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„ , . ., ... . ..:. .: . . ...... .. , ._. .,.�. . � �. .. . . .. . . . .. .._ . ��"rF,;: <br /> . . - � : , � � � ... _ . ” . .... . � . � . . . �. :,.'i <br /> _ . . . . . ' . . . .. . . . . � ' i � ;I <br /> � ... � .. . ! .. .. . � . , . <br /> ` ZT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUD�ED AI�D �EC8F8D BY THE COUxS '. <br /> tlast �1fleda Rainforth died testate on May ;23, 19G3, beiag at that <br /> tise 84 yesr$ of age, having bees born en the 9� day of FeBruary, � <br /> :� <br /> 1879, and being a r�sid�nt of HalL County, Nebraska; .and she left u� <br /> ",i <br /> surviving her as her sole and only heira-at-law, and l�enefieiarie� <br /> � <br /> of her estate, the following, who are of legal age, ;ae�aely: <br /> Pauline Hurst, a daughter, of R.F.D. , Presaer, <br /> Hall CountT, lTebraska; ' <br /> Albert 8sinforth, s son, of R.F.D. , Pros�er, <br /> Hall Couat�, 1(ebraalra; . <br /> Y�Fesley Rainferth, a son, of H.F.D. , Prosser, <br /> Hall County, Rebraeka. <br /> The said deoeased wae not survived by any other children, or by e.ny <br /> ehildren of a deceased child; there had been born to the deceaaed one <br /> other •on, Arthur H,ninforth, vrho had died on March 4, 1953, Mithout <br /> issue. The deQeased, Elfleda Rainforth, was �ar�isd to Xilliaa H. <br /> Rsinforth, who died on June lg, 1948, and ahe did not remarx�r there- <br /> after. <br /> IT IS FUB�'HER 08DERTD, ADdUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT <br /> that at the time �f her death, the said deceaaed died aeized and <br /> ppssesaed of a fee simple title absolute in and to the following� <br /> degcribad real estate, situated in Hall County, Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Weet one-half (W�) of Sectiott Seventee�n (17) , Township <br /> Nine (9) , R$nge Ten (10) , 1�/est "of the 6� P.M. , in Hall <br /> . County, Nebraska, excluding, however, a tract of land <br /> lying in the Northweat Quarter of the Northwest Quarter <br /> (NW�PW�) of said Seetion SeYenteen (17) , mor e partiQulariy <br /> described as follows: _ Beginning at the I�orthwest corner <br /> of said section 17, thence East Five Hundred Seventy-Sive <br /> (575) feet along the Northerly boundary of said Secti�n, <br /> thence South Seqen H�ndred Fifty-nine (7�9) feet paral].el <br /> to the Westerly baundary of eaid Section, thence West .Five <br /> Hundred Seventy*five (575) feet parallel to the Northerly <br /> '��' boundary of said' Section, thence North Seven Hundred Fift�- <br /> • nine (759) feet along th� �lesterly boundary of said Seation <br /> to the point of beginning, containing ten (10) aeres, more <br /> ,,,., or leas . <br /> IT' IS FURTFiER ORDERED, ADJIIDGED AND DECREED BY THE COIIRT <br /> that under the term� of the `said Last Will s.nd Testasent of the de- <br /> det4��l, ��fl.eda Ra1nf`orth; which Will has heretofore been duly admit- <br /> ttd to probate hereis on July 11, 1963, she bequeathed to Pauline Hurst, <br /> '�-: ' ber da�ghter, tY�e sum o� f500.Q0 and bequeathed to her three childres, <br /> , <br /> . Pauline Hurat, ATbert': Rainforth and Wes�ey Rainforth,,all of <br /> - her property and estate o� which ihe may have died possessed and suah <br /> p�op�rty owned by the deceased ,at the time of her death should be die-� ' <br /> ��, ; <br /> _q:_ � � v <br /> � � , : <br /> r� .: <br />