<br /> THI RD
<br /> The Court further finds that on the 19th day of November, 1964,
<br /> said instruments were proven, allcwed and admitted to probate as the �
<br /> last will and testament and codicil theretc of Herman ��!eier, deceased,
<br /> which will and codicil are in words as follows :
<br /> I, Herman ��eier, ef Grand Island, Nebraska, make this my last
<br /> wili� hereby revoking �11 former wills by me made.
<br /> I appoint my wife i�arie ��iefer executrix of this will and previde
<br /> that she need c�ive nG bon� before entering upon the c�uties cf that
<br /> office.
<br /> It is my will that all my dEbts, expenses o£ last illness and
<br /> burial, expense of probating this will and administering my estate
<br /> shall be pai� out of my personal property� and the legatee named
<br /> hereinafter tc receive said persenal property shall pay such debts
<br /> and claims out of that property so received.
<br /> I hereby give and bequeath unto my wife all per5cnal property,
<br /> whether the same are nctes, bonds or mortgages, cash on hand cr in
<br /> the bank� chattels of all kinds and any ether �roperty or rights be-
<br /> longing to me. She shall pay the claims and debts filed again5t my
<br /> estate out of such personal preperty.
<br /> ��hy hame in Grand Island, Lot Two (2j in 3enes ndditicn, on South
<br /> Odk 5treet, I hereby give and devise unto my wif� for and during the
<br /> term of her natural li fe, whether she sees fit to occupy it or to
<br /> rent it.
<br /> In addition to the use of said premises, I further give her the
<br /> pow�x to sell, trade o.r canvey said premises under such terms as tc her
<br /> may seem right and proper, But if she does not exercise that power,
<br /> th�n upon her death, in the event that she survive me, I give said
<br /> premises to my daughte.r� anna i���ier Schmale, te her and to her heirs
<br /> and assigns forever. I further provide that in the event that my
<br /> wife should sell or trade said premises fcr some cther home, that
<br /> suc�h new premis�s thus acquired shall go to my 5aid dauc�ht�r in lieu
<br /> ef the premises now cccupied as my home, and I direct that my wife
<br /> so provide in the deed which she may take to such newly acquir�d
<br /> premises.
<br /> t�ll real es�ate owned by me outside of �rand Island at the time
<br /> of my decease, I give and devi5e to my wife ��;arie fcr and during the
<br /> term of her natural life, to b� used as she may see fit, but she
<br /> shall not convey any part thereof by deed cr by will. At her death,
<br /> 3.n the �vent that �he survive r�e� it is my will that said lands go as
<br /> follows, to-wit:
<br /> To my san Henry i�eier, and to his heir� and assigns forever, I
<br /> give and devise the East Half of the Southwest Quarter (E'/2SV�%) and
<br /> the �outhwest c�uarter of the Southeast ��arter (SWfSF✓.�) of �ection
<br /> Twenty-four (24�, Townsh�.p Ten (10) North, Rang� Nine (9) , l��-�st of
<br /> the 6th P.M,, in Hr�ll Cot�nty, Nebraska, sub�ect t4 the life estate
<br /> in my wife, as already set out.
<br /> To my son John r��ei�r, and to his heirs �nd assigns farever, I
<br /> giv� and c�evis� the So�th Half o� the Northwest C2uarter (S%N6V%) of Sec-
<br /> tion Two (2j , and the South�ast Quarter of the Northeast �us�rter
<br /> (S�'/�N�.`1) Qf Sect#.an Three {3}, in Township Aiine (9) , North� Range
<br /> Nine (9) , �+est of the bth P.h�. , in Hall County, Nebraska� sWb,ject
<br /> to the lifd �st�►te in my �rife Marie� as above set r�ut,
<br /> �,.�:
<br />