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<br /> Hame Federa�Sa�v�ngs&Loan Assaciat�on of Hame Federal Savings&Loan Assac�at�on of
<br /> Grand I�land Grand Is�and
<br /> 2Z1 S�uth L��ust Stree� 221 South Locust Street
<br /> {Space Abvve This Line For Recording Data}
<br /> L�AN�RIGINAT�R NAME: Chris Kaskie
<br /> NMLS��MPANY IDENT�F�ER: 446443
<br /> NMLS�RIG�NATflR ZDENT�F�ER: 4946�8
<br /> I�E�D �F TRUST
<br /> BY TIII� I��ED �F TRUST}
<br /> TH�S DEED�F TRUST�"Security Ins�rument"� is made on June 30,2014. The grantor is JATVIES F HARRI�,
<br /> A SINGLE PERS�N, v�hose address is 1912 W 1 UTH ST, GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska �88�3-37U3
<br /> �"Borrflvver"}. Barrov��r�s n��ne�essar�ly�he same as�he Pers�n or Persons wha sign�he Home Equ��y L�ne of
<br /> Cred�t Agreement, dated June 34, ZU14 �"�ontrac�"}. The ob��gat�ons af Borrowers who did nat sign the
<br /> �antract are exp�a�n�d fur�her�n�he section tit�ed Succes�ors and Ass�gns B�und; Jaint and Severa�Liabi�ity;
<br /> Accommadat�on Signers. The �rustee is Arend R. Baa�k, A�tnrney whose address is P.�. Box 79U, Grand
<br /> Island, Nebraska 68802 �"Trus��e"}. Th� beneficiary is Hame Federa� Sav�ng� & Loan Assoc�ation of Grand
<br /> Isxand, wh�ch xs organized and e�isting under the �aws nf�he Uni�ed S�ates nf America and wh�se address �s 221
<br /> Sou�h Locust S�reet, Grand Island, Nebraska 688U1 �"Lender"}. JAMES F HARRIE has entered in�� a
<br /> �on�ra�� vwi�h Lender as of Jun� 3U, Z014, under �he terms of wh�ch B�rrower may, from time �a t�m�, nbta�n
<br /> advances no� �a �xceed, at any �ime, a ***MAXIMUM PRINCIPAL AM�UNT (EXCLIJDING
<br /> PR�TECTIVE ADVAN�ES��** of F�ve Thousand and 04110� Dollars �U.S. $5,OO�.UU� �"�red�� L�m��"}.
<br /> Any party in�eres�ed �n �he deta��s r��a��d �o Lender's cantinui�x�.g �b�xga�ion �o make advan�es �fl Borrovver is
<br /> advxsed to consult direct�y wi�h L�nder. If not paid earlier,the sums awing under Borravver's Contrac�w�th Lender
<br /> will be due on July 15,�U19. This Securzfiy Xnstrumen�secures t�Lender: �a}�he repayment of�h�deb�under the
<br /> �on�rac�, with interest, znc�uding fu�ure advanc�s, and a1X renev�a�s, extensxons and modif ca�ians of the Con�ract;
<br /> �b}the payment of a��o�her sums, with in�er�s�, advanced to pro�e�t the secur��y of�his Secur�ty�nstrument und�r
<br /> the prav�szons of�he sec�i�ri titled Prntecti�n of Lender�s R�ght� in the Praper�y; and �c} �he performanc� of
<br /> Barrow�r's co�enar�ts and agreements under�his 5ecurxty�nstrument and the C�n�ra�t. For th�s purpase,Borrav�er,
<br /> in considerat�an of the de�b�and the trus�herein created, �rre�o�ably gran�s and canveys �o Trustee, �n trust, w��h
<br /> poWer af sale,the fo��ow�ng described prop�r�y l�ca�ed in the CC)UNTY of HALL, State of Nebraska:
<br /> Address: 1318 VL�LC3UI�E ST,�RAND ISLAND,Nebraska 68SU1
<br /> Legal Descr�p�ion: L�T SEVEN �7�, IN BL�CK TWENTY-SEVEN [�73, IN CHARL�S WASMER'S
<br /> T�GETHER ��T� a1I the zm.prv�emen�s n��v ar hereafter erected on �he praper�y, and a�1 easemen�s,
<br /> appurtenan�es, and fixtures now ar hereafter a par� �f�he praperty. A�� replacements and add�t��ns sha11 alsa be
<br /> cavered by �hzs Securi�y Instrument. A�� af �he for�go�ng �s referred �o �n �his 5ecurz�y �nstrumen� as the
<br /> t,Prop�rCy.�►
<br /> BORR��ER C�]VENANTS thati Borrower �s �avvfully seised af the estate hereby canveyed and has�he rzght to
<br /> grant and c�n��y the Propert�y and tha� the Property �s unencumbered, excep� for encumbrances of r�cord.
<br /> Borrav�er warrants and wi1l defend generally �he �zt�e �o the Praperty agains� alI clazms and demands, subj ec� to
<br /> any encumhrances of record.
<br /> Bnrrower and Lender covenant and agre�as follows:
<br /> Payment of Pr�ncipal and Interest; �ther�harges.Borraw�r shal�pr�m.p��y pay when due�he principal of and
<br /> in�eres�on�he d��t�wed under the�ontract and Ia�e charges or an�other fees and�harg�s due under the�ontract.
<br /> Q 2�44-2413 Cvmpliance Systems,Inc.9F9b-4975-20I3 L2.0.7�1
<br /> Const�mer ReaI Estate-Security Instrument�3L203d Pa�e 1 of5 www.compliancesysterns.cam
<br />