<br /> �EE� �F T�us-r
<br /> Loan N�: ��'I�7'�659 �C�n#inued� Page �
<br /> and otherwise perfflrms al! the ob[igations imposed upon Trustor und�r this ❑eec! o�F Trus�, Lender shall execu�e and
<br /> deliWer to Trustee a re�uest for full r�con�eyance and shall execute and deliWer ta Trustor suitable stat�m�nts af
<br /> �ermination vf any financing s�atement on file eViden�in� Lender's security interes� in �h� Ren�s and �he Personal
<br /> -Praperty. Any recon�eyance fee required by law shall b� paid by Trustor, i�permi�t�d by appli�able law.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Each af the following, at Lender's vp�ivn, shall constitute an E�en� of De�aul� under this aeed -
<br /> of Trust:
<br /> Paymen�Default. Trustor faifs�� mak�any paymen�when due und�r�h� Indebtedn�ss.
<br /> �ther De�aul�s. Trustar fails �o camply with �r ta perform any ather term, ohligation, covenant ar candition
<br /> contained in this Deed �f Trus� ar in any o� the Related Documents or fi� cvmply with ar to per�orm any �erm,
<br /> obligation, covenan�or candition contained in any o�her agre�ment�etvu��n L�nder and Trustor.
<br /> Compliance Default. Failure to compEy with any other t�rm, ab[igatian, c��enant or candition �vntained in this
<br /> {�eed of Trusfi, the N�te or in any of the Rela�ted Documents.
<br /> ❑efault on �ther Paymen�s. Failure af Trus�ar wi�khin�he�time required by this Deed af Trust to make any payment
<br /> for taxes ar insuran�e, vr any vther payment nec�ssar}��o preWent fi�ing o�f or to e��ect discharge of any lien.
<br /> Fa�se 5tatements. Any warranty, representation or s�a�ement made �r �urnished �o Lender by Trustar vr an
<br /> Trustar's behalf under this Deed ❑f Trust �r�he Related Documents is false ar misleading in any material respe�t,
<br /> either now ar a�t�he time mad�or furnished or be�omes fals�or misleading at any�time�thereaf�er.
<br /> Defecfive �o�lateralization. This Deed �f Trust vr any �f the F�elated Dv�uments ceases t� be in fu[I �orce and
<br /> effect tincludin� �ailure of any colla�eral document �o create a Walid and p�rfected securi�y interest or lieny at any
<br /> time and for any reason.
<br /> Death or lnsal�►ency. The �ea�h af Trustar, �he insol�ency of Trustor, fhe app�intment of a recei�er�vr any part o�f
<br /> T�ust�r's property, any assignmenf f�r th� ben�fit of creditors. any type of cred��or worlcvut, or the
<br /> commencement af any proce�ding under any bankrup�cy�r inso��en�y laws by or against Trustor.
<br /> Credi#ar or Forfeiture Proceedings. Gammencement of foreclosure ar �orteiture proceedings, whether by �ud�cial
<br /> proceeding, se[��help, repossessian �r any�ther meth�d, �y any cr�ditvr vf Trustor vr by an}�go��rnmental a�ency
<br /> against any propsrty securing the Ind�btedness. This inc�udes a garnishment afi any vf Trus�or`s accounts,
<br /> including deposit accaunts, with Lender. Howe�e�, this E�ent of De�ault shall nvt app[y if �her�: is a gaod faith
<br /> dispute by Trus�or as to th� valid�ty vr reasonahleness af the claim which is the �asis of fhe �reditor ar forfeiture
<br /> proce�ding and if Trustor gives Lender writ�en natice o� the creditor or ��rfeiture proce�ding and depasits wi�h
<br /> Lender moni�s or a surety bond far fihe credi�or or fiorfeiture proceeding, in an amaun�determined by L�nder, in i�s
<br /> safe discretion, as being an adequa�e reser�e vr bond�ar the dispu�e.
<br /> Brea�h�f ather Ag�eement. Any breach by Trust�r under�h�terms ofi any other agreem�n� bet�rveen Trustvr and
<br /> Lender that is not remedied with�n any grace periad p�a�ided �therein, including withaut limita�ion any agreement
<br /> concerning any indebteclness or oth�r obligation of Trus�or to L�nder, whether exis�ing n�w vr later.
<br /> E��nts Affecting Guarantor. Any af the pre�eding events accurs with respect ta any guarantar� endorser, surety�
<br /> or accommadat�on party �f any ❑f the Ind�btedness �r any guarantor, endorser, sure�y, �r ac�ammada�ion party
<br /> dies ar becomes Encompe�ent, or r��okes �r disputes �he �alidity �f, or �iabif ify und�r, any Guaranty_of �h� _
<br /> Indebfiedness,
<br /> : :.._ . . -: =Ad�erse Change. A material ad�erse chan�e occurs in Trustor's �inancEal cvndition, vr .Lender_.befie�es the --_ . _
<br /> praspect�f payment or p�rf�rmance of the Indebtedness is impaired. _ _ . . _ _ _ _
<br /> . _ . �rise�urity. Lender in good faith belie�es itself insecuree - - -
<br /> Existing lndehtedness. Th� �ayment o�any installment of principal or any in�erest an the Existing Inde�tedness is
<br /> n�t rnade within the�ime required by the promissory not� ��idencing such indebt�dness, or a default vc�urs under
<br /> the instrumsnt se�uring such inde�tedn�ss and Es n�t cured during any applicable grace periad in such instrum�nt,
<br /> or any sui�t or ather ac�i�n is cammenced���orecEose any ex�st�ng lien an the Proper�y.
<br /> Righ#to Cure. If any�lefaul�, other than a defaul� in payment is curable and if Trustar has nv�be�n given a nati��
<br /> o�f a breach of the same proWision��this Deed ❑�Trust wi�hin�h�prec�ding twel�e ���y manths, i� rnay be cured if
<br /> Trustflr. a�ter L�nder sends wri�ten notice to Trust�r demandin� cure ❑f such defaul�: {1} cures the defaul�within
<br /> fifteen {15} days; or {�� if th� cure requires mor�than fiifteen ��5� days, Emm�diately init�ates steps which Lender
<br /> deems in Lender's sole discretian �o be su��icient to cure th� de�ault and therea�ter confinu�s and cvmpletes all
<br /> reasonable and necessary steps suffici�nt to praduce c�mplian�e as soon as reasonably practical.
<br /> R[�HTS AIVD REfVIED1ES DlV DEFAULT, If an E�ent of Default o�curs und�r this aeed o�F Trust, at any time �hereafter,
<br /> Trustee or Lende�may exercise any�ne or m�re of the following rights and remedi�s:
<br /> A�celeration Upvn aefau[#; Addifional Remeclies. ]f any E�ent af Defau�t a�curs as per the terms of the No�e
<br /> s�cured hereby, Lender may declar�all Indebtedness secur�d by this De�d of Trust ta be due and payable and
<br /> �he sam� shall thereupvn b�come due and pa�abEe withaut any pr�sentment, demand, pr�t�st or not�ce o�F any
<br /> k�nd. Ther�a�ter, L�nder may:
<br /> tay Eith�r in person or by agent, with vr withaut bringin� any action or pr�ceeding, or by a rec�i�er
<br />