<br /> , ..
<br /> � ..,,. ..:. ,_.. . . �� ,. .� .:� .r� . ,,�...
<br /> _ �..;,� . . � ; r � ;:
<br /> ��,
<br /> ��me fc�r grobats and p�titioning �he Court tn ap�,oi.nt her
<br /> exe�utr�.x af thi� esta�� ar�d that �n vrder of thls Court
<br /> �vaffi mad� assi�ning the 3�d day of February, 196�, at 1�1s 0E}
<br /> atclock a.m. as �he time and place for h�aring s�id peti.tion,
<br /> �aroving said will, and ac�ittin9 the same to prob+�te and
<br /> ord�ring that notice of the pendency of aaid petitsfln b�
<br /> givec� as by l�w requir�d, and it appears by proof on f�1e
<br /> that r�Qtice of such order was so given.
<br /> THIRA
<br /> The Couxt further finds that on the 3�d day of February�
<br /> 1�65� said instru�nent was proven� allovred and admitted to
<br /> �robate as th� last will and testament af i�erl Mayer �4athews�
<br /> d�ceased, which wi31 i� in words as follows:
<br /> I, Mer]. i�iayer hdathews, be�Lng of sound m�nd and di�posing mtmory,
<br /> do hereby make, pubiish and declare this to be my last will
<br /> and t�staMent. revoking all fox�►er 3n�truments of a t�stamentary
<br /> nature made by rae, in words as follows:-
<br /> I.
<br /> I appoint my wife, Blanche Lelia hlathews, executrix of this
<br /> will and prc�vic3e th�t she need not furnish surety on her
<br /> bond. In the event that she shauld be unable to sa serve or
<br /> to camplete her duties as executrix. Z appoint, as �I.ternate
<br /> or successor executor, my wife's n�phew, Donald €�athews. �11
<br /> powers and discretion h�r�inafter grant�d my wife as executrix
<br /> shall be fully applicak�le to Ltonald ?�athears a� altern�t� or
<br /> successor exeeutor.
<br /> • II.
<br /> I dixec� �y executrix to pay any debt� which may be legally
<br /> enfc�xeeabl� against my �state, �s saon aftsr my death as may
<br /> �� be convenien�.
<br /> III.
<br /> �n the event tha� my �rife� Blanehe L.elia M�thews, is living
<br /> thirty d�y� aft�r th� da�� of my daa�h, I gf.ve, devise and
<br /> b�equ�ath �nto h�r, in fe� si�sp�.e ab�c�Iute, �11 of th� rest,
<br /> _ resictue, and remai�der �f my estate af ev�ry nature whatso�ver
<br /> � and whes�sc�ever situat�cl.
<br /> �
<br /> iU.
<br /> r � �
<br /> In �h,a �ve�t �hat �y said +�i�'e �should p��r�ede a�� in death c,r,
<br /> havinq su�vi�r��d �ne, �h�uld df.e with.�r� thirt�r d�y�s efte�r the
<br /> dat� Qf my d����, � g�.v�., €��vis�, and bt�u�a�h �7:I �rf said r+�st,
<br /> � ��s3.d�a�, �r�� �e�aa�nd��, ����e��d, �►� fa��.t�rvs:
<br /> ' #��►e-hal� {}�f�) �I��il �� �ivided eqt��l�.y betr�ae�► �y �ist�r,
<br /> �u3a t�� g�.��� �r�� �y brr��h�r, Jflhr� D. Me�th�ws,
<br /> Qne-�al� (1/�} :��3�. k�� t#i^v�.+d+�+� +�qu��;�:y +�¢rr��g �y �r4��e�� �i�ter.
<br /> C���� �. �X��n+��r� mY ri��:��r's ��p���v, Ut�na�.d
<br /> rv
<br /> �►���, a��C"�r ����'� niei�r�. Theo�� �Ur�derw�vd.
<br /> �h� a�t��e+� v� ar�y� �+��r��►��+� �er����.�i�� w�t� ��y ���l�ce��e bc�t�
<br /> �+� ar�d �r vt�,�'� ��►��1 'p�t��+ :�- �� �+���►�a+��'�� b3� �i��s�t ��ed��s�ts�d
<br /> l''�� _ v �
<br /> �. --- _ . _ �� �_- _f� �.�..._ _ __�, _u. . �-:a_--�-- � ,,. _._— ,.�_ .;_ �,
<br />