ower sha1� satis�`y��e Iien ar take one�r m�re of�he act�ans s�t for-�h above in�his Sectia�n 4.
<br /> Lend�r ma��equire i�arrov�e���pay a one-��im��harge for a rea�estate tax verif�ation andlor repar�ir�g ser�i�'
<br /> used by Lender in��nn�ct�an w�th �his Laan,
<br /> 5. Property I�surance. B�rrov�er sha�� keep the i��a�pr�vements nflw ex�st�g or h�reaf�er �re��ed on �.h�
<br /> Pro�erty �n�ured agarnst Ioss b� f r�R ha�ards�n�iuded within�he term "e�ctended covera�e," and any�ther hazard
<br /> inGludYn�, bu�no� 1�mited�a, ear�hqua�es and fl�od�, for wh�ch Ler�der requ�res insuranc�. T�is in�ur�nee sha�l��
<br /> ma�n�a�ned in the amaunts �includi�ng deduc��ble le�e�s� ar�d far the ��riods that Lender requ�res. �]Ll�hat Lende
<br /> requires pursuan��o the p�•ec�d�ng s�ntenc�s can cha�n�e du�•�ng the t�rm af��u L�an. The insurance ca�r�er pro���in�
<br /> t�ae�nsurance shall be chasen b�j Borr�vver su�bject to Lender's r�g���a d�sa�prove Borr�w�r's choice,v�hich right shal
<br /> { •
<br /> no��be exerc�s�d unreasonab�y. Lender�n�y requ�e Barrov�er to pay, in con�ec�ian vw�th�his L�an, ei�her: �a�a one
<br /> t�me charg�for flo�d zone de�erminati�n, c��if�ati�n and tracking se�-v�ces; or�b}a one-��e�harge for fl�od zon�
<br /> det�rm�nation and c�r��fi�ation se�r�i�es and subs�quent charg���ach�ime r�mappings e�r si�n.i�ar chan���oe�ur w�a�Gl
<br /> �•eas�n�b�y m�gh� affec�such determ�nation ar certif�catron. Borro�nrer shall also b�responsible for�he pa}��nen��
<br /> an� fees imposed by�he Federal Emerger�cy Manageme�t A�en�y �n cannec�ion w��h th�reviev�of any f�oad ��n�
<br /> de�ermin�tia�resulting firam an abj�c�ion �y Borr�wer.
<br /> If Borrower f�.�ls to main�ain any of the c�verages descrihed abo�e, I�ender may obtain��nsurance�o�erage, a
<br /> Lender's�ption and Borr�wer's expense. I�ender is under no obl��a�ian ta purGhase any par�icular typ� or amoun
<br /> NE�RASKA--Single F�rnily�-UN��'�RM INSTRUMENT ����a��� ,�
<br /> �REV. 11��} Pag e 5 af 14 �'�+�-����agic.e�►
<br />