<br /> , .
<br /> kind whatsoever and wheresoever situated, to Jane L. Pinder, my very
<br /> dear friend, who has lived with me for many years, of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska, provided that she is living at the time of my death.
<br /> 7. If my close friend, Jane L. Pinder, is not living at
<br /> the time of my death, then I give, devise and bequeath, absolutely
<br /> and in fee simple, all of the said rest, residue and remainder of
<br /> my property and estate to The First Presbyterian Church, noK located
<br /> at 2103 West Anna 3treet, in Grand Island, Nebraska, and if said
<br /> Church is not in existence at the time of my death, then to its suc-
<br /> cessor Church in Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, without any
<br /> limitations or restrictions as to the specific purposes for which
<br /> it is to be used, provided such purposes are duly approved by the
<br /> Board of Trustees of said Clrurch, or if there is no such Board of
<br /> Trustees at that time, then by the governing body of such Church.
<br /> $. I am not unmindful of the fact that I have other heirs
<br /> now living, including my brother, Ralph B. Wiseman, of 13709 Greenwood
<br /> Avenue, Seattle, Washington, who have not been specifically mentioned
<br /> herein, but for reasons which I deem sufficient, I have made no pro-
<br /> vision for them in this will.
<br /> 9. For the purpose of conatruing the proviiions of thig
<br /> will, I direct that a pereon shall not be deemed to aur��.Ye me if
<br /> such person dies rrithin three (3� months after my death.
<br /> IN WITNESS WKEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name this
<br /> 6� aay of March, 1964, in the presence of the undersigned at-
<br /> testing witnessss, whom I have requested to sign as such witnesses.
<br /> �
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<br /> The foregoing inatrument, consisting of four (4) t�rpewrit�en
<br /> pagea, the next included, the first two pages bearing on the �ott�m
<br /> ��g�;� tha �i�iaatinre o� tha -test�ttriz� and tihe initials of the �ritn�e�-
<br /> 8ea and�the third page bea the signaturea of the testatrix anr�
<br /> the witneaaea, xas thie �� day of 1+Iarch, 1964, signed se�►let��
<br /> publiahed and declared by—tf e said testatrix as and fo� �iet t,as�
<br /> Will and Testament, in the presence of us, M�io, at he� r�que�, +��
<br /> in her preaence, and in the preaence of each other� hare heretint�
<br /> aubscribed our nanea as witneaaea thereto, rre, and eac�h �f u�, be-
<br /> Page 3•
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