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�d all oth�r thinqs which aT �z�cntor d��a n�oessar�► or c�irable <br /> iu ao�alati�n with the acbcin�atration, manag�ent and distribution <br /> of m� 'eatate. I direct thatt my executor shall ha�e full authorit� <br /> to di�id� or diatribute the property of sy eatate among the bsnofi- <br /> oiari�a sntitl�d theretc, in kind or in caah, or partly in �aah, or <br /> bq xay of undi�ici�d int�zeats, s��n thouqh th� ahar�s ba dif�trently <br /> oo�posed, ttnd all determinations xith refezence thsreto ahall be aon- <br /> clnei�e upon auch b�neficiariea. Any papment or distribution n�;y <br /> bs made either directly to the benefiaiaries entitled thereto, re- <br /> qardlosa of his or her aqe at the time, or may be paid or distribnted <br /> to any other person, firs�, corporation or institution for sucsh b�,ne- <br /> ficiari��' direct oz indir�ct us• or benefit. $11 of said po�ers, <br /> rrhich are to bo broadl� oonatzu�d, ato to be ezerciaed in th� diacre- <br /> tion of th• person rho sor�es as ezeoutor; pro�ided, horre�aro if either <br /> of the ti,ro persons apecifiaallq naaed in Paraqraph 3, above, a�r�es <br /> •s anab �x�autor, thsr+ said broad powrs aa7► b� oz�rais�d �rtthout <br /> authori�ation or appro�al of any Court; but, if enp other per�on, <br /> tirm or corporation aerYes in snch oapacity, then said broed poe�rs <br /> ma�y be exereised by auch e=eautor in his discretion, but e�cpresalf <br /> sh�ll be sub)ect to the approval of the Court ha�inq juriadi�tion I <br /> o�er mq estate. <br /> 5. I direct that if �y exeautor or mp eatate paye, or ma� <br /> .be required to pay, any Federal or Stat� Estate Ta�c undoz any 18v <br /> le�r�tofoze or hereafter enaated, upon, or With respect to, anp prop- <br /> •rty z�quized to be included in my qroas eatate under the prc�Yiaiona <br /> ot eny such ln�r, the amount of the taz so paid or payable ahall b. <br /> equitablp apportioned and proratted �nong the peraons intereatad in <br /> �y astate. 3uch apportionm�nt and prozation ahall be made in th� <br /> pFoportion aa nvar as may be that the ralu� of the propertg, int�r- <br /> �st or bonefit of each auch person beara to the total v�tlue of the <br /> pzop�rtT, intereat or benefit receired by all auch persona intor�at- <br /> sd in the estate, eacapt that in mr�lcing auah prorationa, $llc�rances <br /> ahall be aade for any exemptiona grantod by the act imposinq the <br /> ' � �i <br /> Pp� 2 of ny Last i�ill and Teatatnent G�,,•c.�/�C <br /> Init ials of t�fitnesaes � � <br /> - ., . <br />