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��14�4�35 <br /> fu�� of a�� sums se�ured by �h�s S�cur�ty �ns�rum�nt. Havvev�r, �his op�xon sha�� not be exercised by L�nder xf <br /> ��ercise rs pr��iib��ed by federal la�v as of th�date of this Secu.ri�y rns�rumen�. <br /> �f Lender exercises th�s �ption, L�nder sha�� g��e Borrov��r nfl���e of acc�l�rat��n. The n�tice shali pr�vide a <br /> peri�d of na� �ess than the min�mum number of days �stab��shed by App�zcab�e Law fr�m �he date the natic� �s <br /> del��ered or ma�led vvith�n which Sorrower mus� pay a�� sums secured by thzs Secur�ty �nstrument. �f Borrower <br /> fa��s �o pay�hese sums prior�o the expiration of this period, Lender may in��ke any remedies permitted by this <br /> Securi�y�nstrument w��hau�fur�h�r na��ce ar demand an Borrower. <br /> �flrro�c�ver's l�ight to Reinstate. �f�3orrov�er meets cer�ain con�itions, Borr�v�er sha�1 ha�e �he right to have <br /> enforcemen� of this Securi�y Znstrument d�scontinued at any time pr�or�o �he earlier of: �a� 5 days �ar su�h fl�her <br /> per�od as App�icable Law may specify for re�nstatement}before sale of the Pr�pert�pursuant ta any p�wer of sale <br /> ��nta�ned in �his Securx�y �nstrumen�; or �b� entr�y of a judgmen� enforcing �h�s Secur��y Instrumen�. Those <br /> c�ndi��ans are tha� Borrower: �a} pays Lender alI sums which then w�uld be du� under this Security Znstrument <br /> and the�ontrac�as if no ac�e�erati�n had accurred; (b�cures any defau��of any o�her�ovenants�r agreements;�c} <br /> pays al�expenses in�urred�.x�enfarcing this Securi�y�nstrumen�, in�luding,but no�Iimi�ed�o,r�asonab�e attorneys' <br /> fees to the exten�perm�t�ed by lav�; and�d�tak�s such ac�i�n as L�nd�r may reasonabXy requ�re to assure that the <br /> �ien of this Se�ur�ty�ns�rumen�, Len�ier's r�ghts in�he Property and Borrower's obligati�n to pay�he sums se�ured <br /> by �h�s Securi�y Znstr�men� sha11 cantinue unchanged. Upon reins�a�ement by Borrawer, th�s Secur��y ��ment <br /> a�d the o���ga�ions secured hereby sha�� rema�n ful�y effec��ve as �f no acce�eration had occurred. Hawever, �his <br /> righ�to reinstate shall no�app�y�n�he case of ac��Iera�xon und�r the sect�on ti�Ied Transfer flf the Praperty or a <br /> �en��c�aZ Int�rest in Barrower. <br /> I-�azardous Substances. Bflrrower sha��nat cause or perm�t the presence,use, dispflsal, stflrage, or rei�ase of any <br /> �a�ardous Substances on or in�he Prop�r�y.Barrovver shall not do,nor aliaw anyone e�se to do,any�h�ng affecting <br /> the Proper�y tha� is �n vYo�a�ion of any Env�ronmen�al La�v. The preceding two sentences shall not app�y to �he <br /> presence,use,�r storage an the Proper�y of smal�quan�it�es af Hazardous Subs�ances th.a�are generally recogn�zed <br /> to be appropriate to norma�res�dentiai uses and ta main�enance of�he ProperCy. <br /> Borrovver sha��promptly giv�Lender written na��ce of any investiga�ion,�la�m., demand, lawsui�ar o� action by <br /> any gavernmenta� or regulatory ag�ncy ar pr�va�e party �n�ol�ing the Property and any Hazardous Subs�anc� �r <br /> Envxronmental Law of u�h��h Barrov�er has actual knowledg�. rf Borrower Iearns, or �s na��fzed by any <br /> g�vernmenta�or regulatary au�hority,tha�any remova�or other remedia��on of any�3azard�us Substance affe���ng <br /> the Frapert�y is necessary, BorroWer shall promptly take a�� necessary rerned�al ac�ions ir�. accordance with <br /> En��ronmental La�v. <br /> As used �n th�s paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�ances" are those substances defzn�d as�oxxc or hazardous subs�ances <br /> by En�ironmental Law and �he fo��ow�ng subs�ances; gaso�xne, kerosene, o�h�r flammable or �ax�c petro�eum <br /> produc�s, tax�� p�st�cides and herbicides, vo�ati�e solven�s, materia�s con�aining asbes�os �r forma�dehyde, a�d <br /> radioa�tiv�ma�errals.As used in�his paragraph, "Enviranmental Law"means federa��av�s an�1a�s of the state of <br /> Nebras�a that r�Ia�e�o heal�h,safety or env�ronmen�al pra�ec�ian. <br /> Accelerat�an; Remed�es, Lender shal� giv� no��ce �o Borrawer prior �o accelerat�o� follawing Borrower's <br /> breach of any co�enant or agreement in� Se�ur�ty Instrum�n�or the�ontract under which a��e�eration <br /> is permi��ed �bu� nvt pr�or tv acce�era��an unde�-�he sec��vn �itled Transf�r�f the Proper�y or a Benef�cial <br /> Interest in I3orrower, unless App��cab�� Law provides otherwxse}. The not�ce sha��spe�zfy: �a� the default; <br /> �b} the act�or� requ�red to �ure the d�fault; �c} a date, no� Iess than the m�nimum number of days <br /> es�ablished by Applicable Law from �he date�he not�ee is given tv Borrovver, by which the defau�t must be <br /> cured; and �d� tha� fa�lure to cure �he defau�� on or before the date spe��f�e� in �he not�ce may resuit �n <br /> a��eiera��nn �f the sums secured by thi5 Security Instrument and sa�e af the Property. To �he extent <br /> p�rmi��ed by �aw, the no�ice sha�� furth�r infarm Borrower of the right �� re�ns�ate after accelerat�on and <br /> t�e righ�to hring a cour�ac�ion to as5ert the non-existence of a defau�t or any other c�efense of Borravver�o <br /> ac�e�eration and sa�e. If the defaul� is not �ur�d on or before the date speci�ed �n the notice, Lender at i�s <br /> ap�ian may r�quir� xmmediate paymen� in full af a�l sums secured b� this Se�urity Instrument with�ut <br /> further demand and may in�oke th� p�wer of saie and any vther remedi�s permi�t�d by Appl�cabte Law. <br /> Tv the exten� permi��ed by Iaw, Lender sha�l b� entitted to co��ec� ali e�pens�s �ncurred �n pursu�ng �he <br /> remedies prvvided in �h�s Section, in�ludir�g, but not x�mited to, reasvnab��attorneys' fees and �osts of ti��e <br /> evid�nce. <br /> If the power of�ale is �nvoked, Trustee sha�� recard a n���ce of defau�t in �ach county in v�hich any part of <br /> �he Prnperty i� �ocated and shal�mai� cop��� af su�h no��ce zn the rnanner prescribed by App��cable Law�o <br /> B�rrower and to th� o�her persvns pr�s�ribed by App��cab�e Law, After th� t�me requ�red by Appli�able <br /> Law, Trustee shall gi�e pubZ�c not�ce of�ale tv the per�ons and in the �nanner prescribed by Appli�able <br /> L�w. Trustee, wi�hout demand on Borrower,shall se��the Praper�y at puhix� auctivn �a the highest bidder <br /> at the t�me and p�ace and under the term��esignated �n the na�ice of sale in on�or more parce�s and in any <br /> �rder Trus�ee determines. Trustee may pos�pone sale of al� or any parcel of the Pr�per�y by pub�ic <br /> announ�ement at the�ime and place of any pre�iou�ly schedul�d sale. Lender vr it�des�gnee may purchase <br /> �he Proper�y at any sale. <br /> �Jpon receip� of payrnent af the price bid, Trustee sha�� deliv�r t� th� pur�haser Truste��s deed canveying <br /> the Property. The recr�a�s in �he Trusteets deed shal� be pr�ma facie evidence af the truth of�he�tatements <br /> �nade therexn. Trustee shal� apply th� pro�eeds �f the sa�e in the follv�ving �rder: (a� �o a�Z casts and <br /> expenses of ex�rcising the power of sale, and the 5a�e, ine�uding �he paymen� of the Trus��e's fees actually <br /> C�2fl04-2�13 Compliance Systerris,Ir�c.9F95-097d-2413L�.�.721 <br /> Cons�rner Real Es#ate-Se�urity Instrument I7L2�35 Pa�e�4 of 5 www.cvmpliancesysiems.corn <br />